
June 06, 2010

Kea by mm38

Download this Sim and more at Precious Sims


  1. Same as always...

  2. Ugh. This is just begging to make her come back and start spamming the site again.

  3. Straight outta the simbin..

  4. your brain is generic

  5. I think she is a cutie! Funny how EVERY negative comment so far is by anon's...

  6. Okay, I'll agree with the anons. I don't ask any of my Sims to be featured on MS3B because I personally find them pretty similar. Since I just play for myself, I don't care. But to ask for your Sims to be featured all the time in the comments, only to have your Sims look pretty generic, is what has so many of the anons annoyed.

    It's more like the creator makes a Sim for every new hairstyle or piece of custom content that comes out. And it's not just this creator, a lot of people's Sims look similar after a while.

  7. Don't care what anyone says, I agree with Jenipunch here :)

    I haven't offered any Sims for upload, but am thinking about it - it would be nice if the sites could show them minus CC so we can really tell how unique they are. MTS has the right idea in their upload specifications, even if it is fiddly.

  8. Don't be afraid of critique, i also think that this sim looks pretty generic with the anime eyes. Try to make more interesting faces and you you harvest praise and love. Sims like this can be made in 5 minutes to be honest, that's the truth. Now don't cry or take it offensive, it should only help you getting better.

  9. I actually like her, but there is no link for downloading

  10. "By the way to the anons I dont spam anymore and havent in ages."

    Congratulations. That's sort of like saying, "I haven't graffiti'd public property in ages." You really shouldn't have been doing it to start with.

  11. I didnt know what spamming was.I was new to sims on internet.I saw other people doing it so I thought it was O.K.Now I know not to do it.Thanks to the anons.

  12. Just scroll further down for the link.
