
April 22, 2010

Glass House by bunnshee

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. who turned out the lights huh?!

  2. Great layout...I like this a lot!

  3. so i'm the only one who hates the idea of a private home being made out of glass...?

  4. Erm.. It's small, but I'll use it still.. And the shower doesn't look right.. I mean, shouldn't it be reverse, because I don't see water coming out of the air.

  5. @ Anon

    I meant look at the shower. It's reversed, the shower outlet should be on the wall. I doesn't look right with the shower head off the wall. And you went too far. At least I didn't have a threesome with Chuck Norris and Justin Bieber.

  6. LuckAndLuv is right. Showerheads are normally piped into the wall. And there's no need for that language. You sound like a kid who's just learned how to curse.

    Anyway, this house is pretty cool, I have to say.

  7. To be fair, I have seen RL showers in which the showerhead is not against the wall (the panel and such contains the plumbing). They didn't look anything like this one, though.

    But still, I would generally agree. I'd probably flip it around...or switch it with the toilet, since if you flipped it around the opening would be against the wall.

    Other than that little detail, though, this house looks fantastic. I love it.
