
April 28, 2010

Crystal Lipstick N8 by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemonleaf's Sims café


  1. Download here:

  2. I always lol at Taemin hair

  3. never realized how awesome that hair can look on guys

  4. You're welcome. I know it's a pain to download from Lemon Leaf. I just memorized the pattern.

    Rayfile > right green arrow > down green arrow

  5. Thanks, Jill!

    And thanks, Lemonleaf!

  6. OMG New lipstick by Lemon!!!! *creams her jeans*

  7. I'm posting the same thing here that I posted on Lemonleaf's N9 lipstick post, but edited to reflect this one:

    Guys, be careful with this lipstick. Lemonleaf checked it for child and if you click this version on a child, it is a mess. There is a huge black stripe/gap in the middle of the mouth and it's distorted.

    I also noticed this on her subsequent lipstick, N9.

    Go into CTU or TSR workshop and uncheck the box for child, then reinstall the .package for this lipstick and N9.

    I love her stuff, but I REALLY REALLY wish she'd be more careful before she releases stuff. For the record, this is the THIRD item of hers I've had to fix myself. The other was the chinese makeup, which had the wrong specular and produced a super light film over the face. One reason so many people's games got borked is because someone carelessly checked "child," "toddler," or "baby" for an object that was adult and this caused all sorts of problems (such as kids being born looking distorted, wearing clothes people couldn't get rid of, etc).

  8. 404 Error - File Not Found!
