
April 03, 2010

Decorative giant mushrooms by sims_reality

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Kinda surprising to see MTS accepting something this quality... :\

  2. It could always help to make a fantasy movie.. A little fairy trapped in a forest.. LOL.

  3. I don't care much for the quality either. But I like the idea. I would love for someone to retexture these. They're great for stories and I happen to play lots of fairy-type sims. But the texture is pretty bad. The underside in particular.

  4. They look okay to me but I don't really have an eye for these things

    The only thing I'm really particular about is hair texture

  5. precioussims has a new sim.

  6. it looks like it's made in paint. bleh!

  7. Yep, I would have downloaded this if the texture was better... It should have gone through Creator Feedback imo.

  8. Alice im Wonderland, thanks, I need them, I make the movie with sims 3

  9. Aw i love how there are people craeting this type of stuff!
    Sadly i have 900+ CC in package format.... So i shouldnt get them really. :c

  10. The textures aren't THAT bad...But I'm not too picky about that stuff.
    What a fantastic idea! It always bothered me that I had all these fairy sims and no suitable environments for them.

  11. At least MTS seems to actually be uploading things these days. There were often days with no new items at all. I would rather be allowed the choice rather than be so picky that nothing made it past the moderators. These are unique and while maybe not up to your standards, there may be those who like them. At least we are given a choice. I don't know how many things I see I want in creator forum that gets rejected, some of it quite good.

  12. These are really cool, but I have to agree about the texture. At least they are creative.
