
June 23, 2010

A New Mod By Rainbow_Brite

You can download this mod here at MTS which decreases the amount of hygiene lost while digging in the junkyard.


  1. I answered this question earlier but no one replied: What does it take to be a contributor here at MS3B? I'm not asking to be, just want to know how.

  2. Oh well, I just asked... :p Things were slow because Joe had to take some time off so I offered my help. You don't really have to be special you just have to be capable. (Thats my point of view)

  3. ^ Oops, post fail, lol :P

  4. ^ That was to the person above, Jess.

    And thanks for answering, would be cool to be a contributor to this website though.

  5. Mhm, it is, but it sucks when everyone bashes you when you mess up. :p I have experiance in that situation.

  6. Was anyone frustrated by how dirty you get while digging in the junkyard? It always felt just right to me. Of all Ambitions-related mods, I'd much rather see more efforts to make Simbots less human, or ways to improve careers, removing the many bugs etc.

    (btw, odd this is the 7th comment and yet the FIRST one on-topic lol.)


    I found an awesome new sims blog.

  8. ^Wow that sims blog is awesome. I thought it was going to be another shitty blog with the exact same sim posted 20 times with minor differences, but those sims are awesome

  9. Agreed with on-topic anon a few posts above this. Never felt the need to change this about junkyards. But I'm still glad theres been so many mods editing/fixing Ambitions... god knows we need them.

  10. Kind of a silly mod. I would think that digging around in junkyards would, rather obviously, decrease your sims hygiene drastically.

  11. Holy shit, that's some talent in that blog.

    The pictures alone are worth visiting for.

  12. Shivar this isn't really valid here but I was just wondering, do you have a life outside of TS3 / video games in general? You're on this blog at ALL TIMES and from what I've heard, Mod the sims and MATY too. And whenever a video game creation comes up you're like "SWEET -fun facts about vague said video game-" lolwut? And then your huge creations like you must spend HOURS on the computer, sheesh >____>

  13. ^I was thinking the same thing. I was going to ask him if he even had a job.

    Anyway, I also think the original coding made sense. Never really bothered me that sims got dirty gardening or digging in junk piles, but I can see where many people would get annoyed by it. Definitely a useful mod!

  14. "(btw, odd this is the 7th comment and yet the FIRST one on-topic lol.)"

    (I was the first anon by the way.)

    It's sorta weird how this works, yeah? Mods like these usually get ignored because they don't help much with the game, but when someone posts something off-topic, it automatically jump-starts a discussion. :P

  15. Hey guys.. I read through some of your comments and some of you added that you think you should get dirty while digging through the trash, which is actually pretty logical it's just I had people requesting to make this type of mod so it wasn't so irritating all the time. I actually just posted another version of the mod that allows you to get 'more dirty' while digging through the trash if you wanna check it out :) It's posted at the above link at MTS and at TSC under my section ;) (click on my name)


  17. ^ You make really crappy secrets.

  18. Why can't you people just leave Claeric alone!

  19. ^ Wow, Claeric has a frien- oh wait, no... that IS Claeric.

    LOL incredible job on the above pic. He wouldn't last a day at T$R though; while they encourage people to be annoying and brainless, they don't allow criticism of any kind there.

    Poor guy just won't be accepted anywhere. :(

  20. ^ you guys are really mean... you act like a 8 year old little girl who cant have a soda.... Not poor Claeric, poor you... thats a shame cuz... no i really dont now why... just grow up...

    (Sorry for my bad english)

  21. Lol, we're grown up it's just that some of us like conflict with this douche bag more then others. (:

    If you've seen his behavior, you would understand. Notice that I'm not being rude to you unlike the stinky dick bag, Claeric?

  22. I was wondering whether that was actually claeric, I haven't seen him lately but then again shivar seems nicer

    Go figure XD

  23. No that wasn't Clearic who said why can't you leave him alone, it was me, I just didn't sign in, srsly the ones who make fun of him are worse than he is, just give him a break, geez.

  24. O well, I like Claeric/Shivar >.>
