
July 06, 2010

Anto 32 (Lady Gaga hair) Alpha Edit - Pooklet'd! by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Anto 32 + Alpha Edit_S3_TF-EF_Savio

The original was was done several times by Ailivina.


  1. Yay! Good to see more hairs!

    This looks great, Savio! Not my style, though, so I won't be downloading.

  2. "Lady GaGa hair." LOL. Older people would call this "Betty Page hair," not "Lady GaGa."

  3. Love this style. Haven't been enough updates lately.


  5. Thanks sav it looks so much better than the other version!

    To Betty Page anon: I don't see how this hair looks like Betty Page...

  6. ^You're not downloading the lips. You're downloading the hair. Or not.

    So tired of people focusing only on someone's model instead of the actual custom content they are providing.

  7. who the hell cares about betty page anyway this is lady gaga hair not some old nobody!

  8. Loving the hair, Savio!!! I think the model is really pretty too!


    The funniest thing about that quote in the above post is that in 10-20 years everyone will be calling 'lady gaga' a nobody (if anyone remembers her at all), yet many will still remember the legendary Bettie Page, rest assured.

    As far as the hair, it's the best version I've seen of this yet. Well done, Savio!

  10. I admit that we kids can be stupid and clueless but it is totally unfair to call all kids stupid and clueless. I can easily call all people over 60 old and boring but they're not.... stop the generalizations

  11. ^ Nobody said "all kids" but you. Calm down.

  12. Bettie Page will be remembered by the people who knows who she is, same will happen with lady gaga. And in 50 years kids won't know who lady gaga was, cause they didn't know her, so it'd be stupid to call them clueless/stupid/ignorants since they weren't born when she was famous.

    "So tired of people focusing only on someone's model instead of the actual custom content they are providing."

    So tired of people complaining about other's comments.

  13. Robodl95 and Anon above, thank you. Fame as we know it is fickle, but devotion lasts until you have been forgotten by all those who claimed to love you.

  14. I am a big fan of Betty Page's hair style, and this is nothing like it, I mean, NOTHING like it. The bangs are not cut the same, the rest of the hair is lacking a definite wave.

    Be it a "Lady GaGa" hairstyle or not, I would definitely say that it is NOT like Betty Page's hairstyle.

  15. Funny how it's a "Lady Gaga" style when she hasn't had her hair like this in such a long time! Either way, I like it. I like it a lot.

  16. So since Lady Gaga has had pretty much every hair imaginable, is every hair going to be 'Lady Gaga hair' from now on? :(

  17. ^yes because she's all that matters. she is the biggest thing to happen to music ever and more famous and unique then any other singer alive or dead.

  18. "there were women setting fashion standards long before your precious Lady Gaga."

    Since when did Gaga set set fashion standards?

    Seriously. I love her but I havent seen many people wearing cigarettes/cans/burgers in their hair and i dont think i ever will after her.

  19. lady caca tries very hard to be the next madonna but madonna sucks to so she sucks big time. i like this hair for fashionistas not some stupid pop imitator.


    Betty Page. With straight hair :)

    Now y'all stop bickering, the person who mentioned her clearly remembers these individual things and was referring to this.

    - -
    The hair in the upload is nice quality, but I have the original and it's good enough for me as I rarely use it.

  21. I love your hair Savio thank you for making my game so much better.

  22. "Bettie Page will be remembered by the people who knows who she is, same will happen with lady gaga. And in 50 years kids won't know who lady gaga was, cause they didn't know her, so it'd be stupid to call them clueless/stupid/ignorants since they weren't born when she was famous."

    False. I wasn't born when Bettie Page was famous but I sure as hell know who she was because she was legendary and an icon for her time, and that type of status gets passed down through the decades long after the person is gone. I would say the same thing if someone called Marilyn Monroe an "old nobody" as well. And yes, if someone didn't know who Marilyn Monroe was, I'd call them stupid and clueless, too. History is there for a reason.

  23. "

    Betty Page. With straight hair :)

    Now y'all stop bickering, the person who mentioned her clearly remembers these individual things and was referring to this."

    I agree with your statement. Of course, Robo sticks his foot in his mouth again because he's one of those teens who thinks he knows everything when he doesn't realize just how little he does know. He thought that by googling one pic of Bettie Page that he could prove that poster wrong. All he did was prove himself to be one of the young and clueless kids that was brought up earlier.

    The woman did sometimes have long, straight hair. Maybe next time Robo you should google a little harder, or you know, keep your mouth shut on things you have no clue about.

  24. OMG I had no idea who Bettie Page was. She was incredibly fierce and sexy glamorous.

  25. Yeah no kidding... people can straiten their hair, this is certainly not the style that people think of when they think of Betty Page though (Yes I have heard of Betty Page before), if you really have to google that hard to find a strait hair pic then this isn't her hair.... many people can have the same hairstyle. And besides this hair doesn't even look like the image you provided, it doesn't have enough volume

    I love how older people love to criticize the younger generations when they're just as screwed up themselves

  26. The hair is called "Lady GaGa" hair because the hair was modeled after her 2008-9 style. Anto from Cool Sims is a huge GaGa fan, no doubt he had originally made this hair after hers.

  27. I love this so much thanks Savio.

  28. Lol, this isn't Lady Gaga at all. I meant that the original mesh was that Lady Gaga hair by Anto from CoolSims, number 32. This is just an alpha edit of it. lol

  29. "Lady GaGa would be better if somebody would fucking set her on fire."

    Don't give her any ideas! That sounds strangely like something that she would do....

  30. Donatella Versace, Cher, Madonna, Lil Kim, me..... nothing really unique about this hairstyle... many women rocked it at least once in their lifetime

  31. "my god some of you are soooooo stupid lady gaga will always be remembered like beethoven just better."

    I love Lady Gaga because I like her music and I just like strange/weirdness, but Lady Gaga will never be remembered like Beethoven, and you know why because, Beethoven and Marylin Monroe, Bettie Page (I'm 24 Yes I know who Bettie Page is, that awesome hot Pinup Goddess) and others are LEGENDS and LEGENDARY.

    Lady Gaga is popular now and she maybe for along time (and I hope she is) but one day she may surprise a lot of people and do something amazing and became a legend to a lot of people, and in 40-50 year she maybe remembered the same way other Women of Music and Fashion were. So you can't compare anyone to Beethoven because Beethoven is just that Beethoven, Lady Gaga is Lady Gaga and that's how she will be remembered.

  32. lovely hair Savio!

  33. "False. I wasn't born when Bettie Page was famous but I sure as hell know who she was because she was legendary..."

    You can't say false. You know about her, because you read/watched her movies/whatever you did. There are still people who don't know about her, legend or not.

    Hell, I wouldn't have known about Hitler if it wasn't for school since it's not something people talk about at lunch. Maybe I'd have learned about it later reading or watching tv.

  34. On the actual hair... The teenage version was incredibly broken in my game and looked like a giant mess.

  35. Unfortunately in my game it did not work, even the thumbnail pic didnt work it looked exactly like it did in the CAS. A sparse, patchy fringe and a transparent rest of the hair. Is this something I have done , is it my graphics card failing or is it a problem with some downloads.It is a beautiful style and this is not a complaint just a query.
    Thanks for all your styles and to all the creators of objects,lots,clutter and hairstyles for sims 3, you make the game come alive, without you gameplay would be much less enjoyable and I appreciate all your efforts.

  36. "Lady GaGa would be better if somebody would fucking set her on fire."

    This needs to happen.

  37. "^yes because she's all that matters. she is the biggest thing to happen to music ever and more famous and unique then any other singer alive or dead."

    I'm hoping this is sarcastic, but if it's not... I beg to differ.

    Anyways, the hair looks great in those pictures.

  38. I remember a certain boy band, New Kids on the Block, being overly important to many teenagers at one time. They quickly turned on them as they will do to Lady Gaga. It happens with anything or anyone that teens worship like many boy bands or musicians like Debbie Gibson or Tiffany. My sister & her friends posters plastered everywhere of these and more than I have mentioned. They emulated their hairstyle & clothing choices to the point it made me want to vomit. That probably helped shape my taste in music which I can be thankful for today. Any icon or idol that people put on a pedestal eventually gets knocked off, it just happens. Kids grow up, find other interests, have a change in their taste for music, and many other such things.

    Not sure what it matters what custom content is called but just thought I would add the above. I love this hairstyle and will gladly use it often. Thank you for updating this one.

  39. For those who think Lady Gaga is original.
    She's not, she's simply bumming off previous musicians sense of style, making it ridiculous and claiming originality. She isn't even a good singer, she is the Britney Spears of this generation and will fade away eventually. Her music is not that good and actually has an incredibly generic sound. ]<

  40. This shows up in my game all screwed up. The thumbnail looks like a balding male hair. When I try using it all it shows is big see through patches with weird visible patches of what looks like paper. It is quite blocky. I don't believe it is my graphics card or computer because I can use all the high poly hair without any issue. I have only had this happen with 2 other hairs and that was back when they were first made as non default. Any information as to what the issue could be would be truly appreciated.

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