
July 28, 2010

Asian Faces - (Non-Default) by Lady Frontbum

Download at Lady Frontbum


  1. These are beautifully done!

  2. Finally, an asian skin that ACTUALLY LOOKS ASIAN!

  3. Oh LFB I love these and think it's clear you put a lot of time into them. My neighborhood thanks you!

  4. *clapping so hard, it hurts*

    I wubs u Lady. You have made my game so enjoyable. Thanks a whole lot for creating this skin.

  5. I put these skins on my Asian sims and they look GREAT! They actually look Asian now! <--Shot in-game with normal lighting.

    My only qualm is that the highlighting on the upper eyelid looks a bit too light. It's only noticeable when you adjust the eye socket height higher, though.

    Great work, FB!

  6. Great job! I love that you actually take time and give us variety!

  7. LFB you rock....another of your skins to add to my game. I think I'm going to run out of room soon.

  8. Now THIS is a realistic Asian skintone! Thank you!

  9. They do make sims look quite asian - and they also make them look very lovely.
    Thanks for all the effort you put into your work :D

  10. But whaaaat... if you wanted a sim with double instead of single lids?

  11. i made my selfsim then used this skin...its fascinating to see how i would look like if i were asian.

  12. Ohh myyy godddddd! *dies*

    these are going straight to my game...NOW!!!!!!!!

  13. lady frontbum's skins simply cannot be beat, and this is no exception!

  14. ms3b is Asian case closed!

  15. Thannnnnk you. The skins coming out now are SO FAR SUPERIOR to skins released just a 6 months ago.

    Incredibly fantastic work!

  16. OMG!!!! These are sooo incredibly awesome. I am going to put this skin on all my asian sims. Your skinning skills are clearly superior to all others LFB. We're not worthy, we're not worthy.

  17. This. is. amaaaazing!

  18. Very nice, thank you.

  19. Oh Lovely Ladyfrontbum, very nice indeed!! I like these better than the other ones I almost used.


    :runs into WA China and editsims all the inhabitants to have this skin:

    I freaking LOVE you Lady Frontbum.

    You, madam, are moar awesome than Chuck Norris.

  21. Amazing, as always miLady! :D

  22. Love almost everything about them ... except for the slight excess highlight on the upper lid, especially towards the center.

  23. ^I agree. I wish the excess highlight would be fixed because it's REALLY noticeable with some shades.

    But other than that, these are made of WIN WIN AND MORE WIN.

  24. dis iz reyscism chuu ayzian peepaul!!! laydfruntbam chur reysisct!!!11!!

  25. Anonymous oopz said...

    dis iz reyscism chuu ayzian peepaul!!! laydfruntbam chur reysisct!!!11!!


    i think it says: this is racism you asian people!!! ladyfrontbum you're racist!!!11!!



    gotta love trolls.

  26. it should be racism that you can't make a decent asian sim the way EA set it up. lol

    Thanks again LFB <3

  27. seriously, the sims in china. whoever made those sims has no idea what a chinese person looks like.


  29. WONDERFUL!! :downloads:

  30. ulker's newest pay hair


    Umm...I don't think so but I could be wrong...I saw a pic of her zombie and not zombie on her website, and she looked pretty caucasian to me....but idk... I could be wrong...

  32. Wow these are SO good -- this is the first thing I've ever commented on, despite being here for so long. I just had to say "THANK YOU!"

  33. Why there are only Asian skins? What happened to the other races like Mexicans and Blacks?

  34. Because Asians have markedly different facial features... in some instances, the monolids and the curved eyes. Blacks and Mexicans, however, have no defining features besides their own skin colors, and that can already be changed in-game.

    I think it's mostly the monolids that warrant an Asian skin because that's something you can't manipulate with the sliders.

  35. "i bet ladyfrontbum also goes to bed thinking FUCK YEAH IM FUCKING LADYFRONTBUM"

    That made me laugh, I'm not going to lie. But I agree her skins are amazing.

    Also let's not turn this into a race dispute. It's about her new skin.

  36. Uh

    speaking as black person, there are other differences people of African decent features besides the skin tone, like the noses and lips.
    I feel like the sentence doesn't sound right but yeah. I think you really notice it if you see an albino black person, their facial features just let you know

  37. ^ That was funnier the first time they said it.

  38. of curze de mekzicanz ar a rayze ar chuu ztupeed?

  39. Well...I'm Asian but I think it's Chinese skin.:/ There're many type of face in Asian.

  40. ^ I bet you're a real looker yourself.

  41. I am really hot myself.

  42. I am really hot myself.

  43. Oh thanks guys you totally made my day. I was having a shitty one too up til now!

    Re the excess highlighting on the upper lid, because I made these to be non-socketed eyelids I had a bit of trouble figuring out where to place the highlighting so it would still look ok when the socket is moved around. If you think it's too bright can you take a screenie for me and circle or point out exactly where you mean so i can try to fix it in v2?
    That would help heaps cos the eye has soo much freaking highlighting I look at the texture now and my brain just melts. Lol.

    And yeah these sorta are more chinese than blanket asian, but I did see some japanese images on google where they had eyes similar to this.
    If I can figure out where exactly to lower the highlighting on the lids I might be able to make it so you can have it both ways re the lid in v2. *fingers crossed*

    It shouldn't be too hard anyway now that the placement of the inner corners is done for all the genders. That was the hardest part.

    Omg I wrote a novel. HAHA

    *goes to bed and fucks herself*
    Oh wait... that's not what you meant...

  44. Another amazing skintone <3 I love it!

  45. should be called Chinese skin or Korean skin.Not offensive,but please remember Indie and Philippines,Thailand and more country are included Asia,and their face is very different from skins people called as "Asian skin".(I don't mention only LFB.And I'm fan of you.) So I feel strange when I see "Asian skin" always.

    And many Japanese eye is rounder than Chinese and Korean.(Japanese has 2 type eyes)

  46. Well Ladyfrontbum as soon as I saw this skin of course I had to download it and try it!

    I love it! It does take some messing around with the eyes and eyelashes are out of the question as they clipped.

    I will post Sim when I totally complete her. Took me 4 hours before I was satisfied! :(

    But awesome skin!!

    Thanks for sharing! And I had no problem with excess lighting in CAS on the eyelid, but I haven't tried her out in game so I will see then if it even matters.

  47. Speaking of eyelashes...does anyone know where I can find the really long lower lashes and is there a lash slider made 3rd party by anyone?

  48. "Uh

    speaking as black person, there are other differences people of African decent features besides the skin tone, like the noses and lips.
    I feel like the sentence doesn't sound right but yeah. I think you really notice it if you see an albino black person, their facial features just let you know"

    Agreed. In fact the nose from this Asian skintone is closer to an African nose than the basegame skin. I would think a nice mixture between the two would go a long way to making an African skintone. ... use the nose as in the Asian skintone, eyes as in the basegame skintone, and a custom mouth for fuller lips. ... I hope an African skintone is next on your to-do list Ladyfrontbum! You're the best skin artist out there! Thank you for all your hard work :)

  49. "
    Agreed. In fact the nose from this Asian skintone is closer to an African nose than the basegame skin. I would think a nice mixture between the two would go a long way to making an African skintone. ... use the nose as in the Asian skintone, eyes as in the basegame skintone, and a custom mouth for fuller lips. ... I hope an African skintone is next on your to-do list Ladyfrontbum! You're the best skin artist out there! Thank you for all your hard work :)"

    Noses can be manipulated using the sliders. In fact, many people have been able to make ethnic noses with the base game skin. Custom skins usually do special nose shading that results in some types of noses looking off. For example, Lady's first skin was perfect for making cute button noses, but could look odd if you manipulate it using the sliders into a more ethnic look.

    What Lady did here was create a skin with features that can't be manipulated with sliders. Mainly the eyelid area. Since, if you haven't noticed, Chinese people have a different eyelid shape than most other races.

    She states on her website that she she used the skin on one of her existing Sims to make her more Asian looking and she physically changed the nose with sliders in game.

    Now an African skintone already exists. You just have to have the ability to use your sliders to make the nose, lips, and whatever else you want to look the way you want it too. And then drag the skintone slider darker. If you severely lack in any Sim creating skill, find a couple of good African sims and download them.

  50. These are awesome, they even look good on none asian sims. Thank you so much for these <3

  51. If you guys want Indonesian and Filipino/a skins, make them yourself? She made an east Asian skin that suits Chinese. There is no need to complain. This is a lot better than a certain skin release a bit back where the people look more Down's Syndrome than Asian.

    Also, the male sim in the second picture looks exactly like my boyfriend, only he doesn't have those crazy brows. I want him in my game D:

  52. I'd say LFB's Silk looks good as an "African Skintone".
    And you can get fuller lips by editing them with the sliders.
    You don't need to change their texture to make them look fuller.

  53. These are nice, however, I actually find that I like MCalero's Asian skin better. I think the main reason everyone here hated on that one is because of the models. But I tried both tones on one of my sims, and MCalero's looked more Asian, and more matte. I don't always like the shininess of LFB's skins.

    Also, LFB's Asian skin has more definition on the nose, which ends up with more 'Eurasian' results, which is not what I was going for. And the other Asian skin... well. That doesn't look Asian at all to me. Heiret's does though, and I quite like that one, though I find I do prefer MCalero's for specifically Asian sims.

    Also... For the people wanting an African skin? .. Believe it or not.. I find it quite difficult to create white sims with certain characteristics! Try making a Liam Neeson sim some time and you'll see what I mean. The nose is the main issue. The only skin I've ever been able to replicate the lumpier white noses with is Aikea's, and hers doesn't even quite cover it well enough.

    So.. yeah... for noses.. I'd say it's easier to create an African styled nose with the current tools than a Liam Neeson type-nose.

    And you'll all hate me for that I'm sure.

  54. I actually like both these and MelCalero's.
    I can switch between them.

  55. These are so much better than the ones previously featured. I'm not surprised. LFB makes the absolutely best Sims 3 skins and faces available (IMHO). Love them <3

  56. Thanks guys, glad you like em :)

    I hate noses so much. We just need more sliders for them I think. It would be nice to be able to flare the nostrils and edit the bottom part of the nose tip.

    I wonder if I should have removed that highlight from the nose bridge. *ponders*

    Thuy, you can have that sim if you like, just pop me an email or a message on my blog and I will send the .sim file to you. :)

    I really need to make some zombie skins. I had a night-daydream last night that I made some contacts that had one of the eyes gouged out. Then I made an accessory that was an eyeball hanging from the eye socket. Rofl. Awesome.

  57. "I had a night-daydream last night . . ."

    O_O Saywhut.

    And since you have been a zombie before, I think you would be quite experienced in making zombie skin. At least, you were a zombie until I reached the bottom of the 'About Me' page. And I imagined you as a blonde, thanks for ruining that. >:/

    And I love this skin on te childrens!

  58. I consider, that you are not right. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
