
May 07, 2010

Butterfly Park Arch Sign by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. It's nice, I just hardly play the game now, but when/if I start playing again this would be nice for a small park!

  2. I love the idea of having a butterfly park! plus i could just put all the spawners there and make for an easy completion of bug catching mwhaha.

    Thanks for the object :D

  3. Very pretty, I will use it in my new city.

  4. It's cute and I like it! :)

  5. "I love the idea of having a butterfly park! plus i could just put all the spawners there and make for an easy completion of bug catching mwhaha."

    You, are a genius!

    And to the person saying Claeric is gay - firstly, keep up will you? Secondly a LOT of the girly content you download was made by men, and they probably aren't all gay... ¬¬

  6. The butterfly thing is precisely what I did. I sectioned off the empty corner of the park in Sunset Valley and added a few spawners. :D

  7. I like the idea of making a boy park. there would be a ton of hot boys to catch to help complete my collection.
