
April 22, 2010

CoolSims Lady GaGa The Fame Monster Hair by Anubis360

UPDATED DL LINK    Thanks Unknown :)

File name: CS-LadyGaGaTheFameMonster


  1. This is fantastic! I hate Lady Gaga but it's a great old disco look.


  3. I swear to god if you do the telephone hat hair I will

    do something...that expresses how amazing I would think that was

    I want that hair so bad, but I doubt anyone will ever do it :p

  4. I've had this for awhile now, but I still love it.

  5. I saw someone requesting this not long ago, I'm sure they will be happy.

  6. This looks amazing!!!!!!!!! Anubis you're awesome.

  7. The Lady Kaka hair itself is not bad at all honestly :)

    I myself do want the telephone hair(s) as well :)

  8. Yay I'm so glad someone converted this. I kept seeing it in TS2 pictures in threads and such

    theres defintly an episode of America's next top model where one of the judges rock this style (I think it was one of the guests judges when they go to china) so I always think of her instead of gaga when I see this do

  9. That's pretty impressive :D Doesn't fit my sims, but still a nice job!

  10. would be great for an insane sim...i think lol

  11. The hair doesn't look bad. It isn't something I would personally download, but it looks well made :)

  12. Ewwww, lady gaga...Great job on the hair, though.

  13. That's a great Lady Gaga sim but she don't look like that anymore. I swear after all the surgery sometimes I think I'm seeing Britney Murphy's ghost.

  14. Awesomemod was updated.

  15. It's well converted (the textures look great, etc...), but omg, it looks terrible x) Not because of anything anubis did or did not do. It looks awful on Lady Gaga as well. I just hate the hair style >_> She's the Queen of super cute and super ugly hair styles :D

  16. wow, you just made a million fangirls and boys happy... It is really well done.

  17. Awesome~

    Except, I hate Lady Gaga (I hate her, not her music, lol). And this hair reminds me of the end of a broom... so, now download for me. XD

  18. very well done, the gaga fans will be happy.

    Personally I can't stand her or her music. Her voice....just......bugs me alot. Glad the radio station i listen to doesn't play her or it would have flown through the window ages ago. The style of the hair also doesn't interest me but to each their own. It is well made anyway.

  19. Awesome.
    I can finally make a Lady-GaGa sim.

  20. You're all entitled to your opinions; but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    THANK YOU, Rita James says hi too.

  21. Anyone know where the top is in the second pic?

  22. ''You're all entitled to your opinions; but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.''

    Do you realise what you just said? We can have our own opinion but can't say it? Why?
    All those 'mean' comments are about Lady GaGa, not the hair itself.

    I absolutely despise Lady GaGa but I think the hair is great. There, I said my opinion, are you gonna beat me now Erhama? -.-'

  23. "You're all entitled to your opinions; but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

    This is the internet dear. Althought that doesn't work in real life either.

  24. "I absolutely despise Lady GaGa but I think the hair is great. There, I said my opinion, are you gonna beat me now Erhama? -.-'"

    I have no idea what that poster meant, but I know that I, for one, get tired of posts veering off into subjects NOT related to the particular item. I come to read feedback about the hair, and the majority had to comment on whether they like or dislike Lady Gaga. It's not about whether you like or dislike her, it's about whether you like or dislike the hair that ANUBIS made. Whether you like or dislike Lady Gaga has not one thing to do with how this hair works.

    The same shit pissed me off when I went to download the iMac. I was reading comments for feedback to see if there were any issues and 90% of them were some stupid MAC vs. PC debate that had not one thing to do with the custom content.

  25. To the anonymous above me, you are 100% on what I'm saying. If you're going to come to a sims site or blog, speak about sims, if you'd like to talk about Gaga, slurring her too, whatever; go join a hater site and rant about shit.

  26. Anon, the top on the second pic is by me, it'll be included with my Gaga when I'll upload her to MTS.

  27. Holy crap this is awesome, Anubis. Gaga looks great too, arisuka <3

  28. I admire her, the wild styles and outrageous outfits, along with over the top performances, Lady Gaga's doing what is needed to put her on top. She has a shtick and playing it out to making millions of dollars. You have to give that to her.

    I am not a fan, just explaining that she is doing nothing like other performers, and being unique is making her rich.

    The sim and hair is nice. Good job to both of you. :D

  29. What an extremely ugly model

  30. Lady gaga makes every grown person talk like babies, including myself. Gaga gaga gaga gaga! LOL! Jk! But the sim looks nice. I really want to see the new version of her.

  31. wooooow GREAT job anubis!
    i don't really like this hairstyle of her, but you definetely did a great job.

  32. This Lady Gaga sim is a spitting image of the real thing.... Thanks for answering me Arisuka, shes amazing and Anubis, brilliant job, thanks !!

  33. Well! I'm glad you liked it :)

  34. Well, genius, maybe it has something to do with the fact that if hair is on a nasty looking model, people do not denote a positive image of the hair itself, even if the hair is fine. If it was on a neutral or more attractive model, people might actually conjure up some use for it in their mind. Most are going to look at the picture, think no I don't need an ugly skank like that in my game and move on. Unless they're some Lady Gaga loving freak to begin with.

  35. Were you speaking to me, the one above this post or the poster I quoted? Well I guess, in all honesty, quote is a bit of an exaggeration. I copied part of it then added my own interpretation with blah blah & even more bs.

    You don't strike me as one that only read a comment or two before jumping in head first. Too many people do that which is why I asked what post is that in response of. I don't believe you meant me but I have been shocked around here a time or two before. It does happen.

  36. What about the fact that it's a Lady Gaga model and a Lady Gaga hairstyle being advertised? It'd be off-topic if they were talking about how good/bad they thought the Telephone video was. Chill.

  37. Beautifl hair :D But I won't DL 'cause none of my sims would wear it xD

  38. It's a Lady GaGa hair on a Lady GaGa model!!! Of course people will talk about it. -.-'

  39. Erhama you were talking off topic too, so don't lecture people about things you do.

  40. "Unless they're some Lady Gaga loving freak to begin with."

    HAHA, who's the freak, really?
    Lady Gaga is an icon already, she's way more bigger and better star than Madonna ever was, she has the fashion and music world down on their knees, begging for more. ;P
    That's just a fact, whether you like it or not.

  41. Lady Gaga was not no fashion icon before. She was fat ugly and had black hair and awful sense of style. She was so damn hungry for fame that they even featured her on MTV'S boiling points.

    The way she dresses now is just a desperate call for attention and talking about her good or bad will just make her more famous.

  42. What's your point? Do you think she will go away when you bash her and say she's a fugly bitch? What's your aim? Just continue nitpicking more, you'll gain nothing, just continue for there's nothing else you lot are able to do, so it seems. :)

  43. Stop defending her. Are you Lady Gaga? Extreme fan girls are so annnoying.

  44. Defend her? Why do I need to defend her on anything, what did I say that was defending her? I'm saying facts.
    I simply don't care, so continue bashing her, me and anyone else, what will you gain?

  45. 2012 = Lady Gaga who?

  46. Damn Arisuka Fan Girl MS3B stalker.

  47. Arisuka stop responding it makes you look as immature as they do. You should stop.

  48. I don't really care, it continues whether I continue or not. The whole commenting thing has gone way over-board the long time ago.
    All I'm asking, is what does it gain for anyone, just think about it.

  49. People are hard headed and they are not gonna think about what does it gain. They already have their mind set. It's not gonna change anything.

  50. I have such a girl crush on Gaga it's ridiculous. Freaking fantastic hair. I absolutely love it. Thanks much Anibus. You never disappoint us.

  51. I agree! Let's just appreciate Gaga for what she is; a hot new act. Nothing more.

  52. hahahahahah mandonna is old ugly hag and lady gaga is young and beautful check mate!

  53. I'm not sure why Arisuckass brought Madonna up in the first place. Typical fangirl behavior.

  54. Love the hair, the model sucks!

  55. I might eventually have use for such a crazy 'do. Thanks Anubis.

  56. OMG this is sooooo cool!!! Gr8 work!!!

  57. "HAHA, who's the freak, really?
    Lady Gaga is an icon already, she's way more bigger and better star than Madonna ever was, she has the fashion and music world down on their knees, begging for more. ;P
    That's just a fact, whether you like it or not."

    Talk to us about that in 30 years when Lady Gaga is 28 years forgotten you foolish, foolish child!

  58. You all do realize that this whole arguement will be forever lost in cyber space and nobody cares AT ALL so youre all just wasting your time. Hope youre proud. I have better things to do than to check this for updates so feel free to reply but ill never see it. Go outside or something.
