
June 23, 2010

New Sims by Epi

Download at Epi's Blag


  1. Oooh the second male sim is interesting

  2. Way to use the same nose over and over again!

  3. Awesome. Epi makes good sims

  4. Like the first one ;)

  5. Wow, LOVE the second guy.

  6. second male sim looks awsome ^_^

  7. I normally like epi's sims, but I don't think these are nothing special and kinda weird looking.

  8. If you like to download pretty sims check out my blog:

  9. the second guy is gorgeous..

  10. The guys are smoking hot!

  11. why the long face(s)?

  12. Yeah, after posting these I realized their noses are all the same. Kinda embarrassing. I actually started playing around with more nose shapes today. I'm glad it wasn't just me being picky.

    As for the long faces, not all my sims have them. These just happen to be three in a row with them. I do kind of like different faces, other than cutesy round ones. I have a thing for prominent bone structures, I guess.

    Thanks for the comments and criticisms. I like hearing suggestions.


  13. i realised its kinda of hard to get a noticeably different nose sculpt using ladyfrontbum's skin. the skin tends to give them all that rounded feel. Maybe its just me. i love the skin, don't get me wrong, but the noses bother me too.

  14. Hmmm you're right. Noses tend to vary a lot with the skins. AllIeverwanted's skin make the nose into a cute little round one, Dollie's and Jiro's make the nostrils become a bit shapeless, and Aikea's noses are very sculpted.

    I'm a sucker for LFB's skin, so maybe that's why I'm having a bit of trouble getting more of a variety. But I think its also my fault. I need to pay more attention to that.

  15. Delicious looking guys Epi!!

  16. Ohhh looks like I can molest Kilan now! <3

  17. <333

    I moved your self sim into the same town as him. She keeps checking everyone out and hitting on anything that moves.


  19. Love em epi. :D

    If you guys have any suggestions for the faces of my skins please let me know, the faces are a lot easier to edit than the bodies and I can always make different versions. :)

  20. I love them! Thanks.

  21. 2nd sim is sexy! must have thanks alot

  22. LFB is just plain awesome like that! <3

    More luffs for Epi too, ya know... to stay on topic. <3333

  23. I love the second one Epi...I never download sims, but he tempts me.

  24. Thanks guys!

    Ladyfrontbum- I absolutely adore your skins, I wouldn't change a thing!


    Seriously, though, don't misunderstand my previous statement. Every skin has a special way of accentuating sim features. I think my only problem is that your skins are TOO good... They're addicting! Hehe.

    But I should try using other skins to accentuate other features. I think that would help their noses at least. Plus it'll be a fun challenge.

    Once again, thank you guys endlessly for the criticism. I really like the variety of feedback.

  25. I love long faced sims!

    Seriously, seems like you can do more with the features if the faces are long. I just started trying out shorter more rounded faces lately after seeing the round faced sim here on the blog. Sometimes you need to mix it up.

    LadyFrontbum, if you edit faces anytime soon, will be downloading them soon as they are hot off the press. I watch your site.

    I applaud you Epi!

  26. Not at all! <3
    I've wanted to play with them for a while now, there are always things I hate about my skins that pop out at me as soon as I hit that publish button.
    The nose was actually one of them because I did notice that it wasn't really versatile.

    I've had a play anyway and will probably have a new face skin up in the next couple of days :D

  27. the noses don't look exactly the same they have similarities but their diffrent in shape. The first guy's nose brige is thinner and minor stuff like plus I think the skin makes a diffrence in the tone but not drastically changing it. If you need proof use diffrent skins on the same sim you have been playing with for awhile and you'll see their are changes in how he or she looks but nothing affecting the sims facial structure.

  28. Epi! Very beautiful sims =D I love especially the second one. His look is fantastic and the nose is sweet ^_^

  29. They look like they either slept with their makeup on, or they're on drugs.

  30. I know that diversity with facial features is one of the things that make a great sim.

    The noses don't really look alike, but they are so huge that they pull away all the attention from the other features.

    You should try to make them smaller,so that the other features, which are great features, will be seen too.
