
April 08, 2010

Place Anywhere Tvs by IOS

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. Lol, TSR releases two the day after MTS does. And they expect us to believe that they aren't constantly ripping other creators off.

  2. ROFL. MTS ones are better!

  3. I am loving the mini ones at MTS, also. Too late TSR.

  4. I find it hard to believe the MTS ones are better, considering this one is all TVs, not just two.

    I also have a hard time believing they were ripoffs, since cutting out and weorking the meshes AND The functionality would take quite some time. Plus nobody called the other MTS ones a ripoff of the TV which came up just hours before those ones.

    Just because it's TSR doesn't mean it's evil, people. This kicks the ass of the MTS ones.

  5. You are only saying that because MTS banned you.

  6. Claeric, it's not an 'all in one' It's a set of small TVs, two of which have already been released, once of which is too big to actually be useful, and last of which is that old crummy TV, which gives sims a bad moodlet when they're watching.

    And editing meshes to release this isn't as hard as you seem to think. The only hard part would be getting it in TSR's queue so quickly, so it could be released the next day, but, that's something easily sped up.

  7. Well, clearly you don't know what you're talking about, so forget it.

    There's no damn way that in the time those TVs went up, someone on TSR reworked each of these TVs to look and function properly. It takes more time than you seem to think to do such things.

    And again, not one of you called the two released yesterday a ripoff of hte one released hours before it. Why not? Is it not the same situation? Someone releases the same thing,b ut more, a short time afterward?

    And there's absolutely no way they're "rip offs". Plus it's stupid to call them rip offs to begin with, the concept of a TV on a damn table isn't some amazing one-of-a-kind idea, plus they'd just be expanding on the idea even if it was.

    These ones are better, plain and simple, because there is more variety. Same product, same quality, same functionality, more variety. How can that possibly not be any better?

    It has nothing to do with being banned from MTS. It's called logic and not being a biased retard like the anon who decided to shut off their brain for a minute so they could ignore all the facts and immediately cry "RIP OFF!!!". ;D

  8. "Well, clearly you don't know what you're talking about, so forget it."

    Look, I fully believe that people here have been giving you an unnecessarily hard time, but you're hardly helping your cause. Take a deep breath, and recognize that sometimes, you're going to have to let things go. It's the internet.

    You can't attack every single person who doesn't agree with you, or you'll be doing it all day, and alienating everybody else on top of it.

  9. I'm not trying to attack them.

    These people are attacking this person's TVs just because something similar was made recently, and they're making claims that make no sense (like that they're a rip off, somehow made within a matter of hours and submitted to TSR in time to be uploaded by today).

    Claiming it's possible to do that in that short of time is a sign of not knowing what you're talking about. <_<; Hence the rest of the comment which explains.

    I had no intention of being rude or attacking someone.

  10. (Except the first anon who jumped to saying it was a rip off without thinking for half a second about it <____<;)

  11. I rather bigger TVscreen!!!

  12. Wow, Claeric just really pisses me off. Hmm...I hope someone makes a post secret about you. What an annoying twat, HP totally cooks your sorry purple dinosaur ass.

    I prefer MTS ones, less hassle there as it is on T$R.

  13. Okay, why are there shots of TVs not included in the download in the picture? Because that is super misleading.

  14. I often find it funny that when an idea comes out on MTS, it frequently appears on TSR within a short period of time (and occasionally, vice versa). But come on, people. A place-anywhere TV is something that exists in real life. It's not like MTS can copyright it. Yes, it's TSR and many of us don't like TSR or their business practices. But the work itself is different, and it looks nicely done in both cases.

  15. Katana, I thought the same thing. These TVs do look nice but I already have the ones from MTS and am happy with those so I won't be adding these to my collection.

  16. Anyway, I didn't attack TSR for having the tabletop TV, just said they were too late.

    Yes, no one didn't say the second set of TVs were a rip-off of JIM TV cause they are mini-TVs. Smaller than the first ones.

    I love them cause it fits realistically in my teen room and looks cute.

  17. I haven't been in the blog in a couple of days, but I think the idea of the anywhere tvs, whoever came up with it is nice since I know atleast in my house we have tvs in odd places. Our flat screen is above our fireplace like a picture frame so i'd like to do the same for my sims

  18. JIM and I both uploaded our tvs at the same time, the reason they came out at diff times is because I had a changes required for a picture. I came up with the idea to make them mini tvs, Jon liked that idea and decided to keep the TV the same size. So no, I didn't copy JIM's uploads, and I don't know whether TSR copied our idea or not, and I don't really care. They are totally different TVs that will cater to completely different demographics.

  19. Btw, we all copied Numenor! Lol

  20. Not sure why everyone assumes TSR copied the ones from MTS. Because one - they are different sizes. And two - Davey's were released yesterday midday and the TSR ones today. How the hell would they "steal" the idea and then get them made and published in less than 24 hours? Uploads for non FA/SA must take days.

  21. Tcehnically... you both copied wintermute who did this in July or August.

  22. Who, in turn, copied EA in TS2 with their mini tvs, who, in turn, probably took the idea Numenor had a very long time ago. So don't get technical.

  23. Man, I really don't understand how people have all these legacies and stories and other themes, but you have time for your Sims to watch TV? I rarely add TV's to my Sims houses and even when there is one, they rarely watch them. I'd rather have them skilling or calling friends.

  24. i love tsr nomatter what people say!!

    Atleast this site makes it possible to download in sims3pack.


    Why? EA breaks the launcher every other patch. It may be convenient when it works, but the damn thing never works.

  26. Sims3Pack blows donkey balls.
