
May 17, 2010

New Shirt for Adult Males by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. I like, its has a poet's shirt quality to it.

  2. I like the shirt, but isn't it missing some buttons?

    Does anyone know where that hair is from?

  3. Nah, not missing buttons. I based the shirt on one I saw online that had a really neat closure; you can see it best on the white version. I could very easily do a standard button version if anyone would prefer that.

    And the hair is by me for personal use.

  4. Aww, but the hair is so nice! You should release it! And I love the shirt, btw ;)

  5. Everything you create is always gorgeous - I have the entire 'Aikea Collection'. The game woudn't be the same without you. The purple texture version is beautiful. Keep the hair for yourself, you have showered us with so much amazing stuff already.

  6. I like this shirt, but I think my favorite part about this is the first picture where it looks like that skeleton is doing a double-take and thinking, "Damn, that is a sweet shirt."

  7. Aikea, you are amazing and by far the best right now. I was wondering if you could try creating victorian outfits?

  8. I'd love a version with standard buttons if it wouldn't be a problem. I just asked about it because I'd never seen a shirt close like that. Of course, I'm a female, so I don't look at guys clothes very often.

    It's too bad about the hair. I really like it.

  9. I love it! And the hair is gorgeous! Could I ask for uploading them, please?

  10. Great stuff, thanks aikea. PS that hair is fab.

  11. I want the whole sim badly.

  12. Anyone know where the cracked mirror came from?

  13. The first picture is very sexy..

    I'm downloading.

  14. cracked mirror is by cyclonsue/tsr but arr-able at PMBD ;)

  15. Quit making great hair and not letting people have it.

  16. Quit whining about what you can't have. She doesn't have to share anything if she doesn't want to.

    Aikea, that shirt is freaking gorgeous.

  17. "Quit whining about what you can't have. She doesn't have to share anything if she doesn't want to."

    I think Anon was just doing a cute-grumble-pout in means of complimenting the hair. Some people should just comment to the creator and leave others alone or lighten up and realize not everything is an attack or doom and gloom...sheesh

    Aiken this is one sweet shirt. And again you model is making me drool, girl! mmmm @ the mirror pic LOL

    I wish someone would add a slight transparency or transparent design for this shirt. I'd be such an happy girl lol

  18. There's nothing "cute" or funny or adorable about whining. It's annoying, and even sometimes insulting.

    "Some people should just comment to the creator"

    So perhaps anon should have commented on the actual shirt available for upload, instead of a hair that is not available, and never will be?

  19. Great shirt, great hair, great model.

    I want to chew him!

  20. not releasing the hair is pretty cunt.
    you would've known people would want it, so you couldn't have used a different hair on your model, instead of parading your own?

  21. "not releasing the hair is pretty cunt."

    Tell you what - get your revenge. Make something just as nice and then don't share it. Go on. I dare you. Oh, wait, you can't? Then shut the fuck up.

    You should be glad that Aikea does share the vast majority of what she makes, because it's awesome.

  22. "So perhaps anon should have commented on the actual shirt available for upload, instead of a hair that is not available, and never will be?"

    Thank you! These greedy morons need to shut the hell up and be glad they are getting beautifully-made FREE content instead of whining about stuff that was never intended for them to download anyway. People don't have the right to take EVERYTHING a creator makes, nor should he or she have to edit their models just because idiots would think they are rubbing it in their face or any other stupid reason.

    People begged and begged Anubis to upload his models until he did. People begged and begged Aikea to upload one of her Sim models and she finally did. Now that's not enough, idiots have to beg her for more Sims she made AND hair that she has for personal use and doesn't want to release. I am tired of idiots browbeating creators who have initially said "no" into uploading one of their creations because they want to keep everyone happy. It's not fair to them, it's disrespectful to keep asking or pressuring them to upload something they initially hadn't intended to, and it needs to stop.

  23. "I would suggest people start using butt-ass ugly models and shitty hairs to avoid losers always begging for things other than the provided kind download, but then idiots would be harping on how ugly or shitty the model looked instead of appreciating the creation. It's a lose-lose."

    Absolutely. Well, that and everything else you and the anon directly below you said.

    Just for the record, I didn't upload my self sim because anyone begged me to. I did that because several of my friends were sharing their self sims, and I figured I'd put mine out there as well. I did the same in TS2. I never have and never will release something just because people kept bothering me about it. :)

    For the record, I've made a grand total of five things I'm not willing to share (that aren't sims). Of those, two are hairs. Of those two hairs, I've attempted to give an alternative for one and had been considering releasing an alternative for the other. The remaining three things are tattoos, which either hardly work or are ones I have burned into my own skin. Sorry, not sharing those! I don't want to see my personal ink on someone else's random sim. Just... no.

    Anyway, just tossing that out there.

  24. I don't like the shirt, it's not really my style. I don't like how it puckers in around the waist kind of then flares out loosely at the bottom. I really love the collar and cuffs though, the whole thing is pretty well-made. Thanks anyway.

  25. Hair for personal use... then don't tease us with it and release it!

  26. Making a hair or anything else for your personal use is all good and dandy but don't use it in pictures when you know damn well someone is going to want it. It makes you look like an ass.

  27. I would do handstands if Aikea released this sim & his hair but I don't begrudge her for not doing it.

    I can't believe how many people there are in this day and age that feel the world owes them simply because they exist. It makes me sick when people behave this way. Things might not be the way they are if parents were allowed to discipline their children without the fear of being put into jail. When children don't worry about the consequences of their behavior they tend to do anything they please. The more ground parents lose the more this sort of attitude seems to grow.

    Newsflash to the people who believe they are owed something in life: Get off of your high (gifted) horse and grow up! Just because you got a trophy for coming in last place while on your little league team doesn't mean shit. The rest of the world will not do the same for you.

    I almost feel sorry for people that were taught by society to act this way, almost. They will get a rude awakening when they are adults and they learn mediocrity is not as praised as it was when they were children.

    To Aikea: I love this shirt and downloaded it as soon as I saw it. I love everything you have made and use all you have released. Yes I love this sim but understand you have every right to keep him only for your own use. I hope that idiots calling you names or being insulting don't cause you to quit sharing with the rest of us! That would be such a huge loss for my enjoyment of the sims!

  28. Aikea probably withholds some CC so that her sims can be unique. Nothing wrong with that. Seeing how ungrateful some of you are, I would stop sharing CC altogether. *sigh* You just can't please anyone anymore.

    I love you stuff, Aikea! Especially your clothing for men; my boys are always desperately in need of good fashion and hair.

  29. Where can donlood hair? Want hair badly or must cut meself :(

  30. LOL @ pretentious anons.

  31. "Making a hair or anything else for your personal use is all good and dandy but don't use it in pictures when you know damn well someone is going to want it. It makes you look like an ass."

    No, it doesn't make her look like an ass. It makes her look like a generous human being who just wants to keep some creations to herself to make her Sims unique. How can a particular Sim she has be unique if she uploads his hair so 50,000 people can put it on their stupid in-game sims, which may look like crap in the beginning? Are you saying that someone as talented and creative as Aikea, someone who shares content with us on a regular basis, should give EVERYTHING up that people want? Everyone deserves to have a little something special for him or herself. Aikea also shouldn't have to edit her pictures or her model just to keep people from begging or insulting her when she won't release it.

    However, the comments you've made in this thread clearly make you look like a selfish, greedy entitled ass who thinks that everything you see and want, you should have. Grow up, idiot. The world doesn't work this way.

  32. very unique shirt,nice to see more male clothing.

  33. I personally dislike the hair, but the last anon is totally a douche. xD So, Aikea shouldn't share the hair because some sims which will never be seen by anyone might not be pretty enough?

    " Are you saying that someone as talented and creative as Aikea, someone who shares content with us on a regular basis, should give EVERYTHING up that people want?"
    Nice people give people the things they want. To be honest, most creators share things which they think is made with quality. Thus, apparently this hair is of quality, and it's been shown, so people do expect people who create and share, to, you know, share. I'm not saying Aikea isn't nice, I can't comment on someone's personality from a few posts on a blog, but this doesn't do her any favours. Perhaps that pisses you off. Well be pissed off because that's how I view things, that's my opinion, and there isn't much you can do to make me see people differently.

    Good shirt, by the way.

  34. Wow. Me personally I'm happy if anyone shares any custom content at all. Hell I know i can't make shit. The sims would SUCK with out the community. If she doesn't want to release anything so be it. God, ppl are so greedy. If you want it so bad make it yourself. Enough said.

    Anyway, Thank you Aikea for this sexy shirt, Lord knows we need more male items! <3
