
June 30, 2010

Raon Age Conversion by Robodl95

Download at Look it's a Plumbob over my Head

File name: Robodl95_Raon 25_Child+Toddler

Tum Tum's conversion here


  1. I love it! Thanks for all the great toddler/child conversions, Robodl95!

  2. I didn't like it for adults but it looks cute on those kids.

  3. I'm loving the sudden burst of hairs for the oft neglected male sim-children. Keep 'em coming.

  4. It's actually really cute. Thanks for converting this for kids, Rob.


    I'm not sure how long it takes to do this but I really need an age conversion of the hair above for my story for my main character.

    It'd be amazing if you could do this, and please tell me if you can. I want to start it ASAP.

    The story is here if you want to see:


  6. Awww this is so cute! It looks much better on kids and toddlers than the older sims. :)

  7. Sims 3 children and so much more attractive than their Sims 2 counterparts.

  8. Cute for kids, I really like the disheveled look for them. On adults, not so much. Thanks though!

  9. The little, freckled baby is super cute.

  10. Glad you like it guys :)

    Amelia: I did that hair! Unfortunately I converted the wrong version (savio) and so I need to fix it (I suspect it may just be a UV issue possibly? I may end up just reconverting it) I haven't noticed any issues besides the scalp problem that other versions of this hair has, hope you like it :)

  11. oh my god. :D Thank you. So much. I'll switch if you end up reconverting but you have no idea how long and hard I've been searching for this. Made my day. Now lemme just go see how it looks in muh game.


  12. Just tested it out, looks great! There is that issue at the top, which I'll manage with and if you redo it (I hope you do!) when you zoom out enough you get these lines with the hair:

    I dunno if Infusorian's redo fixed it or not but just letting you know. Again, thank you!! ~Amelia

  13. I actually like the way this hair looks on female sims, kind of a cute tomboy thing. It works great on children, too. ^_^ Thanks, Robodl95!

  14. Amelia: I noticed that too :/

    Glimmering: I wasn't sure people would like this for girls or not, I like the adult hair for females but this isn't a style that I would see a little girl wearing....

  15. Like this a lot!

    ...why is the title of your site capitalized so weirdly? /shot /editor

  16. That's a good question... lol

  17. Rob may I ask what graphics card you have, and what settings you use for anti-aliasing? I have either jagged sims or jagged hair and I'd like both to display smooth... yours do. :)

  18. I've been told many times how crappy my graphics card is! I don't pay much attention to my graphics card honestly, I know that I have everything sim related maxed out for when I take pictures.

    I wouldn't recommend my graphics card (I don't know the exact model sorry) it's so so and it doesn't work with the unimesh bone tool (Which is why I can only do short hairs because they only use one bone)

    Sorry I couldn't help more :)

  19. Well if you do reconvert Raon 55 (please do) make sure you publish it. ;D I literally spent two weeks searching and requesting. P:

    But now I can only say THANK YOU! ~Amelia

  20. Hey Rob thanks for your answer.

    So it is really possible that your graphics card doesn't support the unimesh bone tool!? Never knew! What error do you get?

  21. Mmmm green milk.
