
June 17, 2010

The Architect's Pad - by TVRdesigns

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. wow, beautifully done. thanks :)

  2. this is amazing!

  3. Very nice, but I don't really like the creator, he seems arrogant.

  4. ^Explain more, please, Alan_Gast. You have piqued my interest.

  5. Oh gawd, I hope your're not TVRDesigns himself. Ok, maybe not arrogant, but I've seen his posts and he seems to think that his creations are superior to everyone else's. Also, judging by his posts he seems unfriendly and not the kind of person you'd want to be friends with, and rather stoney.

  6. Thats rather harsh, considering you don't even know me.. (that last anon wasn't me by the way.)

  7. to be honest not my fav. style but so well done and beautifully landscaped - my compliments :-)


  8. Alan:
    That's a very unfriendly act from you to go say a creator is arrogant, or that he thinks to be superior compared to others. Is this a place to judge people, or discuss what kinda persons they are?
    Are you referring on how he puts up his houses? Or what posts?
    As for the fact that you don't know him, I do, and I can say I'm very glad to be friends with him, cause he's kind, caring, supportive, helpful and always there for me when I need him.

    Oh, and as for the house, the thing we are suppose to comment here:
    I luv it, it's beautiful.

  9. Hi ya just wanted to say thanks downloaded your lot and it looks great in the game :)
