
June 28, 2010

Savio Hair 11 - New Mesh

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Savio Hair 11_S3_TF-EF


  1. This is beautiful!! Nice work Savio.

  2. Love it! Very natural style and I mostly love the texture - the roots are a little dark but I've seen much worse haha. Keep it up Savio!

  3. I love it! Your meshing skills are very high caliber.


  5. I'm thrilled to see this! I've used your previous one on my last four sim ladies. I really love this one too and know I will use it just as often. Sure it would be cool to eventually have morph states but that won't stop me from using this now.

    Can't wait to see what else you are going to be making! I am going to try this out now.

  6. Very elegant. Great work.

  7. Woah. This is MY hair! :D

  8. I just love it when sims hair looks natural. In the immortal words of Tim & Eric - "Great job!"

  9. Looks really good! Serious are you making new meshes? Please make more and for males too!

  10. Yay a natural looking style that's well done - thanks Savio :)

  11. This looks really good in game! It's the perfect length, doesn't look wigish and will be well abused in my game. THANK YOU. I'd love to see it on guys as well it doesn't look too feminine at all like most long hair meshes out there for men.

  12. Can`t wait to try this in my game, it looks beautiful. Please, i wish i had it for males aswell. Thanks, Savio, wish i had your talent!!!

  13. Love it! Good Job Savio!

    Uhm, you think you can make a Bangs Accessory to go with this mesh? anyways i still love the mesh!

  14. Savio

    You could probably add morph states with this, you'll be one of the first to test it for hair:

  15. Beautiful, Thank you Savio!

  16. I love it so much, Savio! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see more hairs from you!

  17. Fantastic job Sav!

  18. I didn't download the last version because of the part-line (or lack thereof) but I can definitely see one on this style! Plus, it feels a lot more natural, so thanks Savio. It's gorgeous :)

  19. im feeling this one~

  20. I absolutely love this.

  21. Absolutely gorgeous!! Great job Savio!

  22. This is a lovely hairstyle, and you Savio are on a good way of becoming an excellent hair mesher. someone who`s made about 50 TS2 hair meshes, I have to add - a hairstyle simple as this should have 5000 polys TOPS. Everything exceeding that number is, TBH, an overabundance. It may seem they add on shape/smoothness but it`s not so. So, Savio (and other hair meshes), if you are interested, try to experiment by limiting the poly number. Or, create a hig poly mesh and then start removing them while trying to keep the shape. It may be tough at first, but with time and practice, you`ll see just how easy it is to achieve a lot with just a few (polys, in this case). Keep up the good work ;)

  23. very beautiful. looks great in game

  24. can you add hair clips to both sides? It would look cuter.


    plz support

  26. clciked it, then closed before it even played.

  27. For real!? I love this hair XD

  28. Great job. It like it quite a lot. It looks like it would be good for men, too. It's so hard to find hair for men that isn't too big and poufy. Can you enable it for men, too?

  29. YAY! Fast Lane stuff pack first screens available:

    Also, Savio I loved this hairs!

    Your meshing skills are great!
    You desearve a 11 out of 10! :)

  30. "Great job. It like it quite a lot. It looks like it would be good for men, too. It's so hard to find hair for men that isn't too big and poufy. Can you enable it for men, too?"

    More like, it's so hard to find hair for men that you see MOST men wearing. Gay or straight, I do not see most men with any of these hairstyles that women typically wear, in fact, they are a minority. Why is it that some of you morons have to have EVERY.SINGLE.FEMALE.HAIR for males, too?

  31. "YAY! Fast Lane stuff pack first screens available:"

    This stuff pack looks pointless. Who wants shitty EA cars when you have Fresh Prince? I can guarantee you none of them will look as nice as the real brands he actually provides us on a regular basis AND FOR FREE. If I can get better quality cars for free, I sure as hell won't be paying for them.

    The only way I'd buy this stuff pack is if it enabled new animations or was similar to Sims 2: Night Life...but I guess we will have to wait for an expansion for that.

  32. ' someone who`s made about 50 TS2 hair meshes, I have to add - a hairstyle simple as this should have 5000 polys TOPS'

    maybe you should try making TS3 mesh sometime. TS3 hair meshes tend to be of a higher polycount, and Savio always warns about the high polycount of certain meshes he converts so I think its highly unlikely that he isn't aware of the good habit of keeping polys to the minimum. i am not too sure that this hair mesh is all that 'simple' too, i think all the extra bits go into making it deceptively simple so that its way more natural compared to other similar wigs.

  33. ^Exactly. TS2 is NOT TS3 and in fact, so many things are different.

  34. Wow, such a nice and realistic and naturally awesome hair style!

  35. First let me say this hair is gorgeous and just makes me drool.

    Second let me say Marko is right.

    Sims 2 and Sims 3 hair are basically the same. Sims 3 can afford more poly's than sims 2 could because the game can handle more (and computers are alot better now than in 2004), but for a hair that doesn't have 'polysucking' details like curls, lots of bends, lots of planes, lots of details in the mesh instead of just the texture, etc., this hair can be made with 6000 tops and still look this smooth.
    18.000 for this is too high for a hair like this.

    If your computer can handle it it's fine, but if the polycount is lower, people with 'shittier' computers can use this hair as well without the game slowing down.

  36. Oh wow, it looks great! So normal, lol!

  37. "omg please no clips, if you ever DO add accessories then make a version without, fucking sucks that most of my young adults come out looking like 14 year old jail bait all because of misplaced accessories"

    I agree. I'm tired of all the cutesy, childish hairstyles and clothes because creators decided it would be cute to add clips, huge bows, or otherwise unnecessary accessories or stencils.

    I want my female adult Sims to look like adults, not teenagers or children. I don't even want my TEENAGERS to look like they are in 5th grade.

  38. This is beautiful! One problem though, I can't seem to download it. I click the "download now" thingy but my usual downloads pop-up thingy doesn't open. I'm using Firefox, btw. Can you maybe upload it to another site too?

  39. Why don't you try using a different browser, Ameri?

    I've found that sometimes things that won't download in one browser will actually download in another. For instance, there were times Mediafire acted up in Chrome but would let me download fine in Firefox and vice versa.

  40. Hey Joe,

    I just found this out and was wondering if you would share it with others since so many simmers visit you?

    You do need Ambitions for it, but it is not a mod/hack. I was pretty excited to see it.

  41. ^Old news. WAY old news.

  42. 18k polys??? WTF

  43. This is gorgeous :) For once I'm even willing to ignore the dark roots because the hair is so pretty. Thanks Savio!

  44. The poly count on this is absolutely insane, which sucks because I like the way the ends of it look. Even the most complicated in-game mesh (object or hair or whatever) doesn't surpass 3k. Similarly smooth base game hairs included. :\

    To put it in perspective, having one sim with this hair on screen is the equivalent of having 10 of those giant airplane statues on screen, or 6 sims wearing the complicated medieval suit of armor. That's way too much for one hair.

  45. I don't think dark roots are part of the texture: isn't he the one that said he just liked darker roots, orrrr was that TumTum?

  46. Ladyfrontbum has new default/non-default faces on her website

  47. Anon below me, I tried Internet Explorer and it opened a Can Not Be Displayed page =/

  48. of the most realistic hairs I have seen for Sims 3! Beautiful and well done. Thank you!

  49. I wish I was as smart as Shivar, gosh :(


  51. ^
    Frankly, shut the hell up. Shivar's a good creator and if you don't like his attitude then deal with it, because you'll only encourage him by making comments like this.

  52. I know, he feeds off of negative energy like a dementor. Scary ):

  53. The texture does NOT have dark roots. If you're seeing dark roots, it's because those were chosen by hand, not because it's a bottle blonde :)

  54. People, stop with the Shivar crap, please. He's created many things of quality and frankly his post here was well written and phrased the high poly warning in an understandable way. So he speaks his mind - So what?! I'm tired of all the bashing and hope you all can contain yourselves to actual CC conversation. Which, by the way, this hair is INDEED nice, but now I know not to over-use it in my game.

  55. I don't know Shivar and i don't know if s/he is an arse or not, but s/he (ant the others that said this) is right. 18 000 polys for a simple straight hair is RIDICULOUS! Savio, did you learn to mesh from Anto?
    And all those stupid, blind noobs, saying that sims3 meshes need more polys?!?! No, they don't. You all need to read more before you go around repeating stuff you've heard around from other noobs.
