
May 02, 2010

New Hair for Females by Shymoo

Download at Shymoo

File name:


  1. That looks kinda awesome.
    Someone fix this ghetto hair please!

  2. I fixed this hair already. I hope Joe is gonna feature it. =D

  3. Another half brushed back hair?

  4. lol jordy you are quick, I'll download your version I think.

  5. hehe, i saw this hair earlier today, but i didn't tell Joe & the commenters, because i really wanted to do this hair, and otherwise Anubis or someone else had fixed it.
    Don't get me wrong! Anubis is very nice, and all the other people 2, but i just wanted to do this hair.
    for the people who want to see my version:

    Btw, if you read the post, you'll see what i did. I hope you enjoy it!!

  6. What a selfish brat, I don't like your re-textures anyway.

  7. @Anon: How many times have you said that? xD And call me selfish, but in the retexture-world it's all about being fast, so, yeah.

  8. Jordy-- I'm not a fan of the mesh itself, but your retexturing skills are definitely improving!

  9. ^stfu

    I love this hair! I fixed it as well, but I just sorted the textures out, didnt retexture (it looked way too dark before, mainly the roots). hehe

    And great retexture, Jordy! I'm not downloading yours cause I already fixed it, but it looks nice! Kee up the great work!

  10. oops, my 'stfu' was to the 'What a selfish brat, I don't like your re-textures anyway.' Anon :D

  11. well, you know, there's a fast way and a right way to do things.... me, I'd rather wait for someone to do it right...

  12. ^ If you even knew how fast it can be ;)

  13. @LastAnon: Yeah, i also think that! Thx!
    @Savio: I totally understand. I'd do the same. And thx so much! i will!

  14. @Savio: hehe, i don't care about that Anon anymore. everyone has their own opinion, but why would you hurt people with that so many times? that anon just needs to get a life. sorry, but it's not nice to say it so many times.
    @HurtingAnon: Well, since you said that once, i'm trying to take my time for it, and it works, because i think i'm getting better. And if you don't like it, just do it yourself? =D

  15. Why do people want their pics to look like sims 2... This is cool though i think, im gonna have a look at what Jordy did to it :) thanks x

  16. @Anon: HAHAHAHA. OHMYFUCKINGJORDY. I'm LMAO-ing right now. XD
    once again, do it yourself.
    and well.. be a real man/girl, and don't post as a stupid Anon, but as a NAME.

  17. @LastAnon: tell me what you think of it =D

  18. "lol, savio, your retextures suck too"

    oh, yeah, all of them. oh, wait, I've done only 3 retextures!

  19. (3, 2, i dont really remember hehe)

  20. @Savio: I only remember you as a converter, not as retexturer &=
    But that's why i'm LMAO-ing.
    My lil' sister (which i don't have XD) would say the same: ''I hate yours 2'' Ok, and now i'm gonna stop, and just be the adult one here =D

  21. lol @ Jordy :D

    oh, and yeah, anons love makin' things up... sometimes it's cool, cause they make me laugh so hard.. xD

  22. @Savio: You've done 1 retexture =)

  23. yeah, so, fixing:

    @ "lol, savio, your retextures suck too" Anon

    oh, yeah, all of them. oh, wait, I've done only 1 retexture!


  24. @Savio: Clean your inbox @ the cave.
    I can't Pm you.

  25. I actually like your version, Jordy. You're getting much better!

  26. @actonthat: WOW! It have to be give-jordy-a-compliment day, or i AM getting better, hehe. Thx so much!

  27. Savio, I can't wait for you to release your version!! I love all your hairs.
    Yours are nice as well jordy :D

  28. I don't know if I'm going to release it. I mean, I only made the LODs, and edited the textures a little bit. Anyway, here's a picture of my version: if you want, I can upload it

    @ Jordy, sorry! inbox clean xD

  29. I didn't like this hair at first, but it's looking good with your retexture Jordy, thank you :)

    Ignore the trolls, they just want to make other people feel bad so they can feel good about themselves. What sad and pathetic beings they must be.

  30. ^wait wait, was that supposed to be funny? *trying to laugh* sorry, not funny enough.

    oh, almost forgot: I s2 u troll! :3

  31. Savio, you should also release yours. :)

  32. Jordy and Savio you both do nice work, dont feed the troll who disses every one or hits on the hot simmers.

  33. This texture sucks. :| It's like plastic, and the roots are ridiculous.
