
April 19, 2010

Curly Hairstyle for Females by Lit

Download at Lit Sims3 Stuff

File name: Lit_Hair3


  1. It's really cute! So fifties :D
    It would look better with a different texture though.

  2. This is so adorable! Thanks Lit. =)

  3. I think Lit has wonderful ideas- I really like this hair!

  4. WOW!!!! I love this hairstyle something chronic!!!! What a wonderful job!!!

  5. This is really cute! <3

  6. Oh wow! I've never wanted a retexture more in my life! xp The curls are gorgeous but they look like made with toothpaste.

  7. I love this hair, not sure about the bow, but i can live with it!

  8. Oh god, this is amzing! Brilliant hairstyle! :O

  9. omg thank you for making a curly hair!! I dont even care about the texture, i need this now!

  10. This is sooooo cute!
    I really love it.
    Actualy, finaly I can say it looks like my hair.
    Thank you

  11. This is a beautiful hair. Thanks Lit.

  12. Perfect for a Dita Von Teese sim.

  13. This is not a hair with accessories, so if someone, not me, retextures it, he/she can delete it.

  14. It's adorable, but I'm not really too fond of the bow or texture. I hope someone can retexture it and remove the bow.

  15. Gorgeous! But needs a retexture desperately. Anubis? I think if you pooklet this it would look fantastic! :)

  16. I echo those wanting this retextured without the bow!

    I will forever love the person who does this and removes it! :)

  17. The mesh includes the bow-shape..
    So iDk how to remove that!

  18. Umm... delete it from the texture? Easier than you think.

  19. I really really would like this for toddlers!!!!!!

  20. @Anon: I'm just gonna remove it from the texture, that's what Anubis said.
    Well, i did, i'm gonna check it in-game now.

  21. I could remove the bow from the mesh if you wanted, then send it to you via... something. xD It's a poorly thought out plan, but I'm okay with Milkshape, so I could help if you wanted.

  22. I'm now starting Sims 3 to test it without a edited mesh.
    If it still isn't perfect, it would be great if you could remove the bow!
    Or can you teach me instead?

  23. Will this be retextured using Pooklet's?

  24. Gorgeous hair, but would DEFINITELY benefit from a retexture and removing the bow. I would love it for children/toddlers as well.

  25. yes.
    my screenshots when retextured using pooklet:

    Lit's meshes are so.. weird! So not smooth!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I don't like the mesh itself (if I ever download it, I willhave no use for it), but Lit is doing a great job at meshing. :)

  28. ^ Yeah, her/his wavy hair was completely meshed to be wavy and looked weird when retextured. Do you still want me to tell you how to delete the bow from the mesh? (I was the anon that offered to do it :P)

  29. And now you know why I don't want to retexture it XD, oh well... I've retextured it, but the mesh is kind of blocky and it looks better with the original texture.
    Jordy, delete the alpha as well, or you wont see any difference :P

  30. @Anon: Do you have a mail where i can contact you?
    A nickname at MTS or so?
    I'd still like to learn!

    @Anubis: Hehe, i thought that was the reason!
    Thx for the advice. But which alpha do you mean? The one in the dds?

  31. @Jordy: The alpha channel, you have to delete the alpha of the accessory.

  32. Is someone retexturing this? i would be very happy. I just downloaded it, and it needs retexturing bad. it also needs to belong to hat hair.

  33. Very Katy Perry-ish. I like it.

  34. Really cute, I like it!

  35. eww.. i aint feeln this hair, kinda dont like it! lmao

  36. I actually think the bow is adorable
    perhaps lit could make another without the bow? It would make a lot of users happy

  37. Lit is pretty good a meshing, I just don't like the style of hairs they made so far.

  38. It looks rather plastic imo. Kinda like Ken doll hair...the kind that don't move. But the style is very cute...just needs a retexture to look, well, not so plastic-like lol.

  39. I'm not sure "Lit" did mesh this hair - it looks an awful lot like a model from a 3D website:

  40. "I'm not sure "Lit" did mesh this hair - it looks an awful lot like a model from a 3D website:"

    It's entirely possible. Peggy, XM Sims, and many others do this as well. It's a bit of a morally gray area, but not uncommon.


    Wow, I just looked at that hair and it's exactly the same - the version both with and without the bow (although I really wish she'd gotten the version WITHOUT the bow!). So is that where a lot of hair creators get their meshes from? I always wondered how they did that.

  42. "It's entirely possible. Peggy, XM Sims, and many others do this as well. It's a bit of a morally gray area, but not uncommon."

    I'm the anon above. I'm curious but how is it a gray area? If the creators buy these meshes and "convert" them for Sims 3, what's wrong with that? I can understand if they are charging like Peggy (it's wrong to charge for content anyway, especially if you didn't actually make the mesh/textures yourself), but what is gray for free creators?

    It appears she also bought the Marisandra textures to go along with the mesh:

    It looks so much more amazing without the bow.

  43. ^Not always-- there are many that do mesh by hand! But it's also not uncommon to see poser meshes and so on taken and used. Like I said, bit of a gray area.

  44. In her hair before this, it appears Lit also used this mesh:

    It's her wavy hair featured here:

    I can see what you mean, anon. I know it would be much easier to buy a mesh and textures and use them and then upload for people to "ooh" and "ahh" over while others make their own meshes/textures by hand and don't get as much praise. Also, it would appear kind of misleading for people to think YOU did something you obviously didn't do.

  45. I'm the anon who originally noted that this mesh comes from Daz.

    To the anon questioning how it is grey - although Lit did the work of making this useable for TS3, s/he did not do the work of modelling and texturing the hair. No credit has been given to the original creator; even if the product has been legitimately paid for by Lit, that doesn't allow redistribution of the model - even if it's for TS3 versus Daz/Poser.

    It's a bit like going to the bookstore and buying a book, taking it home and stripping it of its cover and scanning it into the computer to share as a PDF for people to download and read. Your purchase of that copy of the book does not make you the author, nor does it give you the right to share its contents in a modified form.

  46. ^Thanks, both anons!

    I'm the one who posted the link to the Marisandra textures (this hair) and the "Destiny" hair that she seemed to have used for her wavy hair before this one. It's good that you brought this to people's attention because I agree it isn't right for someone to buy something and not give credit to the original creator/place they bought it from. Without giving credit, it looks like you are personally trying to pass it off as your own hard work and it's not fair to those who do all the work on their own.

  47. Eep, sorry Jordy, I'm Tyirannoss on MTS. xD

    (Same anon that offered the mesh delete thing)

    I'mma sign posts with "Tyir" from now on, to save time.



  48. the curly hairs are nice on that site, i wouldnt mind seeing them in my game, if i had the patience i would totally make more curly hairs on my own

  49. I like it
    the style is great but i think it wold look better with a retexture

  50. While I do like the hairstyle, I agree that anyone using poser meshes needs to be upfront about it. If anything, (from what I could tell using google translate) the post leads readers to believe it's their original work.

  51. Well, that certainly explains the odd similarity their super-shiny textures have to Peggy's, then.

  52. this hair from daz:

    also looks like lit's braids featured here:

  53. That's just freaking adorable.

    Would love to see it for children.

  54. this really needs a retexture !

  55. someonee? retexture pleeeease !
