
July 19, 2010

Calum Lochlainn by Jin-Ah

Download at Jin-Ah's Sim Art


  1. He is pretty smokin' hot. Great job!

  2. Oh he is a cutie! Can I get a real one? :)

  3. Yay, unique sims!

  4. I'd give him a tap.

  5. Interesting. I'd just make him darker, his nose less sharp and make him look native american or something.

  6. ^ Why should he look 'more native american' when he's obviously a Scottish Highland Warrior?

    Lovely sim, will definitely download. <3

  7. Those eyes in some of the pics look downright FRIGHTENING.

    Other than that, I like'em.

  8. Wow, not liking that body skin.. AH well least thats changable.

  9. Like I said before, Kayla is the load her mother should have swallowed.

  10. "Um, wtf? Lol. ^^^ Maybe you're cringing because you have another outbreak of herpes?"

    Will you drop these immature schoolyard taunts? For someone who is supposedly twenty, you are acting like you are still in high school. No, scratch that - this type of back and forth beneath the belt taunting is middle school.

    You think you're being funny with the overly inappropriate wisecracks, but you're really just showing how immature you are.

  11. You can be an idiot at any age, no? This is proven by some of the other comments.

    Love the sim and hate the skin! Nothing new.

  12. Cool sim, and Kayla seems to be a successful over-emotional troll, always very entertaining :)

  13. "Lol. Jokes all around. Anyway hope your life turns around for the better since this is the most you can hope to do with your time, comment on my opinions of a SIM."

    Ah Kayla, you douche, aren't you not only perpetuating this drama on almost every blog entry, but responding to others as well? You are a sad little troll. Now, be a lamb and go eat your feelings...

  14. Oh, I almost forgot.
    The theme of the sim is quite unique, and even if it wasn't, his features are very unique themselves too.
    He's so full of awesome.

  15. Kayla hmm a very interesting individual, over emotional, hot-headed, says she is 20, but acts like 14. Probably bad child hood, dropped as child, always the follower and never the leader. We have an mergency right here!

    You should definitely masturbate more often to get calm, or get some professional help.

    With love the MS3B psychologist.

  16. Um, how about stop commenting at me when I'm making an opinion about a sim and stop making up irrelevant b.s.!

    If I don't think this sim looks right the way it is, thats it. It's final, no need to comment on that.

  17. ^ Exactly, yet we live in comfort knowing we are not nearly as stupid as Kayla.

  18. That was directed to SpaceChupi

  19. You think using a generic name is any better? It's like saying my name is Smith. I find it hard for you to know anything about me to warrant you know that I am a whore. So until otherwise why don't you shut the fuck up and get a life.

    You might have a point about your stepfather though, chances are he is the only one who would touch you, you know, if he was drunk. Truth is, by your behavior I can't see any sane man, or women wanting to come within 10 feet of you.

  20. Yes I agree. From you're stepfather. Like what was said above, he's the only one willing to touch you.

  21. Thanks MS3B for featuring him. I was happy to actually share something for once since I'm always downloading.

    Thanks guys for the nice comments, glad you like him. And once you download him he is, of course, yours to do with as you please.

  22. What about the children?
    Won't someone please think of the children?

    @The anon who talked to me:
    There are too many Kaylas here.
    They're like an army of stupidity.
    I don't even know how stupid the real Kayla is, because I don't know who is she.

  23. I swear, I laughed so hard at some of the comments here. I love pathetic, merciless taunting.

    And I hope Phycologist is a recurring poster.

  24. ^ "I hope Phycologist is a recurring poster."

    Couldn't agree more.
    I really like this sim. He's got a nice bone structure. I'm curious to see how his kids will look like.
