
May 24, 2010

Argentine Bicentenary Set by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun


  1. Anubis sos de Argentina? :O

  2. Acabo de leer bien, si lo sos.
    <3 te adoro más ahora haha.

  3. Happy celebrating, Anubis and others!

  4. Epale Anubis esto está bien chevere. yo lo celebro desde Vzla jeje =)

  5. GO GO Brazil!

    lol just kidding :3

    Looks good, Nubie.. but I aint going to download those cuz.. erm. hm.. I'm Brazilian? lmao xD

  6. Very cute, thanks. I love the first brunette model, she's so adorable <3

  7. Why did I think he was Brazilian XD

    This stuff is AMAZING! Thanks so much!

  8. Yes! I'm from Argentina ^-^
    Thought you knew it XD

  9. "I didn't know Anubis was from the third world.

    The term third world applies to developing countries. Argentina has a stable economy and, generally, an educated population. Methinks somebody has never been there.

  10. I can't decide who I'm rooting for yet :)
    I know the United States won't go far D:

  11. Ha. Most of the people on here think that England is ruled over by King Henry VIII !
    I wouldnt be offended by their ignorance.

  12. Ugh, Argentina, really?? :\ I hate Argentinian people, they go around thinking they're God's gift to this world >_> ... Sorry Anubis, but that's my impression after living in a predominantly Argentinian neighborhood for three years; down in Miami Beach.

  13. "Ugh, Argentina, really?? :\ I hate Argentinian people, they go around thinking they're God's gift to this world "

    Throwing in "that's just my experience" after a racist comment does not make it any less idiotic. I could just as easily state that I hate all Americans for the very same reason you give.

    Luckily, I know better than to make gross generalizations about an entire group of people based on my own limited experiences.

  14. Argentina is part of the 3rd world, like it or not.

  15. " Argentina is part of the 3rd world, like it or not."

    Um, no, it's not. The definition of a third world country is, quote:"underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively"

    Note that it is not ALL countries in Latin America, Asia, or Africa. Argentina is neither developing nor underdeveloped. It has an established government and economy.

  16. I love it Anubis! I didn't know u were from argentina! I'm from argentina too!
    I love you even more now lol

  17. Every troll comment will just increase my Argentine pride and passion ♥

  18. GO GO Brazil!

    lol just kidding :3

    I'm not kidding!! =P
    But I love your work anubis! even if you're from Argentina =P

  19. I love her blonde boy. He's so deliciously evil.

  20. Who the hell thinks Henry still rules :I

    anyway, I think I will be rooting for either England or Ivory Coast.
    I don't really have a favorite since the US never does well and I don't really have any other place to claim.

  21. Need I remind you that this is CCs for the Sims 3 and not a forum in which to discuss geography and whether or not argentina is a third world country?
    - The racist comment above threw me off, I'm sorry.

    I love this Anubis! :) Thank you!
    I, for one, will download this set, although I'm from Denmark :)
    - I absolutely love it : D

  22. I'm from Argentina and I have to agree with the comment above. Of course I don't mean everyone :)
    I still love my Country.
    Feliz Bicentenario~

  23. Based on my personal experience in this thread, people who live or have lived in Miami Beach are racist, annoying, and have no idea how to properly utilize most forms of punctuation. I believe my limited experience is enough for me to say that this is a universal truth as far as I'm concerned.

  24. "Argentinians are annoying, it doesn't matter what you think. Racist or not racist, that a universal truth as far as I'm concerned >_>."

    Congratulations. Your Missed the Point Entirely award will arrive in 6-10 business days. Until then, please lock yourself away in your house and refrain from accessing the internet.

  25. Hands off The Falklands!

  26. I install this donlood and it my game explodes, now i hav buy new computer... help!

  27. All Spanish countries are the devil and hopefully will be the first to go when the world ends! How do they get the arms to cross like that.
