
July 15, 2010

Bill Compton from True Blood by Arisuka

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Wow! He is perfect! I love that you put fangs on him! Thanks Arisuka!

  2. Great!

    Love True Blood.. !!

  3. I don't see it. :(

  4. don't know why they made his hair so dark... but he's great!

  5. ^ Helaene I had the same thought when I saw this. I will lighten the hair a bit but he really is done well. Oh and Helaene I am so thrilled you are creating for the sims 3! You were one of my top favorites for sims 2.

    Arisuka you always make such great stuff that I use often. I now have Sookie, Eric, Bill, & Lafayette in my game. The others I am hoping to add eventually are Alcide (book version not show version), Sam, Pam, & Jason.

    I am not enjoying this season as much as I had hoped to, they just have the dynamic all wrong between Sookie and Alcide. Anyone else that has both read the books & watches the show feel the same?

  6. Doesn't look that much like him.
    When I saw the picture without reading the title, the name Bill Compton just didn't come to mind.

    And I watch every true blood.

  7. it looks just like his fugly ass face! hate the guy who plays bill sorry :p but have to say, really nice work!

  8. I like this sim, very non-stereotyped. The fact that it's based upon a celebrity makes it much better. Good job. ;)

  9. Great resemblance. Now if someone could just pull of an Alexander Skarsgard I'd be really happy.

  10. Just started watching this series, and I knew who it was right away!

  11. He's awesome Arisuka :)

    " Jin-Ah said...
    Great resemblance. Now if someone could just pull of an Alexander Skarsgard I'd be really happy"

    I'd love to pull off an Alexander Skarsgard. *cough*

  12. Cool, the creator made Lafayette? I need to check out their site at MTS.

    I know that Lafayette is a gay character, but I absolutely love him.

  13. By it's self, this is a superb sim. The fact that it even looks like the celebrity makes it 100x more awesome!
