
June 12, 2010

Reflective Windows by JRW

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Too reflective, i dont know..

  2. too good to be true. I hope when you zoom in you can ACTUALLY see the glass. I hated it when you zoom in the glass disappears - _ -

  3. Lets forget the windows and worry about reflective floors! Yeah!

  4. The glass no longer disappears with the latest patch.

    Also, the picture for these is misleading ;-; thought the guy was standing inside, looking outside, and the reflection only reflected a certain distance- so it reflected him, but not the indoors. Unfortunately this is not true ;-; Still awesome though.

  5. Oh, well, it looks good, but I'm not downloading it. But I got a question:

    Does someone know where I can find reflective floors? (like Murano's ones from sims2) I know the new room from Ambitions (it's like a CAS, you use on the stylist career and such) has reflective floor, but I'd be REALLY grateful if someone could extract it and make it avaiable for Buy Mode.


  6. Savio, there are none yet.
    There's a "glass" rug made by Sunhair, but it does not reflect.

    Though in The Sims 2, Murano's needed a shader so that it could "reflect";

    In Ambitions, I am not sure how it works, but I don't think it is a object, but a live rendered picture.
    Maybe someone can dig into and find out more about it! :)

  7. I guess I was dumb ass confused too, because I thought the exact same thing as Claeric....

  8. Oh, okay then! Thanks a lot, Mark :)

  9. I don't even know what's going on in the second picture. Isn't he just standing outside looking in and there is no reflection involved at all? *scratches her head*

    Anyway, the reflection looks pretty good but I think it needs to be subtler. :)

  10. Clearly JRW needs to take pics correctly. A side-by-side comparison needs to be taken from the same angle -- not one pic taken from the outside and one from inside. Otherwise confusion is inevitable.

  11. Ladyfb. Exactly, like i said in the first comment. Too reflective.

  12. I thought the second picture was to show that you can see from the inside out.
