
June 14, 2010

New Decor and Paintings at Secretly Sims

Download at Secretly Sims - Registration required


  1. Oh i like the idea of the of the notebook hehe

  2. Great. Another fucking registration site.

  3. Its sad since most sites really don't take much to register, but most people are to lazy to do so :)

  4. No honey nut cheerios?!?!?


  5. I like the day planners.

  6. "Its sad since most sites really don't take much to register, but most people are to lazy to do so :)"

    Lazy? Try again. There are probably 20 or more registration sites for the Sims 3 already. Who wants to create a different account for each of those sites and then have to create and remember a new password AND username for each of them? If you would say, "Well, use the same password and username," then you're a moron who would know nothing about how much that can compromise you, especially if you were to get hacked by someone. Example: several of the suspected "pirates" hacked by TSR who used the same username and password on multiple sites.

    Most of these registration sites do not have many updates on a daily basis. I can understand SimsCave being registration due to the nature of the content it provides and MTS being registration because it provides a large amount of quality content on a regular basis. But 98% of these registration sites do not fall under either of those cases.

  7. Use the same username and password for every sims 3 site then. Not too much to remember there.

  8. Anyone who got these willing to share? =D
