
May 29, 2010

Mutske's Asian Shelfs and Clutter

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. Most of the stuff was already done at MTS long ago, but a couple of the items (including some books) are new.

  2. I like how he makes a big deal about the fact that it's free... you know where else it's free? MTS, where it's been up for awhile.

  3. Can someone post a link to the modthesims asian shelves and clutter?

  4. Most of the items are the same for both shelves, which you can tell if you look closely at the picture. Only about 5 or so of the items on the asian shelf are different from the shelf at the left.

  5. "Most of the items are the same for both shelves, which you can tell if you look closely at the picture. Only about 5 or so of the items on the asian shelf are different from the shelf at the left." do know that both the asian shelves come completely empty right? The only reason the clutter is positioned the way it is on both shelves is because that's how the creator placed them. You can place yours in a totally different manner and even use your own items as clutter if you want there to be more of a "difference."

  6. " do know that both the asian shelves come completely empty right? The only reason the clutter is positioned the way it is on both shelves is because that's how the creator placed them."

    Yes, but you misunderstood me. The question was where the Asian clutter was available on MTS. The clutter available at MTS is the same clutter available here (with the exception of about 4-5 items), it's just not labeled the same.

    Hopefully that made sense, I don't know how else to phrase it. Either way, the majority of these items are also available over at MTS.

  7. F-ou mutske.
    *ALL* your objects should be free, because the majority are just friggen EA match. Way to go. *fumes*

  8. ^f-you I should say. Stupid laptop keyboard.

  9. cmomoney's shelves:

    cmomoney's clutter:

    ...originality. that is HI-LA-RI-OUS!

  10. neither cmomoney nor mutske can claim originality on an object ea created. chances are, mutske hadn't even seen the mts version, otherwise i'm sure he/she would not have bothered.
