
April 21, 2010

Straight Hair for Men by Kiara24

Download at Mod The Sims

File name: StraightMenHair


  1. I'm usually a fan of her stuff but this is pretty bleh... the hair is so flat and the edges look totally unnatural

  2. I think its simple yet nice. =)

  3. It looks like it's glued to the face and it covers part of it too. I don't really like it. Reminds me of EA hair.

  4. It probably looks flat because it's supposed to but that's just my wacky usage of logic rearing it's looked-down-upon head.

  5. no.. no long hair we got enough long hair with peggy, lol we need short hair

  6. Umm, it looks like EA hair because it is EA hair, just enabled to males, and it has a retexture. I quite ike it.

  7. It reminds you of EA hair... because it is.

    This hair is originally for girls, but transferred to adult females, and now males.

    But this person made no reference to it.

  8. love the texture, hate the style. And yea it does looks too much like the EA little girl hair for ts3 lol

  9. We do not have enough long hair with Peggy. Sheesh. We have silly looking hair with Peggy, male and female styles. I love all kinds of different hair styles for men, I think this hair shared by Kiara looks great. I'm glad she decided to share it. She didn't have to.

  10. Even though I have no use for it, I love this hair. It looks really nice and is very well done. The texture is amazing.

  11. I don't dislike the mesh, but the part annoys me. The texture just blurs together. Talk about laziness, EA.

  12. Guys with longer hair tend to have this style. I think it looks more appropriate for a guy than a girl.

  13. We have way more than enough long hair for guys, you may occasionally see a guy with long hair but it's still a small precentile, please give us REAL guy hair

  14. "please give us REAL guy hair"

    You know, I'm getting really tired of hearing this. What does that even mean? That a guy with long hair isn't a "real" guy? Because you can't make the case that the hair itself isn't realistic. Just take a look at the gravity-defying stuff Newsea and Peggy make.

  15. It's true, most of the hair out there for guys is ridiculously girly. And NO, I don't care if this is politically correct. The vast majority of guys have short hair, deal with it. Why aren't there more short haircuts for guys?

  16. "t's true, most of the hair out there for guys is ridiculously girly. And NO, I don't care if this is politically correct. The vast majority of guys have short hair, deal with it."

    While it's great you're willing to label yourself as politically incorrect, you're answering your own question and, apparently, can't recognize it.

    You stated that the vast majority of guys have short hair. Many (though not all) do, in western culture. How many hair meshers are from NON western cultures?

    Unless you'd like to jump in and declare that men from non-western cultures are not, in fact, men, I think your question has been answered.

  17. Yeah, and I'm getting fucking tired of all these revealing tops and jeans and such for females. Where are the conservative dresses?! women should wear those and only those.

  18. @ claeric, I agree :)

    btw, I never said there should be NO long hair for men, but that I wish there were a hell of a lot more short hair than there is

  19. "btw, I never said there should be NO long hair for men, but that I wish there were a hell of a lot more short hair than there is"

    That's funny. I remember a comment about how only REAL MEN have short hair, and that you were fine with being labeled as politically incorrect.

    Congratulations. You are as incorrect as they come.

  20. "That's funny. I remember a comment about how only REAL MEN have short hair, and that you were fine with being labeled as politically incorrect."

    I never said "real men don't have long hair", perhaps you're thinking of a different poster. And yes, I am perfectly fine with being politically incorrect, because political correctness is just a way for certain people to bully others into believing the same things they do.

    And I DID say most of the hair for men is too girly, because most of it is just hair specifically made for girls that was also made for men. Have you seen newsea's hairs? There is not enough hair made for males.

    That is not to say that ALL long hair is girly. I don't think this one is girly, even though it was originally for little girls, it actually looks better on men.

    Now calm down.

  21. I have a friend with hair like this so I can vouch for it.

    Unless...he's not real... He's really a helicopter, isn't he? It's all coming together.

    Helicopters ruin everything. /sob

  22. "Yeah, and I'm getting fucking tired of all these revealing tops and jeans and such for females. Where are the conservative dresses?! women should wear those and only those."
    Claeric that was funny :D

    I do love this hair.

  23. YES! I thought this would never be converted. I have a lot of rocker/heavy metal sims that will appreciate this very much. <3

  24. O.o i think more guys should have long hair. it just looks better ^_^
    i wish this was longer! to mid back length maybe.
    anyone know where such a hair exists? i could really use it for my vampire/rocker sims. T-T ive been looking everywhere.
    btw, long hair on guys is so common now, not that im complaining. i see more longer hair than short

  25. "Now calm down."

    Nice attempt at deflecting the attention on your original comment. I'm perfectly calm, and throwing out the label of "overreacting" is attempted by people who don't have a leg to stand on.

    Claiming too much of the male hair available is "too girly" because "most men have short hair" has one major flaw. Why, exactly, are creators who live in other cultures supposed to conform to the one you happen to live in?

    It doesn't matter whether or not you consider this hair girly. You're missing the point.

  26. I love this conversion! Every time a little girl showed up with it in the game, she looked oddly manly o_O And I'd think "How the hell is this little girl with long hair looking like a boy??" Now seeing it on a guy, it makes sense. It looks far better on guys! I will most definitely be using this <3

  27. God dammit, people need to stop arguing about the whole "manly hair" issue. It's RETARDED.

  28. "God dammit, people need to stop arguing about the whole "manly hair" issue. It's RETARDED."

    Half of the comments on this website are. :D I'm kind of enjoying it.

  29. Out of interest, why don't the people who complain that the creators "don't make"/"always make" this or that hair, just learn how to do it? I can't mesh, so I reserve judgement on what other creators choose to do. If you want short hair, why don't you have a go? And if you can't figure it out, just accept that creators will only do what interests them except on odd requests. Imagine if that was you.
