
May 09, 2010

Peggy 080905-q007 Converted! by TumTum Simiolino

Download at My Blue Book

File names:



  1. AWESUM! But it looks weird in orange.

  2. WOW!! Oh god, im totally getting this for my twin girls :D
    Looks amazing for kids and adults though :DD

  3. lol how does it look weird

  4. Nvm, I analyzed it again, and now it looks perfect (btw I'm the first anon ;))

  5. Thank you TumTum! Looking great! :)

  6. This looks great, TumTum! Thanks so much!

  7. first anon: well you can always change it to whatever color you want

  8. Omg! I love it! Thanks Tumtum! :)

  9. Looks adorable on children! Thanks : )

  10. quick question guys and i only ask this here b/c it's so busy on this forum. how do you make a backup of "gameplay.package"? do you copy it to the desktop? is that how you backup a file?

  11. ^Anon

    I use Epico found here:

    Once you have opened the rar file you will see that it contains a single exe file. Epico.exe. Double click on it to auto open the program.

    It is a fantastic tool for creating backups with the option of backing up individual folders or your entire game. It is also a comprehensive game and file repair and patching tool. One of the neatest little programs I have used to date.

  12. This hair is amazing. I like the orange. Really unique. Thanks!

  13. WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MILEY CYRUS POSTS HERE?????????????? AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MILEY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SAY GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME MILEY PLAYS SIMS!!!!!!! YAY!

  14. Oh,Sorry!

    I love you my little monster...I love the people, the animals and the monsters too S2

    I am a very good person =*

  15. Thanks Tum, I really like this one.

  16. I dont even think shes pretty. Miley Cyrus that is.
    Anyway, anyone know why a hair wouldnt appear in my game? Are there any things i could do to tackle this?.... Thanks for any help x

  17. ^To the anon who can't see a hair in game, did you delete your caches?

    Then again, this may not be the problem at all, since I install new hairs without clearing the caches all the time. The only things I know of that require clearing caches before they show up are things like skintones. But I know I once installed the child/toddler versions of a hair by Newsea/Juice/Yu (one of them) and neither version showed up, even thought the adult did. So it might be creator error.

  18. In fact, I don't care what any of you think. Go shove your opinions down someone else's throat.

  19. How rude are you ^ what did Rhiannon say that made you think it was ok to treat someone like that? I'm do over these comments sections people behave like complete ass holes I truly hope you don't behave like this in real life because if you people did with all your nastiness racial and homphobe comments I couldn't imagine you would have to many friends or many people who would give a shit about you......

  20. I don't care what you think. Don't you get it?

  21. The simpack files won't install for me, but I can just use the package files. Did anyone else have a problem installing the simpack option or is it just me?

  22. It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Love the hair btw.

  23. It's so nice to see different hair being converted.

  24. pentameter, i'm also having the same problem with the simpacks.

  25. Whoa, trollapalooza.

  26. awesome - thank you

  27. Anonymous said...
    How rude are you ^ what did Rhiannon say that made you think it was ok to treat someone like that?

    Oh. Was that Miley post supposed to be about me? I had no idea. Larf.

  28. Rhiannon the post that was aimed at you was deleted, you did write anything nasty for the person to write "shut the f&$k up Rhiannon" so I put my 2 cents in sorry I hope you don't mind it just makes me so mad when people ate so rude for no reason! If people want to behave like ass holes and act tough thru should go to a chat room not do it on a dam sims blog!!

  29. Sim3pack wouldnt install so i downloaded the package files and they are in game fine :)

  30. Sim3pack wouldnt install so i downloaded the package files and they are in game fine :)

  31. "I hate gay people and sodomites! yes im homophobic,so you can stfu! if everyone become gay, making babies wouldnt be fun."

    People who are virulently homophobic are most often gay themselves but unable to deal with it, so they externalize their hatred onto those who most remind them of what they hate about themselves...

  32. BTW, child, good luck on finally accepting yourself one day and coming out of the closet! Perhaps your gay brothers and sisters will welcome you with open arms instead of spitting on you for all the hatred you spewed for years.

  33. lol i don't know how to tell you this, but the people who told you they don't want to make babies with you-they are not gay, they are just not into you.

  34. "I hate gay people and sodomites! yes im homophobic,so you can stfu! if everyone become gay, making babies wouldnt be fun."

    LOL. in case you are wondering, yes we know you are gay. stop flaunting it. hahaha

  35. looks brilliant!
    love it!!

  36. Ooh! Lovely! Downloading. Thanks, TumTum!

  37. Miss bon bon updated
