
May 18, 2010

Default Replacements Tank Tops by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. any chance this could be converted for females?

  2. These are great, thanks aikea :)

  3. I have your other default replacementes and I love them. So I'm getting this one too because I love tank tops, but EA's are too loose.


  4. YES! The default tanks are so ugly I never use them.

  5. I love all your default clothing, Aikea. Brilliant. You've managed to make the clothing more natural and form fitting... Simply perfect, and a great addition to my game. <3

  6. I love all your work and this is perfect for my mansims...hmm anyway I can get the "X" on the back of the neck or the packman looking tatt on his wrist? Or is that for personal use?

    I need to learn how to make CC *sigh*

  7. I was just thinking about how much I hated those tank tops the other day! Thanks Aikea!

  8. I want that hair..

  9. I want the hair too!

  10. Yeeeeeeeeah, the default tanks are really wretched things. Sorry it took me so long to get these out; I honestly thought I'd released them up until a few weeks ago!

    Anon the First - Gelydh is working on some very similar tank tops for females, which she'll hopefully have up some time this week. There's a weird issue with the texture happening right now, otherwise they'd already be out.

    Chicago - Yeah, his tattoos are one of those five whole things I've done for personal use. Honestly, single-color tattoos aren't too difficult, so you should give making them a go!

  11. I never get tired of seeing this model. He's adorable!

  12. This is kind of random but I see the jeans have kind of a studded belt you can see. Does someone have a link for either these pants or another set of pants with a studded belt. Even just the belt itself would be good (if it exists lol) I can't seem to find one anywhere. Thanks :)

  13. thank you, more really tight clothing

  14. can you please make a tank top that shows more back? I would comment on your site, but I have to create an account and make a payment.
