
April 06, 2010

HELS hair replacements by Missbonbon

Download at Missbonbon's Journal

File names:



  1. Have these been extracted so they work w/o HELS? Doesn't say on her page either....really need so new male hairs. Jin-Ah

  2. I really need to get HELS.

    The second one is nice.

  3. Hmm, they do say default replacement so...I'm going to try them anyways. Even though some of the hairs are pretty in HELS I'm not going to bother to buy it for a few things I like...but I do however adore the bangs hair, and the male swept back hair. Reply to see if it works w/o HELS.

  4. God they look magnif!

  5. It will not work without HELS. These are not new meshes but just texture replacements.

    If someone knows how to extract the meshes and get them to work with base game, they are more than welcome to slap my textures onto them.


  6. Yeah it's true, just confirming what Missbonbon said. They show up with shiny pooklet baldness on them.

  7. well i gonna dl them and no i dont have hels and they better work regardles

  8. Above anon is an idiot~

    These textures kinda make the hair look broken. The male one in particular, it makes the mesh look like it's poorly made, despite it being the same mesh...

    Though I'm curious to know how you access and edit expansion pack hairs.

  9. isn't that because the game meshes are poorly made? lol

  10. They looks too oily!!!

  11. These look cool, I think i'll download, very smart, wish I knew how to edit hairs!

  12. The second one looks fabulous.

    Loving certain hair retextures this time around, then again the HELS hairs looks like absolute s**t.

    Will try in darker shades and see how they look.


    PS: please don't be offended missbonbon, I love your hair retextures but I personally disliked the HELS hairs.

  13. Aw I really like the second one... but I don't have HELS :(

  14. Too shiny for me but maybe they look great in game.

  15. The HELS female hair IMO is just awful, the top one especially looks like they didnt give a fuck..
    Anyway these are a great improvement on badly thought out hair but ill never like them.
    The male ones look a lot better too. Thankyou MissBonBon x

  16. i know how i can retexture the store hairs without needing the original, so i guess there's a way how you can have this without HELS.
    but as that is illegal, i won't edit them.

  17. i wish they offer these for sale at ea store. i don't mind buying indiv hairs but not the whole pack.

  18. I'm not offended guys. :) This mismatched highlights and bad EA mapping is what kept me from releasing these for so long. Because the EA hair texture is a static texture and has no highlights painted on them, it doesn't matter how EA maps their hairs.

    But with pooklet's textures, since it does have a painted on texture, with certain EA hairs the texture looks bad on them.

    I just figured I would just post these so I would stop getting mail about them. ;)


  19. what about you just Arrr HElS if you don't like buying it?

  20. can you post before and after pics? what changes did you make?

  21. They basically made it look wet and greasy. Everyone is obsessed with "pooklet textures" which apparently are textures which make hair greasy as hell.

    Greasy skintones, greasy hair, these are the most popular default replacements, I don't understand you guys. <_<

  22. ^
    One of the rare times I've agreed with Claeric.
    Pooklet's textures are really dreadful.

    I really like the style of the second hair though. But I'm not going to arr HELS just for one hair.
    Maybe something similar will be made instead.

  23. I'm not overly fond of the retexture.... But I'm downloading anyway, simply because I LOATHE the default texture EA saddled us with.

  24. Ariz, Larz and Cholez updated:

    Epi's Blag updated:

    Tomislaw updated:

    TSR Bunkbed:

  25. "They basically made it look wet and greasy. Everyone is obsessed with "pooklet textures" which apparently are textures which make hair greasy as hell."

    To each his own. I personally don't think it looks greasy considering I have that much shine in my own hair, and it's far from greasy. But keep in mind that these are also previewed in the lightest blond color I have, so the shine on the actual texture will appear more so than in a darker shade.

    "Pooklet's textures are really dreadful."

    Ya know, I used to never use pooklet's textures. When I retextured for sims 2, I had my own personal blend I used that I still somewhat prefer. It's just easier to use pooklet's, not to mention her textures give a more noticeable change to the actual overall appearance than mine did.

    "can you post before and after pics? what changes did you make?"

    The changes I made were to the textures. I'm just responding really quick right now, but I can try to get you some before/after pics. I have surgery in a couple of hours that I have to get ready for, so I'm not positive I will be able to get those before hand.


  26. "but as that is illegal, i won't edit them."

    This isn't intended to pick a fight, but I'm not clear what the point of your comment is. "I know how to do it but won't"?

  27. Good luck with your surgery! I hope it's nothing too serious?

  28. Nope just getting wisdom teeth taken out, but I have to go see an oral surgeon.


  29. ^^Pretty much, I think. Nothing wrong with that, if that's his prerogative.

    I like the second one. The rest are a bit too shiny for me.

  30. ''This isn't intended to pick a fight, but I'm not clear what the point of your comment is. "I know how to do it but won't"?''

    I maybe know how to make them available without HELS, but i can't do it because it's illegal.

  31. And good luck with your surgery!

  32. Ooooooo Wisdom teeth... Make sure to drink lots of milkshakes! The cold made it feel a lot better for me... or was it because I was drinking so many milkshakes? Either way, they helped =)

  33. i hav new downloads at

  34. "I maybe know how to make them available without HELS, but i can't do it because it's illegal."

    Yes, I understand what you're saying. I'm just not clear why you felt the need to state "I know how to do it but won't", particularly twice.

  35. "I maybe know how to make them available without HELS, but i can't do it because it's illegal."

    I actually find this an interesting stance. How do you view TS2>TS3 conversions?? After all, we have no way of knowing that the people who download them actually purchased the TS2 version. What about conversions from other games? I'm curious where the line is drawn.

    Don't forget, EA is the same company that tried to threaten the TS2 modders that unlocked the locked content from the EPs into taking them down because they were going to sell them in the store. By their view, they probably see TS2 EA content being converted to TS3 as a breach of copyright.

  36. My policy is not to give a shit what EA thinks. :)

  37. EA has confirmed that TS2 to TS3 conversions are not a problem.

    Besides, fi it's a problem, thent ake it down once they tell you do. They can't go straight to "OMFG SUING YOU".

  38. Can someone please tell me what is HELS?? I have only just started playing The sims and I don't know what your talking about?! Thank you in advance

  39. Can someone please tell me what is HELS?? I have only just started playing The sims and I don't know what your talking about?! Thank you in advance

  40. ^ Anon, HELS is the High End Loft Stuff stuff pack, which has a patch you have to download with it.

  41. "EA has confirmed that TS2 to TS3 conversions are not a problem."

    Where? I ask because this is in stark contrast to their TS2 stance, in which EA came down hard on unlocked content and Life Stories conversions, since they directly cut into their profits.

    I brought it up because I don't see a difference between converting HELS hair to be non-default replacement and converting TS2 content for TS3, so I found it surprising that there was such a knee-jerk reaction to it.

    Particularly since EA often converts their own stuff, so it's entirely possible that they plan on using TS2 content for future EPs.

  42. someone post a freaking link to the hair already.

  43. These look great. I love the "pooklet textures" because it gives the hair some shine to it. Just wish there were some for WA and the hair that comes out in the store. *stares wistfully into the distance*
