
June 06, 2010

Peggy 0037 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Peggy 037_S3_TF-EF_Savio_v2


  1. Oh lord I love this hair! Too bad for myself that I stopped playing though...

  2. I like it in black but with the other colors... I don't know. The left side and the bangs look odds. Do you know what causes this ? Is it your texture ?

  3. New hair at Cazy's blog.

  4. I love this! I'm probably the minority when I say that I also like the length.

  5. Wow, it's a realistic thickness ^-^
    I don't even have a complaint about this hair, its perfectly within my standards.

  6. it's exactly my hairstyle in black

  7. I would be nice if it were shorter. I used to love these crazy length hairs but now I'm kinda over it. Still like longer hairs but this is just too much. I really like the style though.

  8. yesterday i got ambitions so that means i had to update my game so i did and the game works perfectly execpt for one thing if i click a sim then nothing come up so now i cant have kids fught with somone etc........... help help help

  9. Are you POSITIVE that you absolutely NO mods at all? Hairs/clothes etc. are fine but ANY mod pretty much needs updating (Ambitions messed with a lot of files) I had the same issue you did, upon closer inspection I found that I had a mod that slipped through the first time

  10. like teen pregnacy mods nd stuff like that

  11. why are you asking here?
    so stupid, go tell ea, not random people on the internet

  12. "so stupid, go tell ea, not random people on the internet"

    I don't mind that person asking here because people here tend to be more knowledgeable than the morons posting on the sims3 official forums. Whenever I read that forum, I am amazed at all the stupid people who have no clue what they are talking about 99% of the time. As for the "gurus," their solution 9 out of 10 times is either to a. reinstall or b. tell you that your computer is the problem (even when people were able to play just fine before a certain patch). They are nothing but EA shills who sound like robots when they post the same stupid, recycled EA "help" answers. I would wager that the majority of the posters on that site are either teens or very young adults who know jack shit about computers. The amount of misinformation they give out is just staggering.

    I've been able to isolate and fix problems without ever reinstalling that I've seen them advise others that reinstalling was the only way. They are lazy and full of it.

  13. Hm... not my thing.
