
July 28, 2010

Joseph Shade by MurderPrincessK

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. "Designed as Native American/Cherokee"... to me it looks like a white man with black skin and a woman hairstyle.

  2. ^ Go google some more Native Americans, he looks dead-on to me!

  3. He looks totally spot on. First anon is being a jaded-jerk.

  4. This looks very well done to me! Thanks!!!

  5. Very well done!

    First anon, that comment would've been funny had this Sim been poorly made and actually looked like you described, but because this Sim is spot on, your comment has been met with FAIL.

  6. First Anon why do I think you are the heckler from my last sim...hmmmm, but if you really think his looks off just don't download. Plenty of sims out there for you to pick from.

    Thanks for the lovely compliments guys. I'm finding I enjoy sharing and its not as much of the pain I thought it would be.

  7. He looks really nice and beautiful. I rarely download sims but this one is going straight to my game! Thank you!

  8. Excellent work Jin-Ah. He reminds me of my Great Uncle George, his hair was long like that and had a dark reddish, brown skin. My Great grandma was full Native American, Cherokee, and George and my Grandpa were half NA/Black.

    I loved to hear the stories my uncle would share with the family, I miss him alot. This sim is going in my game for that alone.

  9. The first anon can't even distinguish between colors, this sim has reddish brown skin, very far from black skin, his hair is black,lol.

  10. Wow, this is SO spot on, excellent job. Its so refreshing to see sims of a different ethnicity being made.

  11. Apparantly, none of you are native american decent... he does NOT look Cherokee at ALL. My great grandfather was Cherokee. Not close.

  12. Oh, and if you want constructive criticism... his nose should curve downward, and be more thin. His cheeks should be much stronger and skin should be lighter. Unless he's been out in the sun for days straight.
