
July 26, 2010

Cazy Anto's Hair 81 ~ Pooklet'd by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: Anubis360_CXSims_coolsims_anto_fhair81

Requires Cazy's version to work


  1. Im not a huge fan of the bangs but it's cute.

  2. How did you get it to require the mesh? I thought that you had to include the mesh or else it wouldn't work.... I heard that a while ago has it changed?

  3. If you retexture something (anything) with CTU and export, it won't retain the mesh, so you'll need the original file with the mesh to work.

  4. ^

    You can use CTU to alter the texture files. In essence though you still *need* the mesh. It just allows for you to have Cazy's and Anubis's.

    Which is a plus in some eyes but if you weren't a fan of Cazy's textures, your kind of stuck with them unless you can retexture it for yourself or if you know a work around.

    Aikea did the same thing with her retexture of I think it was one of Tumtum's hairs.

  5. I love it with the flower.

  6. I want it. But I really don't want Cazy's version in my game. Guess I'll just make due with the fringe-less version from earlier.

  7. My main issue is still the LODs.

    I am going to say this ... at start Caxy did conversions and attempted to follow the basic standards set by EA with proper bone assignments and not making LOD0-LOD2 using the same high count mesh.

    Now ... I see no difference from Peggy does from a technical standpoint, Anubis ends up fixing a lot of things that is one of the reasons I now wait for him.

  8. heyy i didnt know anubis made an ORIGINAL hair! its very cute!

  9. This looks great! Too bad I'd have to have cazy's version for this to work – I'll just pass.
    But ooh, you have a beautiful new model there!

  10. "I want it. But I really don't want Cazy's version in my game. Guess I'll just make due with the fringe-less version from earlier."

    This. It looks great with the retexture, but I feel like putting Cazy's in my game implies support for her douchebaggery, so I'll pass.

  11. I'm going to pass but only because of the polycount. It looks gorgeous. :)

  12. Very cute :) That blue in the last pic actually looks pretty cool as well

  13. I wish Anubis had been able to fix the LODs. :/

  14. "I wish Anubis had been able to fix the LODs. :/"

    He would've been able to, but Cazy is such a diva and throws temper tantrums about hairs - whether they are merely conversions or her own. So he couldn't just completely redo it and release a version that didn't require her shitty hair to stay in your game.

    Cazy doesn't care if people have flawed hairs as long as SHE is the only one who gets any credit. She's afraid of being shown up.

  15. I downloaded Cazy's and I love the style since it's my hair style, but the floating syndrome bothers me, since we already know it can be fixed.

  16. That blue hair color looks utterly gorgeous. I really like how it looks and I wouldn't mind having Cazy's in game.

  17. Sorry, stupid question, but what are LOD's? :S

    Also, it's a good retexture (as always), but the mesh makes the face look buried under the hair. :(

  18. LODs are Level of Detail. When you zoom out, hair/clothes/etc. have lower LODs so your computer doesn't blow up trying to load all that detail. There are 4 LODS for clothes and 5 for hair. At least, that *should* be right.
