
April 03, 2010

Newsea Mimi Female Hairstyle by NewSea

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. It's so cool, i want it!

  2. I will download it once it's up in those Russian websites that share TSR pay crap, but I don't think I will have a use for it.. xD

  3. Which russian websites? >.>

  4. Sims 3-Modeli ***NEW SITE LINK***

    Check that link in MS3B's link list.

  5. Thanks but she doesn't share Newsea stuff. I've been waiting forever for the Newsea crown! D=

  6. "Newsea Mimi Female Hairstyle by Newsea"

    kinda redundant. anyway, it's cute but I dislike the dramatic, shwoopy curls that defy the laws of gravity.

  7. I like the bangs, just not anything else.

  8. hey MS3B, do you mind putting up my blog

  9. Love it. It's original and not like anything else I've seen for Sims 3 so far. Too bad it's been uploaded to the Evil Site as a pay hair. Legally, they can't charge for any Sims downloads, because it's a violation of copyright. But they do. And Sims Resource is nasty to anyone who tries to re-upload any of their items for free on other sites.

  10. Is he taking advice from peggy again? D:

  11. I like it! ^-^
    is it based in an anime character? Just being curious.

  12. I have all the newest NewSea hairs and i like to retexture & upload them on my site.
    But.. what can TSR do to me?
    Will they give me a fine or?
    I think EA is scarier dan TSR.

  13. Legally, TSR can't do a damn thing to you, Jordoo, because they are violating copyright laws themselves by charging. They can call you a thief publicly, though, and they WILL use your name. I've heard they've done this to other people.

  14. Oh god look how much its floating on the first pic, the blonde sim on the right really shows it..... Meh psmbd dont really update much.

  15. they just updated :D
    this looks ugly
    i mean what person has their hair like this o.O
    a very big mess :|

  16. at first i thought it was cute but then you look at the side and its like the creator couldnt decide what type of hair style to go for, its like...prom hair gone bad....something in that area, major bedhead either way. lol

  17. I always wondered if it's normal to use EA stuff as base and to sell your "new stuff"...Besides, I was looking for the 3d model of a car and I saw 100s of meshes used in ts3...people sell them...but they r free ti dl on the web...of course it's not prooved, but there are many facts like this one. And of course everyone comes to blame russian sites which make it possible for the children to access the pay stuff. Very smart.
    Btw, the hair is nice. but not worth paying for it.

  18. I have gotten newsea's hairs for free. But by downloading sims who have it at the sims exchange. That's how I got the Dove hairstlye. I would say try it. Otherwise than that I would'nt pay for it. But this hair is nice though.

  19. ^Oh yeah! I read once that content installed via sims3pack (or created with Workshop? or both, can't remember) sticks with sims when you upload them. If you have a sim with a 20mb sim it's probably because it has CC included :P

  20. Really true Anubis, so every sim that I download thats has cc gets downloaded to your game as well. I have been doing this for a while and I noticed things in my game that I did not download.

    So I guess we don't have to pay for any CC. Kinda sucks for pay sites.

    The hair is pretty but I would like it more if it had the layered effect around the whole hair.

  21. I had prom last weekend so all I can think of is prom hair with this :/

  22. My misunderstanding with EA exchange is completely solved so you download any sim you

  23. for me, anything that you can find on TSR that you want for your own game (all CAS type things) can be downloaded when you get a sim off the exchange. Sometimes i think you can get other site stuff, like XM sims too

  24. I really like it in adults, though I'm not so sure I would use it in kids :| ...


  25. I've gotten XM Sims hair in my game from downloading Sims off the Exchange. That's a great idea to get Newsea hairs, I never thought of using the Exchange!

  26. To JordooSims:

    If Newsea's texture and hair are fine, why would you want to retexture them (with a texture that is not even yours)? Not trying to be harsh, i guess you would like to make stuff for sims 3, but just retexturing the crap out of everything isn't cool. I mean, if it's not broken, why to fix it? Just saying, you may want to spend your time on something more productive.

    This hair has good potential... but the curls are a bit gravitation defying or whatever, i think some people may like it ^^

  27. Haha! I just got Rosycloud from the Exchange! :D But with a 73mb sim X.x (fugly dress included...)

  28. It's really weird, but I like it :D It's quite pretty. I'll need to see it in-game, though. To make sure it looks pretty on non-anime sims too.

  29. @anubis: Yeah, I constantly have to go through and uninstall a ton of random crap that I really don't want when I download a sim from the exchange x_x

  30. Where can i get the hair for free???

  31. ^Wait for it. It will be probably up at SimsCave, PSMBD, GOS or the new pirate site: the Exchange! XD

  32. If there wasnt so much shitty custom content out there i would go ahead and download sims just for their hairs. And when i say shitty i mean the type of CC that pushes the hands of the sim into the hips or the type that messes up our babies and toddlers. Or worse, or male sims get breasts lol. Overall im thrilled that a lot of the cc of the sim comes with the sim.

  33. You can extract the sim using Delphy's sims3pack multi installer, and the find the hair with something like postar or s3pe. But I don't say it's easy, because you'll see codes instead of the file names. It's easier than cleaning the trackers anyway! (I think)

  34. I meant "then" and "postal" :P

  35. looks like hairstyles us girls did playing in each others hair back in the day

  36. I thought SimsCave didn't do TSR stuff?

  37. but newsea wasnt previously at TSR, so i guess thats why they have the files up there?

  38. ^ They have his older files from before he moved to tsr, if you go to simscave and click on the jellydancer link or whatever that hairs called, they explain that they are not uploading his hairs made whilst at tsr and askling people not to ask for them.

  39. mmmm I don't think I'll be getting this hair it wouldn't look good on my sims and probably won't look good in my game oh wells.

  40. Jordoo, if you share TSR3 files you can say goodbye to your money.
    Mr.Thomas and friends will ban you and your ip from his shitty site as soon as they found out.
    That's what happened to me when I shared that crappy Jelly hair on GoS.

    BTW SimCave doesn't do TSR files.

  41. Am I the only one who hates this hair? xD

  42. I think it's very pretty.

    It's unique at least. So many hairstyles these days all look like each other or you see the same hair retextured over and over in the news. It gets boring.

  43. @Iori

    Once you got banned, you can't visit their site & download free stuffs there anymore?

  44. After a ban, you need to make another account.. but you should delete your coockies before doing so.
    BTW Matering, I'm Janira ^_^
    If you have got MOAR question, you can pm me at SimsCave.

  45. "Jordoo, if you share TSR3 files you can say goodbye to your money.
    Mr.Thomas and friends will ban you and your ip from his shitty site as soon as they found out."

    The only safe place to fileshare is PMBD. They clean the trackers and time release dates to protect the downloaders.

    Sharing TSR files anywhere else is asking for trouble.

  46. Ha! Minus all the accessory clippy bits, this is how my hair looks at work when it falls down and I don't have time to pin it back up.

    I still like it.
