
June 01, 2010

Default Replacement Hair Textures - Set Four by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn

File names:

Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AMHair - Beanie

Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AMHair - Formal

Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AFHair - PonytailLow

Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AFHair - BettyPage

Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AFHair - LongStraightPulledBack

Aikea Guinea - Default Replacement AFHair - LongStraightSidePart


  1. Beautiful. I am all over your retextures, bb, they look awesome.

  2. I appreciate the effort, but hair doesn't shine like that. It looks very unnatural. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

  3. ^agreed, it's not your opinion that it's unnatural, it is unnatural.

    I love you aikea, but your retextures are really bad.

  4. Er... my hair is this shiny, and when it's long, it reflects light that way. The world is made up of millions of different hair textures (silky, coarse, damaged, etc.); just because this may not look like your hair doesn't mean it's 'unnatural.'

    And seriously, if you don't like them, you don't have to download them. I personally love them, so I'm going to continue with this project. I honestly don't mind constructive criticism, but this seems to be more of a taste thing.

  5. Agreed with Aikea. My hair is really shiny too.

  6. Aikea you need to calm down. Not everyone is going to like your stuff. If you share it on the internet, be open to critique. Otherwise just ignore it. Stop being so defensive and pick your battles; It's the internet.

  7. How is Aikea not calm? She has a valid reason behind why the textures are shiny. Should all textures look the same? No, because all hair textures are not the same in real life, either. It's simple.

  8. Watch a Pantene Pro-V commercial, shiny hair is supposed to be a sign of healthy hair. lol

  9. I have downloaded another replacements before (from GOS) and now I have some of theese too.
    Is my Dashboard broken or why it doesent report conflict between these? I surely can not have them both?

  10. Different strokes for different folks.

  11. Stear clear of Pantene Pro-V, it has so much crap in it, you lose hair faster. It's like the worst shampoo you can put in your hair.

  12. "She has a valid reason behind why the textures are shiny. Should all textures look the same?"

    Someone voiced their opinion about her work, and appended it with "sorry" and "that's my opinion". That tells me that Anon knows other people feel differently. She didn't need to say anything. I think she is being defensive where she does not need to say a thing.

  13. ^ I was replying to:

    "^agreed, it's not your opinion that it's unnatural, it is unnatural.

    I love you aikea, but your retextures are really bad."

    I wasn't being defensive at all, just explaining why they are the way they are. I really, honestly, don't mind if people don't like everything I do.

  14. Just because you don't like her textures doesn't meed they're BAD - that's why it's an opinion. I personally like them and think they're a huge improvement over the default EA textures; I can actually see myself using some EA hairs now.

  15. I think the re-texture is ok, but honestly, nobody can save EA's horrible meshes.

  16. I also don't like EA meshes. That doesn't mean I have an overwhelming interest in anime nor does it imply anything else.

  17. "Er... my hair is this shiny, and when it's long, it reflects light that way. The world is made up of millions of different hair textures (silky, coarse, damaged, etc.); just because this may not look like your hair doesn't mean it's 'unnatural.'"

    So let me see if I can actually help -

    First, I believe that you believe your own hair is shiney.

    But I think your interpretation of how your hair shines as shown in these textures is incorrect, thus making it "unnatural" (I avoid the word "bad"). I think the problem is, in terms of the flat bitmaps that you are creating 'static' shine in an environment where the variable of the lightsource always changes (much like real life) - thus making this look "unnatural". I think if you studied your own hair a little more, your work could improve, and look more natural and still shiney :)

  18. i think it looks natural and not overly shiny. how do you know this is 'static' shiny and not reacting to the light in the game kind of shiny cos the screenshots look like they are taken in a well-lit place.

  19. I just know I like this retexture, and couldn't care less, if a shiny hair annoys people around. EA hair never looked so good.

  20. "well-lit place."

    It is not the game doing this, it is the texture vs the the light-source. It is not the amount of light, it is the placement of light that the refracting area will mirror. It is difficult to explain, If you have ever taken any classical still-life drawing courses, the same rules apply in 3D graphics. I think the worst culprit out of these three, if I were to give you an example, would be the boy with the hat. The fringe of hair has multiple gradient shines that seem highly unnatural. If it were curly or wavy like the one in the middle, the placement of the shine marks would make more sense. I think if the author employed what she observes in real 3D space as well as continued her taste in heavily saturated, heavily shiny work, it would look much better.

    This is critique; it is meant to help, nut bully. The author can take this advice or ignore it.

  21. Holy crap, AFBP ( actually looks wearable now. THANKS AIKEA THIS IS GREAT.
