
April 02, 2010

Magical Powder Make Skin Shines (experimental) by Twilight

Download at Twilight's Treasure Chest


  1. Am I the only one who can't see the difference? o.o

  2. No I can't see any real difference either except one looks like it has a little more "light" on it.

  3. It softens the skintone. Look at the guy's cheeks and nose- the faults to it are softened and it looks like he's got much smoother skin. I guess it's probably an overlay that's just a blurry film, or something?

  4. i dont usually diss the models but omfg thats a small nose on the female sim. And this also makes their make up disappear! I can only see the difference in the male sim sadly and there is no way i would put magical powder on my male sims.

  5. Honestly, the shine makes the skin look like plastic. I have seen this on a few of the skintones as well. I am not fond of the plastic skin but it seems to be popular.

  6. i dont usually diss the models but omfg thats a small nose on the female sim. And this also makes their make up disappear! I can only see the difference in the male sim sadly and there is no way i would put magical powder on my male sims.
    no,it wouldn't overlay or make disappear any other makeups.I would suggest you just try them before making quick remarks from what it seems to be.

  7. I can see it. It's like a toned down version of KittyKlans softGLO :)

  8. "Due to the recent change in circumstances throughout the network are more likely to be off in parts of the temporary network, please refresh the visit you later, for the inconvenience, we apologize."

    Been getting that message for over an hour. Rayfile is completely worthless!

  9. I would update it with someother download links then.Please try it out 1H later:D

  10. Why is it that some of her works are passworded?! Please unlock them.

  11. ^
    I think the password is:

  12. "no,it wouldn't overlay or make disappear any other makeups."

    Where'd her eyeshadow go then? Don't take this as an insult, please. I like it. But it definitely makes the eyeshadow almost disappear.

  13. You're right, it looks like all the powder did for the female sim was to mute the makeup, that's it.

  14. I can see a difference. I think it is fabulous and will definitely try it out with one of the sims I have in a competition. I also happen to like how it "softens" the facial features and the makeup on the girl. I am not in favor of a lot of makeup on my sims, preferring more of subtle look.

    I can also see a small difference in the male. I can post the pics on my site with a link back to your site if you like. I use the asian skin tone, plus I have a couple of non-default from GoS, so I am interested in playing around with this.

    Thank you for the magicial powder, it's a great idea.

  15. It's so hard to explain why it would affect the eyeshadow of that girl.Believe me or try it yourself.This kind of things doesn't happen When you use it with Peggy Skin.
    I took poor pictures of my makeup this time which have done
    me no good but arousing misunderstanding and controversy.

    Well,Maybe all I have to do is to sutle the part of eye area and make sure it would no longer affect the eyeshadows as much.

    Thank you all for your advice then.

    PS:Thank you LadyEmillye,You are nice,I am so grateful:D I do really want to see how it looks like on other sims. It would be helpful to me for improvement.
    I don't have the link of your site.Will you post it here for me ?Or simply email to me
    Thank you~~

  16. You're quite welcome.:D

    This is my site here:

    I am going in game now, so I will post again on here when I have the pics up.

  17. Ok, the sims3pack file, I don't recommend, but the .package file seems to be working. I'll let you be the judge. I'll be posting pics very shortly. But I will let you know when I do.

  18. Hey Twilight, I did a thorough test you may find useful.

    This is the link to my thread: on my site

    I took 3 pages of pics which can be found by a link in the thread as well.

  19. Yeah,I have read them and posted my reply in your forum~<3 Thank you~

  20. When I used this it seemed to overlay the lipstick. It made them look faded and not as colorful.
