
May 12, 2010

Regal Fantasy Chessboard by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. that guy is afraid of a mere chessboard.. what does this tell us? he's a total F.

  2. a chessboard uhm...yay o.o

  3. You're saying more about yourself than anyone making stupid comments like that.

  4. I don't get it... did he just change the chess piece colour? o-o

  5. The checkerboard pattern (normally beige and brown) and the pieces (black and white), and the price.

    It's not really very special, I am surprised that it was posted when the Invisible Bike wasn't, honestly.

  6. Invisible bike!?

    I have to see that.

  7. Joe is a picky attention whore.

    He isn't posting half of the sim updates available out there, even when he has them linked to his site.

  8. Mhm, invisible bike.

    It's supposed to be a joke about the Invisible Jet and Invisible Boatmobile, how they don't really hide anything. It looks awesome in use too :P

  9. I'm pretty sure the invisible bike was up here for a little while because I saw it along with the glasses marks. It must've been deleted for some reason.

  10. And what's with the random Joe bashing? Everyone was rallied around in support when his father passed not too long ago, and eager to have Joe back to posting when he was ready, but now he's just a "picky attention whore"? And hasn't it been said in the past that Blogger is known to delete some of the posts here?

  11. Everyone I apologise in advance for what I am about to say......

    "His father died like two months ago, if he is not over it by now he needs to grow the fuck up!"

    You are a fucking CUNT!!!!!!!!!! How dare you say something so cruel, have you ever lost a parent I think not because if you had you would never write something as distasteful as that, you are a oxygen thief who should NEVER EVER open your mouth again, what sort of person are you, did your mother raise you like this? You need a good smack in the mouth you little fucking asshole............

  12. Wow I see that the people that he attracts to his blog are rude and obnoxious as well.
