
June 28, 2010

Savio Female Hair 11 ~ Pooklet'd by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: Anubis360_Savio Hair 11_S3_TF-EF

Savio's version here


  1. Looks great!!! Thanks Anubis.


  2. Ahhh! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  3. Yes, thanks for retexturing this Anubis, looks fantastic!

  4. Cute, but I'll stick with the original. I'm perfectly content with it ingame. Thanks though!

  5. This one didn't need a retexture. Savio's is superior.

  6. Great retexture! The original wasn't that bad but it didn't quite look right with the style of my sims, this fits much better, thanks!

  7. "This one didn't need a retexture. Savio's is superior."

    Stop making yourself sound like an idiot. The difference is the highlights, as Anubis states on his blog. These have in-game highlights, rather than the shine Savio uses. Other than that, they're the exact same. How can one be "superior" to the other?

  8. ^It can be superior because I prefer Savio's method of texturing. Since this is a blog where you can give comments that include your opinion of someone's work, I don't see how my previous comment made me sound like an idiot.

    Since I like Savio's better than Anubis' version, it is superior in my own opinion.

  9. This is great, again. Thank you!

  10. I prefer Anubis' retextures.... always. So, thanks for this one. ♥

  11. why is the roots still dark? what changes did you really make that are noticeable?

  12. Please make it awaibale for men? Thanks!!!

  13. "why is the roots still dark? what changes did you really make that are noticeable?"

    The texture... the control map.....

  14. "why is the roots still dark? what changes did you really make that are noticeable?"

    These roots are NOT dark. What is WRONG with some of you? Do you not know how to change the color yourself?

    Here is a newsflash, most people do not have hair that is all one color. Roots like Peggy's ARE dark, but you are totally crazy for saying these roots are.

  15. Roots like Peggy's ARE dark, but you are totally crazy for saying these roots are.

    Now this just confuses me.

    People ASSUME with absolutely NO reference but pictures that any peggy hair that comes out has dark roots. They bitch and whine about it and nobody bats an eyelash.

    But here someone assumes with no reference but pictures (all of which have darker roots than hair) that the roots are dark by default (A reasonable assumption since most creators would probably make specific effort to show off that the roots are not specifically darker), and they get yelled at.

    What's different here? How is that not hte same as assuming peggy hairs have dark roots? Just like he doesn't know for sure these do, how do any of you know for sure hers do? Why are you allowed to assume that but nobody is allowed to assume it for this hair?

  16. Ahh, I can actually download this one! Thanks Anubis! =D

  17. Because Peggy's hairs always have dark roots.... Peggy is a pay site..... Peggy is generally made fun of.

    Peggy makes some great hairs but I've never found a hair of hers that looked good in blond without a retexture

    I'm not sure how you could say that this has dark roots, it's pretty obviously just the color on the blond sim as it looks fine everywhere else

  18. Dark roots?
    In that pic (blonde) I was using the same color for the hair and the roots, they're slightly darker, if not, it would look plain or like EA hairs.

  19. Male version please.

  20. I hope Jordy the savior for sims 3 hair fixes this soon.

  21. "What's different here? How is that not hte same as assuming peggy hairs have dark roots? Just like he doesn't know for sure these do, how do any of you know for sure hers do? Why are you allowed to assume that but nobody is allowed to assume it for this hair?"

    Because, moron, some of us have actually tested and USED Peggy's hairs in game and have also tested and used this ANUBIS hair in-game. So we know the difference.

    You always try to sound like you are more intelligent than everyone else and you more often than not show how little you actually do know. That's the problem when you ASSUME, Claeric. Some of us are going by what we KNOW and have tested IN-GAME, not by what we assume from pictures.

    You really need to follow the saying, "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

  22. "Since I like Savio's better than Anubis' version, it is superior in my own opinion."

    You sounded like an idiot because you stated it as a fact. You're right, it's subjective.

  23. i usually go with anubis textures, in this case i choosed savios instead
    i think it should be encouraged either way since without variety it would be dull

  24. looks amaaazing! thanks!

  25. It just looks like a million other hairs out there like this, really.

  26. "That's the problem when you ASSUME, Claeric. Some of us are going by what we KNOW and have tested IN-GAME, not by what we assume from pictures."

    Wait wait wait...

    Don't you assume that all peggy hairs have dark roots? What if peggy comes out with a hair that doesn't have dark roots? Will you probably still assume it does by the pictures? I don't see how you are any better than Claeric.

    When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.

  27. ok, what does "pooklet'd" mean? seriously can someone tell me please?
