
July 28, 2010

New Tab/Section for Your Updates

Instead of posting your updates in other people's threads, post it in the "Your Updates Here" tab at the top. I'm going to leave this at the top for a day or two, so you know.



  1. oh well that's cool! Thanks Joe

  2. Thank you Joe that will be so much easy than emailing!

  3. Oh, that's a very nice idea.

  4. ooh awesome idea, but i just wonder how long before people start spamming it. lol

  5. Anon I was thinking the same thing, that might get cluttered quick, and hard to find the goods, but i guess its a good idea. Might be easier for you to find all the sites have updated.

  6. Maybe he could delete the entrys after he posts them

  7. Oh this is nice, now Robodl95 and others won't spam in everyone else's business anymore! Love it!

  8. Smart. I do feel bad when I hijack the comments thread, won't need to anymore.

  9. Just wanted to take my time to say that this blog is the best thing to happen on the sims community ever since Mod The Sims, up there with the Booty. :)

    And it looks like it takes a lot of time and patience, so i wanted to let you know it's worth it. Because we love it.

  10. Well of course he would delete it, he takes care of his site and i am very well aware of that. ah derrr

  11. Wonderful addition to your site!

  12. That's a great idea :D

  13. he can just wipe all the comments after he posts updates that people give :o

  14. Fantastic idea!!

  15. You should add a "claeric's crap" tab so we don't have to look at it in the main site.

  16. Are you going to feature every single thing people put there? You should if your doing this or it kind of slaps the faces of them not featured.

  17. He usually features everything he gets in e-mail so I'm assuming. Any content could be useful to someone.

  18. "Are you going to feature every single thing people put there? You should if your doing this or it kind of slaps the faces of them not featured."

    Sounds like someone is butthurt. If MS3B featured every single little thing someone posted, not only would it triple his job of maintaining this blog but it would become a cluttered cesspool.

    I don't want this place becoming like TSR (which means anything that is submitted, no matter how poor in quality or design, gets accepted) and I'm sure most others wouldn't as well. If he was do to what you said, then that opens this place up for borked content, like TSR and the Exchange. MS3B is generally careful in what he posts because not every creator takes the time to make their stuff correctly or categorize it correctly, leading to people's games getting messed up.

  19. Half of the stuff posted on here is catagorized corectly. He even has posted stuff that isn't the best in quality. If he learns that NO ONE wants it he'll often just delete the post.

  20. I agree that he should not post just any little thing, it would be nice if he posted some lots from the exchange every now and then, even through the big muck of content there are some really shining jewels of houses that are much better than a lot of houses that are posted here (mainly because most of them don't use so much CC!)

    There are a ton of little sites out there where people just post sims and they get a little annoying, so reserve sim posts for really cool & unique ones.


  22. Yes, but like someone stated before:

    "Are you going to feature every single thing people put there? You should if your doing this or it kind of slaps the faces of them not featured."

    It would kind of make other people feel bad because they didn't get featured.

  23. "It would kind of make other people feel bad because they didn't get featured."

    Who cares? This isn't TSR or the Exchange where everything that gets submitted is accepted.

    MS3B has always had some type of quality control. He needs to keep it.

  24. I'm not saying that he should accept complete shit content. Even though, he already does with some of the crappy textures rose and peggy use. But if there is something on someones blog or whatever that you would usually think absolutely no one would use, someone could still use it for soemthing specific.

    All I'm saying is that he should think about who could use the content he post. I am in no way telling Joe how to post items on the blog.

  25. "All I'm saying is that he should think about who could use the content he post."

    Oh, shut up. He has in the past and I'm sure he will in the future. You're just bullshitting. Joe, for the most part, posts diverse stuff all the time. So stop making trouble where there is none and generally acting like an asshat.

  26. o.o Thats the first time I've ever head anyone else say asshat. My friend says it all the time and it bugs me.

  27. Well, I suppose you've acknowledged defeat, judging by the way you picked out one word of my post while avoiding the main point.

  28. Wonderful addition and I like the thinking behind it - you're great :D

  29. "All I'm saying is that he should think about who could use the content he post."

    I disagree. The point of a "finds" blog is to pick out quality finds in the community, not "well, somebody might use this, even if it's crap". That's what google is for.

  30. Since when is unique/wanted by only a very small amount of people/fits a very specific role synonymous with crap?

  31. It's not necessarily. However, this is the statement that leads me to believe the other anon was referring to downloads that would not otherwsise be featured on the blog.

    "But if there is something on someones blog or whatever that you would usually think absolutely no one would use, someone could still use it for soemthing specific."

  32. *otherwise. Damn typos!

  33. Anime stuff comes to mind; most people scoff at the anime/fantasy things Rose creates, but other people love it and have a use for it in their game. It's all a matter of taste, I think.

  34. I think category comes into play here too.

    I mean, we wouldn't want pudding faced crap sims featured from the same creator all the time, and we wouldn't want mediocre houses that anyone could build either.

    Original/new creations (CC) should always be featured though, IMO. No matter how bad/strange it is, it's new, and someone might want it.

  35. ^


  36. ar chuu ztoopiz!????!!11??!!
    precious sims sims ar owzooom chuu ol jeluz of em bicuz churr zo uglayy bitzhez

  37. "Original/new creations (CC) should always be featured though, IMO. No matter how bad/strange it is, it's new, and someone might want it."

    Again, I have to disagree. This isn't to be insulting, but the Sims community is huge, and it's not feasible for everybody to be included. It depends on how you view the purpose of the site, and only Joe can answer that question with 100% certainty.

    What you're describing is an "updating" site, which places like MTS, BPS, and Sims Cave have in spades. These are places in which sites, especially new ones, advertise their updates. Conversely, a finds site is strictly "good" content, however that's defined.

    I was always under the impression that the blog itself focuses on "finds", whereas the links on the side of the page are advertisements for smaller sites that may or may not be featured.

  38. chu dun let em prechsuuz sims here becuz deir chuu gud for dis crappeh blog

  39. Keep doing what you've been doing because this blog is incredible, and it is my # 1 source for finding quality Sims 3 content. Quality control is a good thing :)

  40. Agreeing with Awwboo, keep things as you have been doing it. It has been successful from the beginning, don't change for the N00Bs.

    I just wish there were a clicky for the trolls to make their comments. Sigh, I would be too happy.

  41. Anyone know why sexysims2 is down? Has been for a couple weeks :S

  42. ^You posted the same question yesterday. Sexysims2 is not down and hasn't been down for a couple weeks. I check there multiple times a day, so I know. Next time, check Down for everyone or just me? before posting.
