
June 05, 2010

Drea's Salon Makeover by Loverdag

Download at Loverdag's Weird Sims


  1. This is realy good :)
    Good Job ;)

  2. Oh I love this! And it's so much better than the EA one!

  3. SO much better! I hope they added a bathroom & fridge though, my 1st Ambitions family (and new favorites)is a stylist, firefighter & their 6 toddler children, needless to say dad has it easier at the fire station!

  4. Much much better!!
    Has it got a bathroom & a fridge?....

  5. why would you want a bathroom and a fridge? are you planning to live at the workplace and not go home? btw, does it have a bed too?

    this is so much better, the barney's salon just doesnt have the feel of a hair salon.

  6. ^Because my sim works from 9 - 7 and it would be much easier to have those at work than go home several times a day.

    Are you stupid?

  7. "^Because my sim works from 9 - 7 and it would be much easier to have those at work than go home several times a day."

    Um, dumbass, this could be easily solved by YOU adding the fridge and bathroom/toilet yourself. People don't make stuff with the thought of, "Gee, what could a random anon who I don't even know want in this lot?" in mind.

  8. I am pretty sure people DO build lots with "What do people want out of this lot?" in mind.

    Simple facts:

    -This is a lot that would be used for a career
    -That career mostly requires you out of your house
    -You may miss breakfast or otherwise need some food around lunch time
    -Sims have constant bladder decay and may have to use the restroom

    For one thing, what is the harm in it being there? What about it causes personal offense to you to the point where it's an issue?

    For two, are you really so blind that you can't see why it would be there? Again, this is a job where you must control your sim. They don't get fed and go to the bathroom automatically throughout the day like in rabbit holes, without such amenities at the workplace, they must go next door or go home, which is not a reasonable alternative. A break room and a bathroom are freakish, unheard of ideas for a workplace? What country do you live in that this is your mindset? I am baffled by this.

    Not to mention the original salon has a bathroom, too, as buildings often have, because buildings are used by living creatures, which have a system of waste, and the living creatures using these buildings USUALLY are civilized and do it in a designated area which keeps things clean and healthy.

    I mean, good god, I am just blown away. "WTF AMENITIES? IN A WORKPLACE? GOD YOU ARE DUMG" are you serious? Are you seriously saying that?


  9. I know I eat and poop at work. And take naps too.

  10. Lol. The anon that said
    builders dont think
    about what the people
    who could potentially
    download their creations
    think is just....clueless.

    What else would they have
    in mind?

  11. Wow, are you guys serious? Are you seriously arguing about this? This is hysterical.

  12. They're arguing about a statement that was never made. Here's the abridged conversation (I'm going to assume it was a 2 person conversation).

    Anon1: "Much much better!! Has it got a bathroom & a fridge?"
    Note that the person was asking if the items in question 'bathroom' and 'fridge' already came with the lot. Note also that it was appended to a compliment. This did not read like a complaint to the creator. For all we know Anon1 was planning to add the items themself from the get-go.

    Anon2: "why would you want a bathroom and a fridge?"

    Anon1: "Because my sim works from 9 - 7...[insult]"
    This is where it got retarded, however there is still no evidence that Anon1 was complaining that the lot creator did not include 'bathroom' and 'fridge'. They were only answering the preceeding question about the usefullness of such objects.

    Anon2 "Um, dumbass, this could be easily solved by YOU adding the fridge and bathroom/toilet yourself..."
    This was probably more of a reaction to being called stupid, than anything else. But it is an unfounded remark. Like stated before, we have no idea if Anon1 added the objects already, and have no reason to doubt it either way.

    Then Claeric jumped in directly addressing the previous question about the benfits of a bathroom and a fridge on a public lot. It was way too long and a bit too late, but salient point was "Are you seriously saying that these objects don't belong there?"

    It ended with Anon2 addressing a non-existing argument that Anon1 refused to add the objects his or herself. Which they never did that nor implied it.

    It's all incredibly dumb. And so am I for taking the time to clear it up.

    The moral of the story is: go play The Sims 3.

  13. I was never intending to argue that creators are obligated to put these things there. I thought the argument was that they ARE there, and some dumbass was saying "omg why are they there just add it yourself" which apparently is incorrect.

  14. I love you, Claeric.

  15. Marry me, Claeric?

  16. where can i download these things?
