
June 08, 2010

Raon 57 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Raon 57_S3_TF-EF_Savio


  1. link works for me. thankyou Sav!

  2. Very cute pixie cut, thanks Savio :]

  3. Does anyone know when the critical patch for Ambitions will be released? I know they normally releases one about a week after a newest EP or SP.

  4. ^why are you asking this on a cc blog?
    go ask ea

  5. "^why are you asking this on a cc blog?
    go ask ea"

    Dude, shut the fuck up. We heard you yesterday on an entry when someone had a question. If people want to ask questions here, let them. If you don't like it, scroll on past. Doesn't bother me.

  6. no1 likes it when people grow up 2 b slutz u knoe ? wutchu mean no1 wantz 2 c my fat rollz ?????? im sexy now stoopid

  7. I think the models gorgeous! There are WAY freakier models that people use out there *cough* me *cough*

    Like the hair!

  8. Why do people focus so much on someone's model instead of the CC provided?

    Keep up the good work, Savio. Really nice hair. If people find your model unattractive at least then they won't be begging you to release her.

  9. LMAO! Wouldn't it be funny if Savio was using that model on purpose instead of prettier Sims he uses in his games?

    Well played, Savio, well played.

  10. Really cute hair. My friend Jackie just got a similar haircut. :D

  11. Will you be releasing this sim or will you think about it? I'd like to download it if it's at all possible... I love the hair as well!!

  12. so ok like i wuz think bout switchin to maxi padz u knoe cuz like i keep droppin my box o tamponz in da toilet and padz r not in a box or sumthink like dat

  13. "Will you be releasing this sim or will you think about it?"

    Just download any of Catherine's sims. They all look the same. No, seriously.

    And the model matters somewhat in the presentation. I've seen tons of hairs released that I thought were meh and didn't bother with until I saw pictures from someone else using it on a respectable looking sim.

    And it just seems weird he doesn't use a model of his own. I think most of us are tired of seeing Catherine's.

  14. Maybe Savio doesn't use models of his own because he doesn't want people asking for them or because he doesn't want people only focusing on his model instead of the hairs he provides. I don't blame him.

  15. Love the hair! Thanks Savio!

  16. "I've seen tons of hairs released that I thought were meh and didn't bother with until I saw pictures from someone else using it on a respectable looking sim."

    This. So hard. There have been so many hairs (especially Peggy's) that on their models I thought were terrible, but when I saw them on someone else's sim, I saw that I actually like it. So now when I see a model I don't like, I cover their face to see if I like the CC shown or not.
    Anyways, this is a cute hairstyle. Thanks for putting the time and effort into converting it, Savio.

  17. "So now when I see a model I don't like, I cover their face to see if I like the CC shown or not."

    Exactly. You have a brain, so you do this. Really, people, it's not that hard. I've seen the reverse happen. Someone uses a gorgeous model and the hair looks really pretty on her, but then I see the hair on a Sim that has a different face shape or isn't as pretty and the hair looks like crap.

  18. I used to often use this hair for male sims :) it fits with males very well so I hope I can get one for male version...
