
April 17, 2010

Head Shape Slider by jonha

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Can't wait to test this out in my game. :'D It looks fantastic.

  2. it says you can even make hair sit higher or lower with this! WOOO

  3. I wonder how. Is that a separate slider? From the picture, the forehead doesn't really get that much smaller at all, the distance from the brows to the hairline.

    I notice some hairs will go lower on the head when you change the face height or eye height, though.

  4. I wish there was an ugly-to-pretty-slider for Claeric's misfortuned sims.

    I need an excorist for my eyes and lifelong therapy after I came across one of his devilspawns.

  5. I've wanted this since I played the game for the first time :,D Can't waaaaait to test this one out!

  6. Quit the samefaging here...

    The slider works perfectly and the big forehead syndrome was a big problem, especially with peggy hair, this is solved now

  7. I want forehead sliders!!!

  8. OMG how did those guys get boobs?

  9. ^ No.

    This looks pretty cool I guess. I'll try it out in game for a better look : )

  10. I was just wondering if anyone made a slider like this while I was gone. It's great. :)

  11. This thread is a prime example of why MS3B should stop allowing anonymous commenting.

  12. ah nvm, it didn't really lower the hair really :/ I got excited by the creators comment. Hopefully someone will make a forehead slider or something soon

  13. Can't you just lower the head slider fully then raise the eyes? (ie use it in conjunction with the other sliders)

    Surely that would make the forehead smaller.

    Awesome work jonha. <3

  14. That picture is so mesmerizing! I've spent two hours just watching his face go down down down...

    I need serious counselling.


  16. ^^
    Are you rolling, sir?

  17. Zakk was that you in the videos? LOL!

  18. Non anons call you out too
    non anons call out other people too

    I don't have a blog, I'm definitely not going to create one just so I can have a user name and not be anonymous, and I'm pretty sure that's how a lot of other people feel

    so anons should stay. they don't need useless users plugging up the 'interwebs' yo

  19. You don't need a blog to comment with an account.

  20. This is cool...could use this for my simself, the forehead is, I am not the best at making sims at the best of times :-(

  21. LMAO, I saw the pic before reading the title ans was like WTF O_O!!! XD lol! I think goes to show to simmers are willing to go the extra mile (unilke EA) to create a more engaging and realistic game play. I love it!


  22. ^ lately she's been leaving snarky sarcastic comments. It's like she has a stick up her ass about something and is taking it out on the people who frequent MS3B. Oh well, I don't think she (or maybe he?) is even aware of how they come across.

  23. ^
    Jenipunch said...
    "I've wanted this since I played the game for the first time :,D Can't waaaaait to test this one out!"

    I don't understand how this is a snarky and sarcastic comment ? And I don't see how this is verbally harassing anyone.

  24. "You don't need a blog to comment with an account."

    But you need to register, which is pointless if you don't have a blog. In my case I only visit this blog so I'm not gonna make an account just so I can have a name and be 'famous'.

    So anonymous comments is useful for a lot of people. And if claeric thinks that not allowing anons here is gonna stop the bashing, he's wrong.

  25. Funny, I didn't need to register and I don't have a blog. I use gmail for my email account and this is how I am able to comment on blogs. Anyway, most of the immature anons, like being an anon so that mommy and daddy don't know what they are up to.

  26. How does registering and not making a blog inconvenience you at all? How is it any different than just registering to comment?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


    And besides, that's not 'verbal harrassment', that's being a loser. OH NO THE WIDDLE BITTY ANON CAN TYPE WORDS OH NO I'M GOING TO GO CUT MY WRISTS

  29. Woah talk about random harassment. Although Jeni is probably the biggest cunt I know. <3

  30. I look fondly upon the times that I didn't even know who Epifight and Jenipunch were. Just when I thought that no one could get more annoying than Claeric, you two show up and prove me wrong. God damn.

  31. My point is its pointless to register when you're just commenting.

    that what the forum is for

    I wasn't aware you didn't have to have a blog or whatever, I've never looked into it or really had the interest in having a actual identity on the comments :I

  32. Oh, you knew me. I was just another anon for the longest time. ;)

  33. Oh me too. I've always been here, I only just recently decided to stand out of the crowd of faceless anons.

    Dude, epi. We beat out Claeric. WE ROCK.

    I'd like to thank the Academy...

    Seriously, if you losers really get this bent out of shape about two complete strangers posting on a forum, you seriously need to get lives. I recommend or Make sure you check the 'I'm a whiny little bitch' box too. ;)


    Go Subscribe!!! All my Anon's!!! SUB SUB SUB!!!
