
July 06, 2010

Custom Launcher with Package Management by granthes

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. :D

    once downloads are back up i'm definitely using this. I've done the S3PE merge but I think this would be easier for me since its doing it for you, especially when adding new files

  2. ^I agree! The advantage of having the Launcher do it for you is that, like with installing .sims3packs, you can easily delete, add, or replace a file without having to do it manually like in S3PE.

  3. You also can't easily tell which package is which once you've combined them in s3pe, but this utility actually allows you to see the package name. BRILLIANT. This should be stickied under "Updates" on this blog.

  4. i wish someone would do something like this for macs :(

  5. MACS SUCK!!!! hahahahah

  6. I often see programs like this at MTS and other places that aren't supported on MACs.

    I was always told by MAC users that with a Windows partition, MACs could run everything a Windows machine could. So is this not true after all?

  7. ^ You can, but you'd be running it in windows.

  8. Then why don't MAC users just run/install all their Sims-related stuff in the Windows partition? Wouldn't it make it easier?

    They could still run everything else in the MAC one.

    I'm thinking of getting a MAC one day and it is what I would do since there are so many incompatibilities with certain programs. In fact, I think I'd run all my PC games in the Windows partition.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I often see programs like this at MTS and other places that aren't supported on MACs.

    I was always told by MAC users that with a Windows partition, MACs could run everything a Windows machine could. So is this not true after all?

    It is true. You understood it correctly. My husband has a Mac Pro and using boot camp he runs both and switches easily between them as needed.

  10. However, you need to purchase Windows software (like Home or Business or whatever) to make Boot Camp work. If you already have it, great, but if you don't you have to go out and buy it and I think it costs around a $100 or so, which is ridiculous.

    So for those of us who don't have the money handy, we're stuck without these awesome mods :/
