
July 10, 2010

New Programs and Mods at Mod The Sims


  1. I heard someone posted about the Patch Downloader on EA's official Sims 3 forum, and EA deleted the post. LOL! I hope it's because they're ashamed that fans create better programs for the game than they do. Maybe they don't want to admit that many people have constant launcher problems.

  2. Has anyone tried the Address one?

    Whenever I did it manually before, it would just make my game stutter. Not sure what that means.

  3. I just downloaded the Address Aware. I will post my results later.

  4. I got a crash after address aware... uninstalled and no more crashes. hmmmm.

  5. ^I've had no problems with the LAA. Are you sure you followed the instructions and/or had enough extra RAM?

  6. The Sims 3 Patch Downloader is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) things I've seen yet to hit the Sims 3 community.

  7. I usually crash after 2hrs of gameplay, but while using the Address Aware, I was able to play for 6 hrs before needing sleep. It seems to work better than CFF Explorer, at least for me.

    I will continue using this app and see if it can withstand the more intense going on adventures, hopefully the LAA will pass the test.

  8. I'm going to assume the Address Aware won't work for me because I'm on a 32 bit Windows using XP Media Edition. From what I've found, the 3GB switch (used for 32 bit systems) does not work on Media Edition (Which is just plain STUPID) and the whole CFF Explorer does absolutely nothing for me. When I tried settig up the 3GB switch on my computer the only thing that happened is my keyboard stopped working. *Rolls eyes*

    I will *try* Address Aware when MTS is back up (currently down for maintenance), but I doubt it will help. (I crash after about 2 hours or I just get Error 13 upon save.) It's just my rotton Windows XP Media Edition that does not allow me that 2GB solution. I'm getting a new computer in 1 to 2 months with Windows 7 64 bit so YAY! THEN I can finally put it to use!
