
July 29, 2010

Cazy Anto's Hair 82 ~ Pooklet'd

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: Anubis360_CXSims_coolsims_anto_fhair82

Requires Cazy's version to work


  1. That was fast. :O

  2. I am the Queen Troll, and I forbid any trolling on this comments section. All trolls will face an uncertain death.

    Thank you all, and be afe.

    -Queen Troll

  3. What does afe mean D:

    Nice retexture as always :D

  4. ^ lmfao I think they meant safe xD

  5. oh good a new ginger model. the old one gave me nightmares. O.O

  6. Love it so much!!!

  7. I really love how the tips on the bangs are done.

    I'm still on the fence about downloading. I can't decide if I want the wasted space of Cazy's version in my game.

  8. Someday in a perfect sim world....all my sims hairs will be Nubified XD This is just getting it that much closer. Anubis is my sims hair hero :D

  9. On the subject of hair conversions (I know this is a retexture but it's of a conversion...)

    Does anyone know of any creators who take conversion requests? I think I might start vomiting uncontrollably with rage if I see any more god forsaken bobs converted. Same hairstyles over and over and over, we've seen this one 20 times already.

    I want to request a particular Sims 2 hairstyle. But I don't know where to do it. :(

  10. Ask for anime hair that none but you wants somewhere else, not in my post, ok? Or even better, do it yourself and swallow all that "rage".


  12. Wow, that was insanely fast.

    Thanks for the retexture!

  13. LMFAO@Anubis. You go, boy! Good on you for telling Claeric off.

    Does anyone know of any creators who take conversion requests? I think I might start vomiting uncontrollably with rage if I see any more god forsaken bobs converted. Same hairstyles over and over and over, we've seen this one 20 times already.

    You know, Claeric, a little kindness goes a long way. You post in this thread because you want to know where you can make conversion requests, yet you insult the main ones who do the conversions by saying that you are going to start vomiting uncontrollably with rage if the same hairs keep being converted over and over again. When you want someone to do you a favor, you don't throw in insults to boot. You have absolutely no social skills and you seem to think that you can be as nasty as possible to people and still get what you want. The world doesn't work that way. Learn some tact. People who might have been willing to take your request OR direct you to someone who would may no longer be due to your nasty attitude and unnecessary insults.

  14. Shivar doesn't know the meaning of the phrase, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

  15. The reason why the people at MATY attack Claeric/Shivar is because he has a condescending 'know-it-all' attitude and is often proven wrong. Here, he is more likely to get away with it because he deems people on this blog less intelligent and the perfect target for his unbridled rage towards the "morons" as he likes to call them. Basically if someone knows they can intimidate you, they will, but he knows he can't intimidate the posters at MATY.

  16. I don't really mind if I piss off or insult the people who constantly convert the same hairs over and over again, because clearly they have no interest in converting anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before, and they contribute little to nothing to the custom content community.

    You've seen one too-big-for-the-head ultra-flowy female hair and you've seen them all. Converting a million of them is unecessary and stupid. My intent was to insult those people.

  17. Claeric just because you don't like something and it and those who create it are of no use to you personally does not give you free reign to insult people or their work.

    The world does not revolve around you and it's not okay to go around insulting people. We are not 5 years old and it's not okay to throw a tantrum and call people names because everything they do does not cater to you and your interests.

    Grow up.

  18. This proves that the long neck issue whas either me or Cazy's model, because on yours looks perfectly normal.
    And the textures are awesome as always.
    Thanks, Anubis :D

  19. "Shivar, shut the fuck up. This why MATY hates you, MTS has banned you, and everybody on MS3B attacks you, because you have the biggest mouth possible. Instead of not thinking what you are going to say before you actually say it, just keep your big mouth shut, or, go whine about it on your blog."

    He is back at MTS trolling under the name Achromagus while laughably trying to pretend it isn't him even though it clearly is since he can't restrain himself from his usual bad behavior.

  20. Everyone should just ignore whatever he says. Don't bother replying him as I'm sure nothing will enter that thick skull of his.

  21. "I don't really mind if I piss off or insult the people who constantly convert the same hairs over and over again, because clearly they have no interest in converting anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before, and they contribute little to nothing to the custom content community."

    Little to nothing? Are you REALLY that far up your own ass that you believe this? How delusional are you? The main converters in the community have converted probably over 200 hairs together and clearly they are styles that lots of people want. People like you are actually in the minority with your wants for the types of hairs you request. Just because you think that these styles aren't worthy of your superior taste doesn't mean that these people are contributing little or nothing to the community; they are surely contributing more useful things than YOU have and a greater volume too, and more people download these various hairs/conversions than your mods.

    "My intent was to insult those people."

    For those who constantly want to whine about people being mean to Claeric and defend him, statements like this one are exactly why people hate him. He insults other creators, makes no qualms about it and wants to be intentionally hurtful in order to get what he wants. He isn't "sharing" his opinion. He is being purposefully inflammatory.

  22. Wow. I wasn't digging this hair before, but Anubis made me like it! :)

    On another note, I am so sick of the childish insults.

  23. Meh. I don't even care anymore about the fights.

    On a side note, I'd really, reaally want this for kids.

  24. Personally, despite his obvious behavior, I usually understand where Claeric is coming from. I sometimes think the same things myself, I just never say anything. All the bashing is absurd and over the top. Personally, I think of the bashers as Claeric's fans. :)

    As for this hair in particular, I like it, but bobs aren't for everyone. There are, like Claeric said, many bob styles already. It's difficult for me to find a hair that is like my girl's hair as she is used to Australian trends-- bobs tend to be a very American thing.

    While this design is good, I understand the criticisms.

    Anyway. Nice job, Anubis.

  25. "I don't really mind if I piss off or insult the people who constantly convert the same hairs over and over again, because clearly they have no interest in converting anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before, and they contribute little to nothing to the custom content community."

    Then why are you bothering to request anything from them? Go convert it yourself.

  26. "I sometimes think the same things myself, I just never say anything. All the bashing is absurd and over the top. Personally, I think of the bashers as Claeric's fans. "

    So basically, because people are calling Claeric out for bashing creators and saying that he MEANT to insult them and that they contribute little to nothing to the community, we are the ones absurd and we are really Claeric's fans?

    The only one over the top is Claeric. Wake up and get your head out of his ass. If you don't like to see the same styles converted over and over again, then there is a nicer way of saying it without trying to be purposefully hurtful to the people who spend several hours week after week to convert hairs.

    If you don't understand this point, then you're as much of a jackass as Claeric is.

  27. Haha, Anubis, Maria Luz sure pulls well the wacky hair colors.

  28. u are also jackasses for bashing him, his attitude sucks but why would you keep on blabbing on and on about it?

  29. "u are also jackasses for bashing him, his attitude sucks but why would you keep on blabbing on and on about it?"

    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

  30. "u are also jackasses for bashing him, his attitude sucks but why would you keep on blabbing on and on about it?"

    Because Claeric thinks he can get away with this - he is a bully and not everyone is going to sit back and let someone bully themselves and others. If Claeric says that he intended to insult creators that spend so much of their time providing FREE content for us just because they aren't making what HE wants and deems worthy or useful, then yes, many of us are going to take objection to it.

  31. even if trolling in a sims blog was really evil, claeric would still get bored if we ignored him

  32. you know what bullies want?
    dont give that pleasure to him

  33. "even if trolling in a sims blog was really evil, claeric would still get bored if we ignored him"

    You have a point. He does indeed thrive off the negativity because he trolls for a reaction. Clearly, the guy needs to either a. get out more so he won't have to go around multiple forums on the internet insulting people and b. see a competent psychiatrist.

  34. Look, I have requested people do more ethnic hairs. But I have no reason to be a jackass about it because I know people put a lot of time and energy into making these hairs for us.

    See the difference between a statement like: "This is a nice style and I'm sure it appeals to a lot of people, but I would love it if creators would please do more ethnic styles. We are severely lacking in that department."

    And this:

    "Is there any place I can request someone convert ethnic hairs? I am going to vomit uncontrollably with rage if people keep posting the same shit over and over again. Who cares if the people I'm requesting help from get insulted? I meant to insult them because they should cater to my needs and perverted sense of entitlement. They contribute little to nothing to the community."

  35. "I don't really mind if I piss off or insult the people who constantly convert the same hairs over and over again, because clearly they have no interest in converting anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before, and they contribute little to nothing to the custom content community.

    You've seen one too-big-for-the-head ultra-flowy female hair and you've seen them all. Converting a million of them is unecessary and stupid. My intent was to insult those people."

    Yes, Shivar, you are SO RIGHT. Clearly these creators are not worthy. NOT WORTHY, I tell you.

    Instead, everyone should all bow to you and your AMAZING game-saving mods, such as:

    1. Useless mod that does absolutely nothing anyone wants A
    2. Useless mod that still does absolutely nothing anyone wants B
    3. Useless mod that forever does absolutely nothing anyone wants C

  36. ^ that's because you're no Shivar

  37. ok, i agree that claeric's intent to insult creators like anubis is not nice. i agree that a lot of hairstyles that currently out there are very similar, but i also appreciate that people have different tastes to my own and it takes a lot of effort to mesh something.

    saying that, i think the negative reactions to claeric/shivar's comments are out of proportion. i mean things like 'ungrateful know-it-all self-absorbed thick-skinned jackass' is just ridiculously personal and mean compared to what he has written.

  38. "saying that, i think the negative reactions to claeric/shivar's comments are out of proportion. i mean things like 'ungrateful know-it-all self-absorbed thick-skinned jackass' is just ridiculously personal and mean compared to what he has written."

    How so? He basically tells you that he doesn't care if he insults converters and in fact is bold enough to say that he MEANT to insult them, and then what is said back to him is what is ridiculously mean? Both statements are personal and his statement is no less personal than the statement you are quoting.

    Also, have you seen some of the things Claeric has said on this blog? He's called people cunts, twats, "illiterate braindead morons" and much worse than anything that has been said to him on this post.

  39. Oh, and I'd also like to add that when he threw around those types of insults, it was with little to no provocation other than the fact that he deemed someone stupid. No one was even attacking him personally when he called people those horrid names.

  40. Seriously unless you intend to drum up sympathy for Shivar, which is what I feel when I read this thread, can we just concentrate on anubis' wonderful hair now?

  41. Anubis hair is SO uglay I won't bother talking about it.

  42. Isn't it interesting how instead of posting his offensive comments on Cazy's post, the actual converter of this hair, Shivar chose to post it on Anubis's post instead when he merely retextured it?

    Your trolling agenda was well played, Shivar, well played.

  43. ^Shivar looks for the strongest reaction. He baits people. He knows that recent posts show that more people have attacked than defended Cazy but more people always defend rather than attack Anubis. He knew if he posted both those comments in Cazy's post, he wouldn't receive the type of controversial reaction he was looking for because people would probably agree, but he'd definitely get it in a post featuring the work of Anubis.

  44. Yeah. Everyone loves Anubis.

  45. Aside from the one or two negative comments on Anubis's posts, most comments for Anubis and his work are nothing but praise. The same is no longer true for Cazy.

  46. There are some people who will defend Claeric no matter what he says or does.

    There are others who will attack Claeric no matter what he says or does.

    I, on the other hand, believe in fairness. There are times I will wholeheartedly agree with him because everything he says is not offensive or wrong, but if he's being unnecessarily rude and saying things like he "meant to insult" creators, I'm not going to pat him on the back and enable him.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I don't know if you could say he thought that much into it, you'd be giving him to much credit.

    I completely agree he shouldn't be insulting any of the creators. Especially since he doesn't work with hair at all. I don't think bitching at him is a good option either, it's just giving him attention.

    So remember kids, "DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!"

  49. For some reason, I imagine Anubis being a wolf with eyeglasses that has trouble using his keyboard because of his large paws, but somehow retextures hairs for te Sims, even with his clumsiness.

    Am I right?

  50. Btw, the hair is lovely, looks less gappy (Is that a word?) than Cazy's.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. ^ Woah, triple post. Now that is just cold hearted, Blogger.

  54. luv bobs, the more the better! thankies anubis!

  55. anon above me can't you see evryone had stopped argueing
    no need to continue it on!

  56. Frankly, I like subtle variations on the same basic style. It adds personality to the hair and allows styles to fit more sims.

    Also, seriously people, have you never been on the internet before? Stop feeding the fucking trolls.

  57. Ooh, I love this hair! The fringe is just great!

  58. You guys need to stop giving Claeric the attention he wants. If you ignore him he'll shrivel up and die.

    On another note, this looks really nice but I don't want Cazy's version in my game. I'm going to wait and see if RobodI95 does it, because he/she seemed to be considering it without requiring Cazy's.

  59. Wooh! His other duplicate accounts were banned. Lokk Claeric, THEY HAVE YOUR IP ADDRESS ASSHOLE, THEY KNW ITS YOU. Follow his bannings here:

  60. ""

    LMFAO. I actually did a search for his posts and he always claims he is not "Claeric" when it's so obvious that he is. "Who the hell is Claeric and why do you keep calling me that?" So not only is he a jackass, he's a lying jackass to boot. Never a good combination.

    See, the problem with Claeric is that he thinks he is smarter than everyone else, when it's becoming more and more apparent that he isn't. This is why he keeps getting caught at MTS for trolling (he just CANNOT resist being an asshole and doesn't realize people can pick up on his aggressive writing style) and why he is constantly attacked at MATY. I mean, the people at MATY have even gone to the trouble of putting their distaste for this jerk in their signatures.

  61. Holy cow, thats a little far, isn't it?

    I think it's a legitimate complaint that too many of the hairs people convert are almost identical. This might not be the perfect place to bring it up, but I wasn't intending to- I just wanted to know if there are any hair converters who take requests, any who would be likely to have an interest in converting things that *arent* the same style over and over again, is all. I didn't mean to throw anything off, it was a hair conversion so it seemed like a good place to ask.

    Though at least we now know there can be multiple pages of comments, I guess. That's kinda cool.

    And I'm not that guy on MTS.

    It's kinda funny, two other people- also not me- were banned for being me a couple months ago. One of them, Nesiroo, talked to me about it. I wonder if they got their account back.

    I think MTS is a liiiiiiiiiiittle bit paranoid.

  62. ^wooo thats alot of posts saying the same thing
    but you ppl are calling claeric rude but calling someone a faggot 500 times...

  63. '^wooo thats alot of posts saying the same thing
    but you ppl are calling claeric rude but calling someone a faggot 500 times...'

    sorry i posted that a bit late because there were two pages i didnt see the commens at the end, sorry

  64. "Though at least we now know there can be multiple pages of comments, I guess. That's kinda cool.

    And I'm not that guy on MTS."

    Claeric, please. Who do you think you are fooling? Anyone can take one look at your posts under Achromagus and tell that it's you. You make the same arguments and condescending arrogant attacks on posters in your defense of EA that you did under the name Claeric. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. Your problem is that you think you can outsmart anyone but you cannot resist using your same holier-than-thou vitriolic tone wherever you go. You have a specific style that is unique to you and different from other people who are trying to be assholes.

    Now if you're an admin, you don't even need to go by that, you can look at the IP addresses. Even if you are using a proxy, there are indeed ways for those savvy enough to get the real IP address. Give it up already and stop trying to play victim.

  65. ^ umm.... epic anger management fail.

  66. To the spamariffic anon. That is COMPLETELY uncalled for. It is also highly illegal. I suggest you get some help for your anger. You should probably also visit you local GLBT facility and take some lessons on tolerance.

  67. ...shit. Maybe I really don't have all of the power I thought I had. :/

  68. Speaking on one of Claeric's earlier posts, what THE FUCK DO YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THE CC COMMUNITY? Man-unitards, man-croptops, and zits?

  69. ^LMFAO. Because Claeric's belly shirts for men were SO IN DEMAND by most people in the community. People were just falling all over themselves to get those, let me tell you.

  70. Claeric is like a genital wart... you can yell at it, but that's not going to do anything.

  71. Love this. I love an asymmetrical bob, especially with side bangs. It's modern, but classic and polished.

  72. Saying Cleric does not contribute is inaccurate. He has not done as much, but he has still contributed. I use his CAS world all the time. And his Wraithsands neighborhood looks amazing even if I can't play it.

  73. As much as I would like to verbally kick Shivar in the nuts, I have observed that he would merely press back and say "oh yeah, mooore ;)))" because Shivar is a masochist and enjoys negative attention.

    You guys. Obviously, your insult-flinging and, albeit correct, evaluations of him DO NOT FAZE HIM. Come on! He's been on this blog for months, if not a year or more, and we've been bitching at him for a majority of that time.

    It's never going to penetrate his head. He just feeds off of the attention. So stop giving him what he wants, jfc. For a blog so obsessed with calling out trolls, the most obvious of them all seems to have gotten by us!


  74. so i still really hate claeric

  75. ^ well, even if it doesn't faze him, at least it helps let off steam.

    Oh, btw... Shivar's face is so ugly, his mother had to put a bag on his face as a child.

  76. Hey Claeric I think you'd be a really good serial killer ^_^
