
June 16, 2010

Simple Bed Set by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. much better than the ea mesh i think but would prefer it with the flowers still on

  2. I don't think so. The flowers are too Nana-ish for my tastes. These are nice, Claeric! Thanks!

  3. I like it with the flowers too, not because its cool or modern, there's lots of other furniture for that already. It kind of reminds me of dollhouse furniture or the kind of handmade kitsch you can only find outside the city.

  4. didn't we have these ingame already??

  5. I LOVE YOU Claeric you make great modifications to the game

  6. @ Anon ^
    We had the right ones already. Claeric altered them to make them look better. He took the flowers of and made the pole thingies shorter.
    IMHO it looks much better. Thanks.

  7. Does anyone know the energy ratings? I'm guessing it is the same as the original but I really like for beds to have energy 10.

  8. I like the bed w/o those old fashioned flower on it and i love how everything has been downscaled.

  9. It's the same as the original. I only made these because there's no just plain normal looking generic bed because the country one has mile high posts and those stupid flowers, so it's just a little different price but same energy.

  10. THANK YOU!! Even with all my CC I still ache every time for normal, usual-looking beds. For anyone that didn't realise, the most normalish beds ingame have either those silly posts that lead nowhere, or iron bars, or silly-length/shape endparts.

    Love Claeric, never know what he'll create next <3

  11. Love it, downloading now. :D Thanks!

  12. Ohhh... is this an auto-replacement? Either way, I like this bed so much better now. Thanks! C:

  13. Love this! -download-
