
May 05, 2010

Living Set: Munich by cazarupt

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. Don't download at TSR!
    They are a bunch of thieves and greedy liars, hacking other peoples accounts and not encrypting user information - that's why you shouldn't give them your credit card information...

  2. they also have trojans and hijackers on there website who many times do people have to be told this website is bad

  3. iv never gotten a virus from them in yrs but i would not pay to subscribe for anything when theres tons of free stuff available elsewhere

  4. I've been a paid member of TSR since 2004. Every afternoon I have a coffee and checkout any CC I might want to dpwnload and have NEVER in 6 years had a virus or any problems with my banking details. I don't care if you hate TSR that's your business, but why do you keep harping on about this virus nonsense. Give us a break...

  5. a virus waiting to attack

  6. I don't know if there are viruses in their downloads - but they do include spyware for sure. And this is something you don't recognize so easily.

  7. "I've been a paid member of TSR since 2004. Every afternoon I have a coffee and checkout any CC I might want to dpwnload and have NEVER in 6 years had a virus or any problems with my banking details. I don't care if you hate TSR that's your business, but why do you keep harping on about this virus nonsense. Give us a break..."

    To the naive TSR supporter:

    I suggest you wake up and read this post:,2505.0.html

    And this post:,2399.0.html

    And quickly familiarize yourself with how lowdown the admins at TSR are and about the viruses people got from their site.

    Also, the link below includes a huge list of names/personal information released by TSR of people they thought were "pirates":


    Confirmation that TSR did it:

    Now wake the fuck up and stop being so naive.

  8. Oh and here is Thomas himself (who runs TSR) releasing people's paypal details:

    If you look on the side panel of that site, you will find parts 2-10 of that huge list.

  9. I will download their stuff, but I won't pay for it. I know that they are lying thieves, and they shut down my favorite place.

  10. this set is too pretty for a sunroom or patio. glad it's free

  11. I am link to that site to tell us that TSR is bad? Try something a bit less biased in opinions that a site that hates paysites.

    I have been a member of TSR since almost its conception and have never had a virus from there. On the other hand, I have gotten warnings on my anti-virus from a number of smaller sites.

    Give us some real news, something less biased if you want to prove your point.

  12. Ive know non crazy-tsr-hating people that have had viruses from just visiting the site. But i myself have never had a virus so meh.

  13. Let me explain this in simpler terms for you:

    The reason why people hate TSR is because of all the lowdown, ridiculous, illegal crap they have pulled over the years. WAKE UP.

  14. On second thought, nevermind. No one can be as stupid as you appear to be. Obviously you are defending them because you are either a TSR staff member or FA in disguise and you were sent here to squash the truth about TSR and gain more sheep followers, especially after the most recent GoS scandal. It's not working. TSR is still scum and so are you.

  15. TSR reminds me of a sect. You can rarely persuade a member of a sect there might be something wrong, no matter what you say...

  16. "TSR reminds me of a sect. You can rarely persuade a member of a sect there might be something wrong, no matter what you say..."

    You know, you are 100% right. You couldn't persuade David Koresh's cult or the Jonestown members of the truth either.

  17. "I am link to that site to tell us that TSR is bad? Try something a bit less biased in opinions that a site that hates paysites. "

    Fine. Go check out Sims Cave and see what the general attitude towards TSR is. Or GOS (oh, wait, you can't! TSR took them down). Or BPS.

    Tell me, is each and every one of these sites biased as well?

  18. "I don't care if you hate TSR that's your business, but why do you keep harping on about this virus nonsense."

    So it's all a giant conspiracy, then? TSR happens to use ads that contain trojans and viruses. Whether or not you happen to roll the ad that does is pure chance-- many people do, but some don't.

    The point is that TSR shouldn't have ads in the first place, much less dangerous ones. They CHARGE MONEY from people. They don't need the revenue from the ads too.

  19. PayPal info sharing with other paysites? Check.
    Personal info sharing among FAs? Check.
    Crazed, nutty former FAs hacking free sites? Check.
    FAs stealing content from MTS2 and other well-known free sites and claiming them as their own? Check. (Hello Shakeshaft!)
    Crazed, nutty former FAs stalking ex-FAs? Check. (Hello, Atwa!)
    Subscriptions gone up to pay for Thomas' second home? Oh yeah!

    To the TSR sheep bleating in this thread: You know what they say about fools and their money...

  20. Some of you have serious anger management issues,this is a game for gods sake.
    As I said in an earlier post I've been a member at TSR for 6 years and visit the site at least once a day and have NEVER had a problem. No virus of any kind ever.
    The other site I visit everyday is this one. At least 2 or 3 times a week when I visit sites mentioned here my internet security system advises me it's a dangerous site so I don't download from it.

  21. So... I like the set. I really like the different hights of the endtable.

  22. yup 8 out of 10 times when I visit bogsims it's reported as an attack site but they don't bitch about that.

  23. For me, it's not even about getting a virus or anything. TSR has never given me a virus. For me it's about them sharing peoples personal info and the fact that they are liars and thieves. There's evidence of it everywhere. I have no problem with paysites, but I would never support a dishonest one.

  24. ^ I absolutely agree. Although I'm hoping I never got a virus from them, I don't think I have. But all the terrible things they do... that's why I hate them. I just found out about most of the bad things yesterday, reading into them more today. I'm disgusted at the level to which people will sink just to get a little money.

    "Some of you have serious anger management issues,this is a game for gods sake."

    And you have serious stupidity issues. If you've read the links we gave you, then how could you possibly defend TSR? The evidence is right there! And, fyi, I do not have anger management issues. It's stupid, ignorant people like you that just really piss me off. To the second part... you're right. It is a game. That's why I don't understand TSR. They're in it for the money, for the power. Not for the game. They're taking a "game" and turning it into a source of money and amusement at the expense of others.

    But why bother ranting? Why would you listen to me, anyways?

  25. The set is okay. The only problem I have with it is that the iron bars on the chair that hold it up seem waaaay too thin.

    Btw, the comments section is not to post about how much you hate TSR. It's about the dl itself. Please stay on topic.


  27. I like but

    its all been said :/

  28. "Btw, the comments section is not to post about how much you hate TSR. It's about the dl itself. Please stay on topic."

    If this blog has links to other sites that contain viruses and trojans, that's pretty damned on-topic, and I would definitely want people to comment on that. The fact that it's TSR is a moot point.

  29. Perhaps it's best to just stop posting tsr downloads here in the first place? Seeing that people get really riled up and all...

  30. That's right let the lunatic fringe win.
    The load mouths and bullies always seem to get there way.
