
June 21, 2010

Furniture and House at YuyanSims

Download this furniture set and this house at here at yuyansims.


  1. You forgot the tags. :)

  2. Hehe Jess, no tags. :P

    This goes in Residential Lots, Wall Art and Furnishings (I think, maybe MS3B will help you out ;)

  3. Damn it- yet another cute house that you can't get unless you register in their forum and make a certain number of posts. I hate it when any forum does that, even ones that are in English.

  4. :S Didn't know about that. That kinda sucks.

  5. MS3B/Jess/Brandon did any of you check the email? I have a new sim at my blog

    How do you like to be reached with new content? It seems that it takes a long time to reach you by email, how do others contact you?

    PS: Cool house!

  6. Well, I rarely check my e-mail because I can't be bothered. :p But most people who do e-mail us about their custom content (So long as its good) would have it in a post.

    You're better off e-mailing your content to Brandon or MS3B though.

  7. I just uploaded a new hair on my blog :D It's Raon 16, fixed and without that (stupid) accessory. :3

  8. I email whoevers email is on the right XD
