
July 01, 2010

New Things at The Sims 3 Store

When traveling to the Far East to seek the tranquility of famous hot springs isn’t an option, your Sims can bring that tranquility home.

20 items are included in this set - 850 points

Get your blood pumping and celebrate the World Cup and Running of the Bulls with this free set. Olé!

2 items are included in this set - Free

The big day is finally here! Now your Sims can unite in matrimony with this classic wedding set. You're welcome, Bridezilla.

39 items are included in this set - 1,500 points


  1. I love the wedding stuff. Its a must buy!

  2. The wedding set is so pretty :)

  3. Love the wedding set! The fondue fountain does leave something to be desired but I really love that buffet table with the cake!

    It would all make for a really nice backyard private wedding.

  4. I love that spas set and the World Cup = Awesome except for the stupid plumbbob on top of it... a lot of those dresses are pretty too.

  5. The wedding stuff is gorgeous!

  6. The wedding stuff is great!!! Even though I don't throw "real" weddings that often (meaning that I don't stage a huge wedding scene with a real wedding dress, tux etc. it's usually in the park or front lawn, people come as they are) the dresses are all really great (There is such a lack of real formal wear) and the decorations are super!

  7. It makes me want to marry a couple of Sims so I can use this stuff. So, I wonder how long it's going to take before someone mods the wedding cake so it has two men or two women on top of the cake? LOL.

  8. I like the Far East Pack. Got enough wedding stuff and fancy chairs. Don't use them enough.

    My doggone buffet table doesn't serve all the way either. So, meh.

  9. if we get a free link to the wedding attire set, i would be very happy and thankful

  10. JIZZ... IN MY PANTS.

  11. Wow, I really love the spa stuff.

  12. Zen all the way for me!! Love it!!

  13. Love everything but the Running of the Bulls thing... Shameful and cruel 'tradition' we have in my country :(

  14. Zen plz. Its amazing. And I love the details in the wedding pack. Very pretty. Too bad some of it is stuff people wont use that often, like B said.

  15. No male wedding gown? D:

  16. WOW ! amazing, I love all of it!

  17. I love the wedding stuff

  18. YEEEAHHHHH wedding items.. thanks EA.. I was waiting for that for such a long time... Thanks

  19. Gaaah. I want the wedding stuff... For free. Dx

  20. I must have the wedding stuff! :D

    Hey Joe, I updated (again!). I am on a roll!

  21. The thing that most excites me about the wedding set is that there is a wedding cake that you can actually eat!

  22. I don't think you can eat the cake, it's just a decoration

  23. Can the cake be eaten or recolored? I wanna know.

  24. aww, i love both sets

  25. The buffet table with the cake on it says Hunger: 9.

    Does that mean it will be the normal game food for the buffet table and that the cake is just decoration or can you eat the cake as well?

  26. More payshit, if i ever need it i gonna pirate this stuff, EA is gonna see any cent for this crap.

  27. i must get atleast the asian flowers, pretty

  28. i must get atleast the asian flowers, pretty

  29. i must get atleast the asian flowers, pretty

  30. i must get atleast the asian flowers, pretty

  31. Gah, want!!! I wish I could get this without paying...

  32. ^Um, you can.

    Wait on MATY.

  33. can't wait for the wedding stuff! looks nice

  34. 800 dresses and one suit? A million hairs and none for males? I wish the content they make wasn't so overwhelmingly geared towards female sims. Hell, even when browsing for stuff, the female symbol is clicked by default. I know it's a female-heavy genre, but come on, EA! :( Custom Content is the same way, so frustrating.

  35. Actually, I believe the Sims (according to recent polls) has a 50/50 ratio of males to females that play. It is a bit saddening of the lack of stuff for the guys though. :(

  36. Is it? I know with the first game it was much more females (because I remember Will Wright was upset about it, since they specifically tried to make it appeal to everybody), I didn't realize it had changed.

    That makes it even more inexcusable :(

  37. We really do need more things for Males and Toddler/Kid.

  38. It'll be on MATY? Yay!

  39. (coughcough wedding set coughcough)

  40. ^Thanks, Anon!

    BTW, that's not decrapified is it?

  41. Check all downloads for viruses before you open them on your computer!!!


  43. I always remember hearing that it was a 60/40 split, that was a while ago though.

    Well to be fair if you think about it males really don't have a ton of variety. Girls have a lot more options (Long hair, short hair, pony tail, skirts, dresses, bikinis, etc.)
    than guys do, it's been that way all through history so I don't expect sims to be any different

  44. Viruses? But I use condoms!

  45. if you think about it males really don't have a ton of variety

    Sure, if you're stupid or sexist.

  46. Is anyone having problems using Delphy's Multi-Pack Extractor with the last store sets? I tried extracting the .package files from the .sims3pack of both It's Game Time and this Wedding set but then my game wouldn't load. So I tried opening one of the .package files in both s3pe and Postal and couldn't. In Postal, the error message is this, "SEVERE This is not a DBPF File, and cannot be opened. (Expected 'DBPF', found DBPP)"

    Did EA change something recently? I did this just fine in the past with the Asian Fusion and Animals store sets. When I try installing through the Launcher I get a message telling me I don't have the latest game updates (I do), and I read elsewhere that that is just the Launcher's way of saying you are trying to install a store pack that you didn't buy/download yourself.

  47. Sorry, but I think wedding veils for guys isn't ever going to happen from official EA stuff xP

  48. I love the wedding set. I would like the soccer trophy, but the plumb bob on top of it ruins it for me. I hope someone can remove it. The zen set has some nice stuff too.

  49. got em all woot!

  50. Is the cake recolorable as in... you can make it with two brides or two grooms on top instead of just a straight couple?

  51. I really, really like that Zen set. Meh on the free-bee this time around. I love the wedding stuff but I've never once held a formal wedding in my game so am debating if it's worth the cost. It reminds me of the wedding stuff from the Celebrations stuff pack from Sims2.

  52. The wedding stuff looks fantastic

  53. @anon i have the exact same issue and dont know what to do to keep this from happening, not much use to being a pirate if i cant even use this stuff, i wonder if it needs to be decrapified

    anon: Did EA change something recently? I did this just fine in the past with the Asian Fusion and Animals store sets. When I try installing through the Launcher I get a message telling me I don't have the latest game updates (I do), and I read elsewhere that that is just the Launcher's way of saying you are trying to install a store pack that you didn't buy/download yourself.

  54. Here is a link to the newest store sets in .package format:

    Includes wedding set, zen set, and adrenaline rush set.

    It didn't say it was decrapified, so it should be ok. Hope this will help those who can't install previous files via Launcher or using Delphy's tool.

  55. Thank You So Much ^ I'll go and try it out.

  56. The cake is not recolorable. YOu can color the cloth and the ribbons. Which sucks because the other two colors could easily be the flowers/petals and the cake itself.

  57. "Thank You So Much ^ I'll go and try it out."

    Let me know if it worked! :)

  58. This just goes to show how greedy EA is, instead of including this stuff in the base game they go charge us for it, glad im getting this stuff for free

    im already spending too much of my money on the damn games.

  59. "This just goes to show how greedy EA is, instead of including this stuff in the base game they go charge us for it, glad im getting this stuff for free"

    It's really silly how people think a company is being greedy, EA is a company not personal friend, company's do not have souls (no matter what Fisk Johnson says XD) of course a company is going to try to make money any way possible. It's not like EA is a super company immune to the recession

  60. How could they have included objects created recently in a game released a year ago?

  61. It worked perfectly. Thank you.

  62. "Here is a link to the newest store sets in .package format:"

    Can someone tell me if this is a decrapified package file? I don't want to put this in my game, add the objects to a saved game, save, and then remove them later only to find out my save game is forever ruined because I was using decrapified items in a non-decrapified game.

  63. I giggled when someone said a company has no soul. EA has no soul!!! LOL. I think on top of that, some of the employees are VERY lazy. I say that because someone just said the wedding cake was not recolorable. How hard would it have been to make the wedding cake recolorable? Not hard at all.

  64. ROBODLwhatever

    So im being bashed now for pointing out shit that any one with a brain knows?
    You dont know what goes on in there so why dont you go jack off to your hair conversions mkay?

  65. MILEY CYRUS TROLL WHERE ARE YOU????????????????

  66. "So im being bashed now for pointing out shit that any one with a brain knows?
    You dont know what goes on in there so why dont you go jack off to your hair conversions mkay?"


  67. these are seriously the ugliest sims ive ever seen, even arlo bunch looks better.

  68. /Impersonation fail


  70. What is that bucket doing in a bathroom set?

    Are you supposed to pee in it or something? :S

  71. ^ It's for putting towel, washing hair, feet and etc.

  72. The wedding chairs look oddly like the wedding stuff we had in the celebration stuff pack for TS2. Not that thats a bad thing, I liked the celebration stuff :) I'd buy it but I don't throw any weddings.

  73. The chairs in the wedding set look like the ones we got in the celebration pack for TS2. Not that that's a bad thing. I would get it, but I never have sim weddings.

  74. Visit!!! A new blog

  75. That emo hair with the small vail is perfect for funerals, Imagine if EA released a funeral set! :D

  76. Oh they know they have us with this one. The wedding set DOES pack a punch I have to say. My question is:

    Are the flowers in the vases/table decor and trellis recolorable? They look to be... but EA seems to fail on this repeatedly.

  77. BTW - they also Do NOT eat the cake apparently - which is utter fail there. So I also presume they do not drink from the glasses/toast.

    Why they didn't just make a wedding stuff pack that had working items - I have no idea - Big Mistake!

  78. ^anon It is not a cake. It's a chocolate fountain decoration. :)

  79. Sorry to double post but I really like the sets they made this time around. I love the Zen again set :)

  80. Wtf, they can make all this shit but they can't make a functional wedding arch.

  81. "^anon It is not a cake. It's a chocolate fountain decoration. :)"

    No, there is a cake on the buffet table. The chocolate fondue fountain is separate.

    I assume both are just decoration, though.

  82. i love the wedding set

    and why would a groom need so many diffrent hairstyles? they prcatically wear the same hair as their everyday hair. i have never seen a man wear a veil to a wedding. so shivar pls shut the fuck up!

  83. Clearic WILL wear a veil when we get married.

  84. "No, there is a cake on the buffet table. The chocolate fondue fountain is separate."

    Oh! I miss understand. Sorry I was trying to help. I didn't notice the buffet table. Hope you understand :D

  85. Can someone please tell me how to fix the issue that others had? The one about not being able to open DBPP .package content (protected store files) in s3pe? People on MATY are saying that they made a .package file from Trinity's sims3pack that she downloaded, but I don't understand how they are able to get around that DBPP error.

    Were they using s3rc? Can you use s3rc safely to get those files to open in s3pe WITHOUT decrapifying? Or is s3rc only for decrapifying?

  86. "'if you think about it males really don't have a ton of variety'

    Sure, if you're stupid or sexist."

    Well it's true.... hate to break it to you but there isn't a ton of NORMAL male styles as compared to female ones.

  87. "Here is a link to the newest store sets in .package format:"

    Can someone tell me if this is a decrapified package file? I don't want to put this in my game, add the objects to a saved game, save, and then remove them later only to find out my save game is forever ruined because I was using decrapified items in a non-decrapified game."

    That has to be a decrapified package because if it's not, I don't see how they are able to get past the error message for protected store content in order to compile a new .package.

    If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

  88. Well there is not that much variety for male clothing or haircuts, at least compared with women.

    I dont understand why people are complaining that the game also reflects that, fashion right now is very female biased.

    The argument about this lacking male wedding clothing ... well we already have several tuxedo available as well other formal clothing that work just fine, also there are hats as there was NO veils in the game or much of female dresses that could be used in weddings.

    Also on the subject of decrapified packages, I serioud doubt it since the stand is "if you decrapified it, dont share it", besides what is the point of doing it as the purpose of decrapify is making the launcher to install it? also I been making my .package files just fine using the original method ... either people not taking one of the steps or something changed, I think people are just trying to extract without doing the first step.

  89. i hope somebody extracts the wedding hats

  90. Also on the subject of decrapified packages, I serioud doubt it since the stand is "if you decrapified it, dont share it", besides what is the point of doing it as the purpose of decrapify is making the launcher to install it? also I been making my .package files just fine using the original method ... either people not taking one of the steps or something changed, I think people are just trying to extract without doing the first step.

    You're right. Before I had just extracted it with Delphy's Sims3Pack Multi-Installer without running the file over s3rc.exe first.

    So for anyone else who may have been confused about it not working, download Pescado's s3rc from here.

    1. If you are NOT looking to decrapify (which I wasn't), then extract ONLY the s3rc.exe file to the desktop or a folder of your choice.

    2. Then extract the untouched version of the Wedding set or whatever store pack you have. Drag the store .sims3pack over the s3rc.exe. A black window will pop up. Since the store sets are usually big, the black window may stay up for a few minutes. This is ok. Don't touch it and just let it finish. It will disappear on its own.

    3. When the window disappears, that means s3rc is done. Then you can open up Delphy's Multi-Pack Extractor and extract the .package file contents to the folder you have designated. You can stop with this step if you don't wish to combine all those single .packages into one large .package.

    4. (Optional) If you choose to combine into one large .package, open up s3pe and go to File>New. Then go to Resource>Import>From package. Hit Ctrl+A to select all the files from the folder you designated and hit "Open." If you want files compressed, make sure the check box for "Compress" is checked. Then Import and wait for all the files to be imported. Thanks to s3rc, you should no longer encounter the error about DBPP files. When it is finished, go to File>Save and save it with the name of your choice. Then put the new combined .package file in your Mods/Packages folder like you would any other.

    I was confused about s3rc because I thought it was ONLY for decrapifying. Once I downloaded s3rc, I saw that the rar contained two separate files: s3rc.exe and decrapify.exe.

    Hope this info helps others. :D

  91. BTW, I'd also like to add some users at MATY were reporting that the link from this info

    ("Here is a link to the newest store sets in .package format:")

    is missing the festive fencing. The issue was solved by Panama_Crew repacking the file, but the problem with his new link is that he included ALL the sets in one big .package file. So if you just want the wedding set, you might just want to download Trinity's untouched .sims3pack and use the method I described above to extract the files yourself to make sure nothing is missing.

  92. "Here is a link to the newest store sets in .package format:"

    Thank you!! It works fine, I dont know really what everyones on about but i didnt do anything to it and it works fine in my game. Everything is really nice, also all of the vails and hair things are recolourable so all of them could be made into funeral accessories :) again.. Thanks!

  93. Is there a chance someone will do a retexture (without really retexturing it) just to remove the veils from the hairs? I like the textures just fine as they match the other official hairs. And the veils are beautiful, but so is the hair. I'd really love to use the hair without the veils. No, I'm not begging for free hair. I bought the set :) So you can leave the meshes out if you're worried about EA getting on your tail for legal stuff. If you can still remove the veils via the textures and channels, that is?

  94. The cake can be made recolorable, but it need more work into it:

  95. i like the hair with the little viel on it if only someone would make that viel as an accessory i would deff far as hair creation why hasnt the sims creators taken hints from CC creators on how to make hair actually look good as in textures and just..not looking like ass.

  96. Anon, how you did that?
