
April 05, 2010

Twins: Anette and Sage by jaylo2112

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. No clue why but the 2nd reminds me of Sarah Palin...nice sims though ^^

  2. Is it me or do these look like a copy of Jenna's sim Ginger Callaway? Just slightly edited but you can see the resemblance.

  3. these are very pretty. second reminds me of a brunette scarlet johansson in a way. im dl both

  4. whats with the outburst of custom twins lately? Its something i do a lot for myself but now theyre just OUT there

  5. I agree with the anon... They do have the same features the same nose, lips, chin, face shape etc. That really sucks because she took all the credit.

  6. ^Maybe I'd have to see them in-game, but I see differences. Can't really lay my finger on it because they ARE similar, but hey, it's not exactly the most unique look out there anyway. Couldn't they have just ended up with similar sims? Hopefully that's the case.

    Either way, Ginger is pretty and so are these.

  7. That's because the creator that made these Sims did take Jenna's Ginger Callaway and uploaded it and claimed them as their own. I mean, it's just this version is not using any Sliders or at least that I'm aware to make it look like exactly like Jenna's Ginger Callaway. I downloaded the two Sims and disabled my custom sliders and they look exactly like. No wonder MTS will upload these kind of things and I just dislike people who steals anothers work and claim it as their own. How stupid. The least they could have done is give Jenna credit and besides in her policy, she doesn't want people to re-upload her creations. How thick-headed some people are and have the nerve to reupload content that was someone else' and claim it as their own. Total BS. -End of rant-

  8. ^Jesus, calm down.

  9. ^ Anon, I'm going to have to agree with you there. There is no need to get all angry about this, especially over just a Sim. I know Jenna put a lot of time and effort into her Ginger Callaway Sim and I know this because I visit her blog almost every day, but like a few said, they may not even be the same Sim. It's a matter of perspective; I mean, in rare cases, several people can share similar styles. Any Sim will look similar to any other a bit slightly in the facial features, but like I said, people should not have to get upset about this. If the creator did take the Ginger Callaway, she/he could have just given credit to Jenna. Again, there is no reason to get angry about it and I consider Jenna a friend of mine. So, people should just stop arguing as this has upset Jenna. :( Please don't fight.

  10. I see no resemblance. You people are insane

  11. Lol. I took an ego-centric trip around the internet and found this. Of course its like, a year later, but I feel the need to say something:
    I have never seen that Ginger Callaway sim before in my life.
    I don't even see a resemblance! Most of my sims are of the hard-jawed variety, and hers are slimmer.
    Heck, when I made these guys I started with this sim:
    so yeah, there's my rebuttal.
    Jaylo OUT

    P.S. I fully expect no one to read this
