
April 07, 2010

New Clothing by Modern_Sims

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. I love it, specially the big shirts.

  2. The clothing looks nice I guess but the blindfold is extremely distracting and not to mention that the photos are photoshopped to high degree

  3. i like her creations.... can someone please tell me where i can find the converse shoes???

  4. ^
    All I know is that all the Korean creators have them.

    Come on Korea, shaaaaaare your shooooooooes.

    SNSD commaaaaands it.

    To be bored and drunk on Wednesday evening...

  5. The scribbles on the face creep me out a bit, but some of the clothes are interesting.

  6. Yeah, I want those shoes. Please give us some high tops !

  7. Weird and creepy.

  8. Dude, what the hell. I can't even see most of the outfits with whatever crappy filter they put on. But the ones I CAN see look pretty neato. ;)

  9. The scribbles on their faces is something I've seen a lot on korean fashion shoots where they don't want to show the model's face. Sometimes they also look down or cover their faces with their hands.

    I don't know why they do it, but it's a pretty common thing.

  10. I think its smart to delete/scribble/block their faces... then you don't have to read 100 posts on your model when its not the point in the first place.


  11. I find it unnerving because it seems to send the message that the women has no value beyond her body. Although I suppose it's true in a literal sense of the word with modeling, it's still a bizarre and unsettling tactic.

  12. *the WOMAN has. Typing fail.

  13. OMG!! i think im in love with this post =D

    thank you thank you!!

  14. Um...not my style, but I guess there will be a bunch of perople out there who will love this :).


  15. I think they scratched out the faces because those aren't sims. They look like they are from the website Stardoll.

  16. no they are sims. i recognize their positions. and you can clearly see some wearing a peggy watch, rose scarf and etc.

  17. Photoshop fail. Why scribble out their faces? Why only show the clothes from a distance?

  18. "I find it unnerving because it seems to send the message that the women has no value beyond her body. Although I suppose it's true in a literal sense of the word with modeling, it's still a bizarre and unsettling tactic."

    It doesn't bother me on sims because they're sims, but in real life I definitely see what you're saying. Although to a certain degree I agree...models are models. Unfortunately, the whole point of a model is to display clothing. They might be wonderful human beings outside their jobs, but their job is little more than a meat market. Whether their faces show or not, their entire value is based on their appearance, whether that's their body or their face. The scribbled-out faces are just a more overt way of saying the same thing that virtually every other fashion shoot says.

    As for the clothing, I LOVE modern_sims' style.

  19. Anonymous said...

    "no they are sims. i recognize their positions. and you can clearly see some wearing a peggy watch, rose scarf and etc."

    I suggest you go check out the stardoll website because they have the same poses. Stardoll is also not above "borrowing" meshes and items from other sites. Just as they take from other sites it is a well known fact that both Rose and Peggy get items from other sites. It could have been originally created by one then used by the other. I saw those shoes, the pearl headband, the jewelry, the hairstyle, & a few more things on stardoll over 2 years ago. My daughter has had an account there and owns many of the items that I see released as designed by Peggy or Rose for the sims. I guess that brings into challenge even more the idea that the items are their creations. Even with that it is not like EA will do anything about it. It is also not like stardoll can claim the rights to the items because they also use stuff from other creators.

  20. ^And I have a question for you:


  21. jesus christ
    this is SIMS. not Stardoll thing.
