
June 23, 2010

3-Way Sarah by Sisaly

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Similar noses, similar lips, similar head shapes, wide pudding heads, identical eyebrows...

    MTS sure does pick and choose when to follow their own creator guidelines~

  2. Shivar, can't you read? It says 3-Way Sarah.. as in 3 variations of the same sim to suit different tastes. They're supposed to be very similar.

  3. In the first pictures that sim looks TS2ish.

  4. I thought that meant they were lesbians.

  5. I dont like them. TBH I dont like that realistic looking sims.

  6. LOL at Shivar thinking they were lesbians.
    Did you really think that? Because that would just be silly. Triplets (three twins..?) having a threeway is just disgusting ;)

    I think the idea is nice and its a pretty sim too.

  7. Shivar, before you start getting all Elitist SOB on every new creation you should really actually, you know, read about the creation. That might make you look like less of an ass<3

  8. Shivar, before you start getting all Elitist SOB on every new creation you should really actually, you know, read about the creation. That might make you look like less of an ass<3

    well said!
    and about sim, I like the first and second look :)

  9. God Shivar. Just because you're pissed at MTS for banning you, it dosn't mean you can critize the mods without even reading the post! They are the same sim, just with different CC. ;/

  10. Lol @ person thinking they look too realistic. They don't. They look more simmish than the sims I make (And no, I am not sharing.)

    .. Actually, I think removing the sim section from this blog might be a good idea. Maybe have one or two super exceptional ones. But, anyone can make a sim. And anyone can load it down with CC. Making say.. a Sephiroth sim is more difficult than making, well, a sim like this.

  11. The sim is ugly, no matter the cc they use on it.

  12. The second looks too much like ts2

  13. Ew. Am I the only one who thinks this Sim looks like someone grabbed her by the cheeks and stretched ALL of her features out sideways?

  14. If you like to download pretty sims check out this blog:
    If you like to download pretty sims check out my blog:

  15. I just am not a fan of her lips.... the facial structure is nice but the lips are so fat!

  16. I like "fat" lips. Im black, maybe that has something to do with me not like thin lips! Lmao.

  17. When I saw the title I thought it was part of the sim's storyline or something. I don't normally have a dirty mind but I've never heard the term "3-way" used any other way. Oh well. Interesting sim nonetheless.

  18. " I like "fat" lips. Im black, maybe that has something to do with me not like thin lips! Lmao."

    I think they just meant the ones that are really tiny and fat. Thick lips are normal. These narrow, but "fat" ones are not.

    I think the second Sarah is the best, though. :)

  19. I like the Brainy look best..she looks adorable there. ^^
