
June 09, 2010

New Clothing for Adult Females by Glamurita84

Download at Just Sims 2

As seen on page 1 and ready to wear page 1


  1. wow these are beautiful

  2. Not sure what to say.... It's photoskinned but not quite as bad as some others, Not my taste though I just really hate the photoskinned look

  3. I love them. There are two I want to download right now.

  4. The gowns are striking

  5. lovely! i see more weddings in my simmies futures!

  6. I don't like the first one very well but I like the rest. Nice!

  7. Glad to see they are making clothing for the sims 3 now, I used to love their stuff for the sims 2!

  8. Are you sure these are for Sims 3 and not Sims 2? It's impossible to tell on that web site what is Sims 2 and what's Sims 3. I wish the owner of that web site would clarify this on all the pages.

    They're gorgeous dresses.

  9. There's only one i'm suspicious of,the 4th one looks a bit sims2-ish, but the others seem pretty much sims3 for me.
    Other than that, I have mixed feelings, I love some of them, others are neutral, and 4th one is somehow too photoskinned with all those mirroring and such. But they are good.

  10. I am not sure why people get so confused with finding Sims 3 stuff on that site. Just go to "Fashion", then to "Sims 3" category (very last one)

  11. Even though it's photoskinned, it looks really good. I'll probably download some (the first two gowns, the corset and the short dress are <3).
